Episode 49 | Transcript

Xinqing Lu (Joanne)
22 min readOct 2, 2023


Xinqing: Hello大家好。
Xinqing: Hello dà​jiā hǎo.
Xinqing: Hello everyone.

hello Fhilippo
hello Fhilippo
hello Filippo

Filippo: Hello你好。
Filippo: Hello nǐ​hǎo.
Filippo: Hello.

Xinqing: 我怎么叫你比较好?
Xinqing: wǒ zěn​me jiào nǐ bǐ​jiào hǎo?
Xinqing: What should I call you better?

Filippo: 菲利普,对,因为其实我有一个中文名字,但是我不是特别的喜欢。
Filippo: Fēi lì pǔ, duì, yīn​wèi qí​shí wǒ yǒu yí gè Zhōng​wén míng​zi, dàn​shì wǒ bù​shì tè​bié de xǐ​huan.
Filippo: Filippo, yes, because I actually have a Chinese name, but I don’t particularly like it.

Xinqing: 你的中文名字是什么?
Xinqing: nǐ de Zhōng​wén míng​zi shì shén​me?
Xinqing: What is your Chinese name?

jiào Fēi lì pǔ.
Called Philip.

Fēi lì bó, suǒ​yǐ shì nǐ de míng​zi de yīn​yì, bù​shì tè​bié xǐ​huan zhè​ge míng​zi.
Filippo, so it’s the transliteration of your name. I don’t particularly like this name.

Filippo: 我觉得有点奇怪的。
Filippo: wǒ jué​de yǒu​diǎn qí​guài de.
Filippo: I think it’s a little strange.

Xinqing: 你要不要取一个新的名字?
Xinqing: nǐ yào bù​yào qǔ yí gè xīn de míng​zi?
Xinqing: Do you want to choose a new name?

Filippo: 可以,你帮我起。
Filippo: kě​yǐ, nǐ bāng wǒ qǐ.
Filippo: Okay, you can help me.

Xinqing: 然后下次我们讨论一下取名字。
Xinqing: rán​hòu xià​cì wǒ​men tǎo​lùn yī​xià qǔ​míng zì.
Xinqing: Then next time we will discuss the name.

所以 Philip我们是同事,然后其实你是意大利人对吧?
suǒ​yǐ P hilip wǒ​men shì tóng​shì, rán​hòu qí​shí nǐ shì Yì​dà​lì​rén duì ba?
So Philip, we are colleagues, and you are actually Italian, right?

Filippo: 对,我来自罗马。
Filippo: duì, wǒ lái​zì Luó​mǎ.
Filippo: Yes, I’m from Rome.

Xinqing: 你学中文多少时间了?
Xinqing: nǐ xué Zhōng​wén duō​shǎo shí​jiān le?
Xinqing: How long have you been studying Chinese?

Filippo: 中文我大概学了5年,我是在高中的时候学的,我们意大利的高中就15年的,然后对,然后后面就没有再学了,但是我我经常在练习,后面我学了之后就有很多机会去中国,然后认识很多中国人中国的朋友,然后就有这种练习的机会。
Filippo: Zhōng​wén wǒ dà​gài xué le 5 nián, wǒ shì zài gāo​zhōng de shí​hou xué de, wǒ​men Yì​dà​lì de gāo​zhōng jiù 15 nián de, rán​hòu duì, rán​hòu hòu​miàn jiù méi​yǒu zài xué le, dàn​shì wǒ wǒ jīng​cháng zài liàn​xí, hòu​miàn wǒ xué le zhī​hòu jiù yǒu hěn duō jī​huì qù Zhōng​guó, rán​hòu rèn​shi hěn duō Zhōng​guó rén Zhōng​guó de péng​you, rán​hòu jiù yǒu zhè​zhǒng liàn​xí de jī​huì.
Filippo: I have been studying Chinese for about 5 years. I learned it in high school. Our high school in Italy only lasted 15 years. Then, yes, I didn’t learn it again after that, but I often practiced it, and then I learned it. After that, I had many opportunities to go to China, and I met many Chinese people and friends, and then I had the opportunity to practice like this.

Xinqing: 你在中国工作过,还是也有学习过。
Xinqing: nǐ zài Zhōng​guó gōng​zuò guò, hái​shi yě yǒu xué​xí guò.
Xinqing: Have you worked in China or studied there?

Filippo: 两个都有,对,因为我在罗马的高中他就比较特别,他是跟孔子学院有一个合作,不知道大家认不认识孔子学院。
Filippo: liǎng gè dōu yǒu, duì, yīn​wèi wǒ zài Luó​mǎ de gāo​zhōng tā jiù bǐ​jiào tè​bié, tā shì gēn Kǒng​zǐ xué​yuàn yǒu yí gè hé​zuò, bù zhī​dào dà​jiā rèn bú rèn​shi Kǒng​zǐ xué​yuàn.
Filippo: Both, yes, because he was quite special when I was in high school in Rome. He cooperated with the Confucius Institute. I don’t know if you know the Confucius Institute.

Xinqing: 可能有一些听众学中文的听众可能知道孔子学院 Confucius institute对,
Xinqing: kě​néng yǒu yī​xiē tīng​zhòng xué Zhōng​wén de tīng​zhòng kě​néng zhī​dào Kǒng​zǐ xué​yuàn Confucius institute duì,
Xinqing: There may be some listeners who are learning Chinese and may know the Confucius Institute.

Filippo: 然后我们通过 institute,我的高中就提供一些其实是必须要上的课。
Filippo: rán​hòu wǒ​men tōng​guò institute, wǒ de gāo​zhōng jiù tí​gōng yī​xiē qí​shí shì bì​xū yào shàng de kè.
Filippo: Then we went through the institute, and my high school offered some classes that were actually required.

nà shì yí gè lǐ​kē gāo​zhōng, dàn​shì jiù lǐ​kē gāo​zhōng duì, rán​hòu yě shì tōng​guò yī​xiē Zhōng​guó de Dà​xué de hé​zuò, wǒ​men jiù​shì xué​xiào měi​nián huì dài wǒ​men qù Zhōng​guó cān​jiā yí gè xià​lìng​yíng, suǒ​yǐ dà​gài shì kě​néng měi​nián qù liǎng gè Xīng​qī​sān gè xīng​qī zhè yàng​zi de, rán​hòu yě qù cān​guān yī​xiē Zhōng​guó de gōng​sī, rán​hòu qù shàng Hàn​yǔ kè shén​me de, kǎo HSK Hàn​yǔ shuǐ​píng kǎo​shì.
It was a science high school, but for science high schools, and through the cooperation of some Chinese universities, our school took us to China for a summer camp every year, so we probably went there for two or three weeks every year. Then I also visited some Chinese companies, and then took Chinese classes and took the HSK Chinese proficiency test.

Xinqing: 你的HSK是不是分数很高?
Xinqing: nǐ de HSK shì​bù​shì fēn​shù hěn gāo?
Xinqing: Is your HSK score very high?

Filippo: 我考了6级。
Filippo: wǒ kǎo le 6 jí.
Filippo: I passed level 6.

Xinqing: 但是6级对你应该远超于远高于6级了,我觉得你的中文非常的厉害impressive。
Xinqing: dàn​shì 6 jí duì nǐ yīng​gāi yuǎn chāo yú yuǎn gāo​yú 6 jí le, wǒ jué​de nǐ de Zhōng​wén fēi​cháng de lì​hai impressive.
Xinqing: But level 6 should be much better for you than level 6. I think your Chinese is very impressive.

Filippo: 谢谢,但是我觉得也没有,因为我觉得我的词汇量可能没有那么的大,就是我觉得我的发音比较好,但是我的日常交流完全没有问题,
Filippo: xiè​xie, dàn​shì wǒ jué​de yě méi​yǒu, yīn​wèi wǒ jué​de wǒ de cí​huì liàng kě​néng méi​yǒu nà​me de dà, jiù​shì wǒ jué​de wǒ de fā​yīn bǐ​jiào hǎo, dàn​shì wǒ de rì​cháng jiāo​liú wán​quán méi​yǒu wèn​tí,
Filippo: Thank you, but I don’t think so, because I think my vocabulary may not be that big. I think my pronunciation is better, but my daily communication is no problem at all.

Xinqing: 对比较好笑的是,因为有一次我们是同事,然后在办公室里就忽然听到有人在说中文,我觉得非常impressive的是,你只要是跟中国的同事在我们办公室都会用中文聊天,哪怕是一些关于工作上的事情,你也会试着用中文,非常勇敢,因为我有在学法语,但是我还是不敢跟说法语的同事在工作环境当中说法语。
Xinqing: duì bǐ​jiào hǎo​xiào de shì, yīn​wèi yǒu yī​cì wǒ​men shì tóng​shì, rán​hòu zài bàn​gōng​shì lǐ jiù hū​rán tīng​dào yǒu​rén zài shuō Zhōng​wén, wǒ jué​de fēi​cháng impressive de shì, nǐ zhǐ​yào shì gēn Zhōng​guó de tóng​shì zài wǒ​men bàn​gōng​shì dōu huì yòng Zhōng​wén liáo​tiān, nǎ​pà shì yī​xiē guān​yú gōng​zuò shàng de shì​qing, nǐ yě huì​shì zhe yòng Zhōng​wén, fēi​cháng yǒng​gǎn, yīn​wèi wǒ yǒu zài xué Fǎ​yǔ, dàn​shì wǒ hái​shi bù gǎn gēn shuō Fǎ​yǔ de tóng​shì zài gōng​zuò huán​jìng dāng​zhōng shuō Fǎ​yǔ.
Xinqing: Yes, what’s funny is that once we were colleagues, and then we suddenly heard someone speaking Chinese in the office. What I find very impressive is that whenever you chat with Chinese colleagues in our office, they will all use Chinese. Even if it is about work, you will try to use Chinese, which is very brave, because I am learning French, but I still dare not speak French with my French-speaking colleagues in the work environment.

Filippo: 其实我理解,因为我也是在学法语,然后我的法语就没有那么的好,然后我也不太自信,但是我觉得中文的话现在过了那么长时间,我还是比较自信的。
Filippo: qí​shí wǒ lǐ​jiě, yīn​wèi wǒ yě shì zài xué Fǎ​yǔ, rán​hòu wǒ de Fǎ​yǔ jiù méi​yǒu nà​me de hǎo, rán​hòu wǒ yě bú tài zì​xìn, dàn​shì wǒ jué​de Zhōng​wén de​huà xiàn​zài guò le nà​me cháng shí​jiān, wǒ hái​shi bǐ​jiào zì​xìn de.
Filippo: Actually, I understand, because I am also learning French, but my French is not that good, and I am not very confident, but I feel that after so long, I am still more confident in Chinese.

Xinqing: 然后今天想跟菲利普聊什么呢?
Xinqing: rán​hòu jīn​tiān xiǎng gēn Fēi lì pǔ liáo shén​me ne?
Xinqing: And what do you want to talk to Philip today?

wǒ​men liǎng gè qí​shí dōu gāng​gang guò le shēng​rì, suàn suàn qí​shí yě bú suàn gāng​gang guò le, wǒ​men shì 7 yuè​fèn.
In fact, both of us just celebrated our birthdays. Even if you think about it, it’s not just a birthday. We are in July.

7 yuè​fèn de shēng​rì.
Birthday in July.

duì, rán​hòu wǒ jiù xiǎng wèn wèn nǐ, zài Yì​dà​lì huò​zhě zài Luó​mǎ, nǐ​men guò shēng​rì yī​bān shì yǒu​méi​yǒu shén​me chuán​tǒng?
Yes, and then I want to ask you, in Italy or in Rome, do you usually have any birthday traditions?

yī​bān shì zěn​me​yàng qìng​zhù shēng​rì?
How do you usually celebrate birthdays?

Filippo: 我觉得意大利或者说欧洲过生日,就是你的生日很重要的一天,然后你就一般是跟家人和朋友分开过的,比如说我就会比如说跟我家人吃个饭,然后吃完饭了,我就出去找朋友喝一杯酒什么的,然后就会收礼物。
Filippo: wǒ jué​de Yì​dà​lì huò​zhě shuō Oū​zhōu guò shēng​rì, jiù​shì nǐ de shēng​rì hěn zhòng​yào de yì tiān, rán​hòu nǐ jiù yī​bān shì gēn jiā​rén hé péng​you fēn​kāi guò de, bǐ​rú shuō wǒ jiù huì bǐ​rú shuō gēn wǒ jiā rén chī gè fàn, rán​hòu chī​wán fàn le, wǒ jiù chū​qù zhǎo péng​you hē yì bēi jiǔ shén​me de, rán​hòu jiù huì shōu lǐ​wù.
Filippo: I think birthday celebrations in Italy or Europe are a very important day. Then you usually spend it separately from your family and friends. For example, I will have a meal with my family and then finish the meal. After dinner, I go out to meet friends for a drink or something, and then I collect gifts.

nǐ de jiā​rén huò​zhě péng​you jiù huì gěi nǐ zhǔn​bèi yí gè lǐ​wù, rán​hòu rán​hòu chī dàn​gāo.
Your family or friends will prepare a gift for you and then eat cake.

Xinqing: 然后蛋糕也是必要的吗?
Xinqing: rán​hòu dàn​gāo yě shì bì​yào de ma?
Xinqing: And is cake also necessary?

Filippo: 对蛋糕是必要的,然后你要吹蜡烛,我觉得其实跟我看到的在中国过生日的方式还挺像的,可能礼物就有一点点不一样,但是吃蛋糕或者吃一个大餐,这些都是不是一样
Filippo: duì dàn​gāo shì bì​yào de, rán​hòu nǐ yào chuī là​zhú, wǒ jué​de qí​shí gēn wǒ kàn dào de zài Zhōng​guó guò shēng​rì de fāng​shì hái tǐng xiàng de, kě​néng lǐ​wù jiù yǒu yī​diǎn​diǎn bù yī​yàng, dàn​shì chī dàn​gāo huò​zhě chī yí gè dà​cān, zhè​xiē dōu shì​bù​shì yī​yàng
Filippo: The cake is necessary, and then you have to blow out the candles. I think it’s actually quite similar to the way I saw birthdays celebrated in China. Maybe the gifts are a little different, but eating the cake or having a big meal , are these the same

Xinqing: 礼物有什么不一样的,比如说你们一般会送什么样的礼物?
Xinqing: lǐ​wù yǒu shén​me bù yī​yàng de, bǐ​rú shuō nǐ​men yī​bān huì sòng shén​me​yàng de lǐ​wù?
Xinqing: What are the differences in gifts? For example, what kind of gifts do you usually give?

Filippo: 我觉得一般可能很多人一起,比如说你的朋友,可能就安排一个生日晚会,然后你邀请20人来,然后这20人就一起给你买一个比较大一点的东西,而不是说每个人给你带一点就是一个小东西。
Filippo: wǒ jué​de yī​bān kě​néng hěn duō rén yī​qǐ, bǐ​rú shuō nǐ de péng​you, kě​néng jiù ān​pái yí gè shēng​rì wǎn​huì, rán​hòu nǐ yāo​qǐng 20 rén lái, rán​hòu zhè 20 rén jiù yī​qǐ gěi nǐ mǎi yí gè bǐ​jiào dà yī​diǎn de dōng​xi, ér bù​shì shuō měi gè rén gěi nǐ dài yī​diǎn jiù​shì yí gè xiǎo dōng​xi.
Filippo: I think generally a lot of people may come together. For example, your friend may arrange a birthday party, and then you invite 20 people, and then these 20 people will buy you a larger thing together, instead of saying that everyone It’s just a small thing I’ll bring you.

Xinqing: 对,然后你家人也会给你送礼物吗?
Xinqing: duì, rán​hòu nǐ jiā rén yě huì gěi nǐ sòng​lǐ wù ma?
Xinqing: Yes, will your family also give you gifts?

wǒ​men xiàn​zài zài Zhōng​guó, yīn​wèi wǒ yī​zhí zhù zài guó​wài, wǒ bà​ba mā​ma tā yě méi​yǒu bàn​fǎ gěi wǒ mǎi lǐ​wù, suǒ​yǐ yǒu hěn duō gè shēng​rì dōu shì wǒ bà​ba mā​ma jiù huì zài wēi xìn shàng gěi wǒ fā yí gè hóng​bāo, jiù zhī​dào hóng​bāo jiù​shì tè​bié liú​xíng zài Zhōng​guó, rán​hòu bǐ​rú shuō yǒu hǎo péng​you yě jiàn bù​dào, wǒ méi​yǒu bàn​fǎ zhēn​rén jiàn​miàn yě huì fā yí gè hóng​bāo, duì, dàn​shì bǐ​rú shuō 6 kuài qián huò​zhě 8 kuài qián nà​zhǒng hěn xiǎo de hóng​bāo.
We are in China now. Because I have been living abroad, my parents can’t buy me gifts. So for many birthdays, my parents will send me a red envelope on WeChat. I know that red envelopes are special. It’s popular in China, but for example, if I have good friends and I can’t see them in person, I will send a red envelope even if I can’t meet in person, yes, but it’s a very small red envelope like 6 yuan or 8 yuan.

Filippo: 我觉得我们朋友之间送钱的话可能不太常见,但是家人对还挺普通,就还挺常见的,一般就是你的父母或者说你的阿姨,我知道在中国,就是你妈的姐姐和妹妹,你爸的姐姐妹妹。
Filippo: wǒ jué​de wǒ​men péng​you zhī​jiān sòng qián de​huà kě​néng bú tài cháng​jiàn, dàn​shì jiā​rén duì hái tǐng pǔ​tōng, jiù hái tǐng cháng​jiàn de, yī​bān jiù​shì nǐ de fù​mǔ huò​zhě shuō nǐ de ā​yí, wǒ zhī​dào zài Zhōng​guó, jiù​shì nǐ mā de jiě​jie hé mèi​mei, nǐ bà de jiě​jie mèi​mei.
Filippo: I think it may not be common for our friends to send money to each other, but it is quite common for family members to give each other money. Usually it is your parents or your aunt. I know that in China, it is your mother’s sister. And sister, your dad’s sister and sister.

Xinqing: 长辈就会给你。
Xinqing: zhǎng​bèi jiù huì gěi nǐ.
Xinqing: The elders will give it to you.

Filippo: 就有很多不一样的词,但是反正就是
Filippo: jiù yǒu hěn duō bù yī​yàng de cí, dàn​shì fǎn​zhèng jiù​shì
Filippo: There are many different words, but anyway

Xinqing: 对,在中国的所有亲戚都有特定的词,对。
Xinqing: duì, zài Zhōng​guó de suǒ​yǒu qīn​qi dōu yǒu tè​dìng de cí, duì.
Xinqing: Yes, there are specific words for all relatives in China, yes.

Filippo: 然后我们就比较简单一点。
Filippo: rán​hòu wǒ​men jiù bǐ​jiào jiǎn​dān yī​diǎn.
Filippo: Then we make it simpler.

Xinqing: 但说实话我真的我也搞不清楚,我不知道比如说哥哥的妹妹或者哥哥的表妹怎么叫,我真的叫不出来,我觉得还是像外国这样比较容易。
Xinqing: dàn shuō​shí​huà wǒ zhēn de wǒ yě gǎo bù​qīng​chu, wǒ bù zhī​dào bǐ​rú shuō gē​ge de mèi​mei huò​zhě gē​ge de biǎo​mèi zěn​me jiào, wǒ zhēn de jiào bù chū​lái, wǒ jué​de hái​shi xiàng wài​guó zhè​yàng bǐ​jiào róng​yì.
Xinqing: But to be honest, I really don’t know. I don’t know what to call my brother’s sister or my brother’s cousin. I really can’t name them. I think it’s easier to call them like foreign countries.

nà bǐ​rú shuō nǐ zuì nán​wàng de yī​cì shēng​rì de qìng​zhù shì shén​me?
For example, what is your most unforgettable birthday celebration?

Filippo: 好问题。
Filippo: hǎo wèn​tí.
Filippo: Good question.

Xinqing: 或者说收到过最有意思的礼物,最难忘的礼物是什么?
Xinqing: huò​zhě shuō shōu​dào guò zuì yǒu​yì​si de lǐ​wù, zuì nán​wàng de lǐ​wù shì shén​me?
Xinqing: In other words, what is the most interesting gift you have ever received? What is the most unforgettable gift?

Filippo: 我觉得这个其实我没有我很难选一个,我觉得有很多每一次有一个比较就是一个意义。
Filippo: wǒ jué​de zhè​ge qí​shí wǒ méi​yǒu wǒ hěn nán xuǎn yí gè, wǒ jué​de yǒu hěn duō měi yī​cì yǒu yí gè bǐ​jiào jiù​shì yí gè yì​yì.
Filippo: I think it’s actually hard for me to choose one. I think there are many, and each time there is a comparison, it has a meaning.

bǐ​rú shuō jīn​nián wǒ kě​yǐ shuō jīn​nián zuì​jìn de wǒ xiàn​zài zài Ruì​shì, wǒ​men zài Ruì​shì, rán​hòu zhè​biān měi gè rén qù pá​shān, rán​hòu wǒ yī​zhí dōu xiǎng​yào yí gè nà​zhǒng tè​bié de zhuān​yè de, nà​zhǒng qù tú​bù de jiù qù tú​bù chuān de yí gè wài​tào, rán​hòu rán​hòu wǒ nǚ​péng​you, tā zhī​qián yě shì zài zhè​lǐ jiù gēn wǒ yī​qǐ zài Ruì​shì, rán​hòu tā xiàn​zài yǐ​jīng huí Zhōng​guó le, tā shì Zhōng​guó rén.
For example, this year I can say that this year I am currently in Switzerland, we are in Switzerland, and everyone here goes mountain climbing, and I have always wanted a special professional one, the kind that is suitable for hiking. A coat, and then my girlfriend, she was here before and was in Switzerland with me, and now she has returned to China, she is Chinese.

rán​hòu tā cóng Zhōng​guó gěi wǒ dài yí gè Ruì​shì pái​zi de tú​bù de wài​tào, yīn​wèi tā zhī​dào wǒ zài Ruì​shì bǐ​jiào xǐ​huan zhè​ge qù pá​shān, suǒ​yǐ wǒ jué​de zhè​zhǒng yì​yì, wǒ jué​de duì wǒ lái​jiǎng bǐ​jiào zhòng​yào de, zuì zhòng​yào de bù​shì shuō nǐ sòng shén​me dōng​xi, ér​shì shuō…
Then she brought me a Swiss brand hiking jacket from China, because she knew that I preferred this for hiking in Switzerland, so I think this meaning is more important to me. The most important thing is not to talk about you. What to give instead, say…

Xinqing: 这个人花了心思去想你需要什么
Xinqing: zhè​ge rén huā le xīn​si qù xiǎng nǐ xū​yào shén​me
Xinqing: This person has spent time thinking about what you need.

Filippo: 或者说你会喜欢什么,或者你可能之前一直在说一个东西,然后就被送这个东西,就比较对。
Filippo: huò​zhě shuō nǐ huì xǐ​huan shén​me, huò​zhě nǐ kě​néng zhī​qián yī​zhí zài shuō yí gè dōng​xi, rán​hòu jiù bèi sòng zhè​ge dōng​xi, jiù bǐ​jiào duì.
Filippo: Or say what you would like, or maybe you have been talking about something before, and then this thing is given to you, which is more right.

Xinqing: 所以我觉得其实 wish list还挺重要的,有的时候我老公是一个特别无欲无求的人,我完全不知道他想要什么,所以对我来说给他送生日礼物,而且他还是一个minimalist,他是一个极简主义者,他不喜欢东西,对,所以如果我送了他一个什么装饰品,家里就会多一样东西,东西他就不喜欢。
Xinqing: suǒ​yǐ wǒ jué​de qí​shí wish list hái tǐng zhòng​yào de, yǒu de shí​hou wǒ lǎo​gōng shì yí gè tè​bié wú yù wú qiú de rén, wǒ wán​quán bù zhī​dào tā xiǎng​yào shén​me, suǒ​yǐ duì wǒ lái shuō gěi tā sòng shēng​rì lǐ​wù, ér​qiě tā hái​shi yí gè minimalist, tā shì yí gè jí jiǎn zhǔ​yì zhě, tā bù xǐ​huan dōng​xi, duì, suǒ​yǐ rú​guǒ wǒ sòng le tā yí gè shén​me zhuāng​shì​pǐn, jiā​lǐ jiù huì duō yī​yàng dōng​xi, dōng​xi tā jiù bù xǐ​huan.
Xinqing: So I think the wish list is actually quite important. Sometimes my husband is a very wantless person. I don’t know what he wants at all, so for me, I give him a birthday gift, and he He is also a minimalist, he is a minimalist, he doesn’t like things, yes, so if I give him some decoration, there will be one more thing in the house, and he doesn’t like things.

suǒ​yǐ nǐ zhī​dào jīn​nián tā guò shēng​rì, wǒ gěi tā sòng le shén​me lǐ​wù sòng shén​me, zhè yě tǐng yǒu​yì​si de, wǒ jué​de yīng​gāi shì tā bǐ​jiào nán​wàng de yī​cì shēng​rì.
So you know it’s his birthday this year. I gave him whatever gift he wanted. This is quite interesting. I think it should be a more unforgettable birthday for him.

之前有提到过我们两个有做即兴喜剧,就是improv comedy,然后我给他安排了一个生日聚会,邀请了可能15个20个一起做improv,一起玩improv的朋友。
zhī​qián yǒu tí​dào guò wǒ​men liǎng gè yǒu zuò jí​xìng xǐ​jù, jiù​shì improv comedy, rán​hòu wǒ gěi tā ān​pái le yí gè shēng​rì jù​huì, yāo​qǐng le kě​néng 15 gè 20 gè yī​qǐ zuò improv, yī​qǐ wán improv de péng​you.
I mentioned before that the two of us do improv comedy, which is improv comedy. Then I arranged a birthday party for him and invited maybe 15 or 20 friends who would do improv and play improv together.

然后但是这个礼物是我让每个人都煮了一个鸡蛋,一个hard boiled egg,然后在煮完的鸡蛋的蛋壳上面,每个人都写了一个字母,然后拼起来变成了happy birthday,但是每一个人他们的字母都写的画的,特别就是每个人都装饰,然后用不一样的颜色,有点像小孩子你知道画画的那种感觉。
rán​hòu dàn​shì zhè​ge lǐ​wù shì wǒ ràng měi gè rén dōu zhǔ le yí gè jī​dàn, yí gè hard boiled egg, rán​hòu zài zhǔ wán de jī​dàn de dàn​ké shàng​miàn, měi gè rén dōu xiě le yí gè zì​mǔ, rán​hòu pīn qǐ​lai biàn​chéng le happy birthday, dàn​shì měi yí gè rén tā​men de zì​mǔ dōu xiě de huà de, tè​bié jiù​shì měi gè rén dōu zhuāng​shì, rán​hòu yòng bù yī​yàng de yán​sè, yǒu​diǎn xiàng xiǎo​hái​zi nǐ zhī​dào huà huà de nà​zhǒng gǎn​jué.
But this gift is that I asked everyone to boil an egg, a hard boiled egg, and then everyone wrote a letter on the shell of the boiled egg, and then spelled it out to become happy birthday, but every Each person’s letters are written and drawn, especially when each person decorates them and uses different colors. It’s a bit like a child’s drawing experience.

然后主要因为是我老公他特别喜欢吃鸡蛋,然后他每天可以吃很多的鸡蛋,而且他特别喜欢吃白煮鸡蛋,就是hard boiled egg,对,然后然后我们就有一个环节,他不知道这个惊喜,然后每一个人都把一个鸡蛋拿出来,然后放在他的面前,组成了 Happy birthday。
rán​hòu zhǔ​yào yīn​wèi shì wǒ lǎo​gōng tā tè​bié xǐ​huan chī jī​dàn, rán​hòu tā měi​tiān kě​yǐ chī hěn duō de jī​dàn, ér​qiě tā tè​bié xǐ​huan chī bái zhǔ jī​dàn, jiù​shì hard boiled egg, duì, rán​hòu rán​hòu wǒ​men jiù yǒu yí gè huán​jié, tā bù zhī​dào zhè​ge jīng​xǐ, rán​hòu měi yí gè rén dōu bǎ yí gè jī​dàn ná chū​lái, rán​hòu fàng zài tā de miàn​qián, zǔ​chéng le Happy birthday.
And mainly because my husband likes to eat eggs very much, and he can eat a lot of eggs every day, and he especially likes to eat hard boiled eggs, yes, and then we have a session where he doesn’t know about this surprise. , and then everyone took out an egg and placed it in front of him to form a happy birthday.

wǒ jué​de zhè shì yí gè kě​yǐ xiǎn​shì chū dà​jiā huā le xīn​si, dàn​shì yòu bù​huì ràng jiā​lǐ duō yī​yàng dōng​xi, jiù​shì chī de.
I think this is a way to show that everyone has put a lot of thought into it, but it doesn’t add one more thing to the house, which is food.

Filippo: 对,挺有意思的这种,对。
Filippo: duì, tǐng yǒu​yì​si de zhè​zhǒng, duì.
Filippo: Yes, it’s quite interesting, yes.

Xinqing: 你一般会想给你女朋友送礼物的话,一般会想送什么?
Xinqing: nǐ yī​bān huì xiǎng gěi nǐ nǚ​péng​you sòng​lǐ wù de​huà, yī​bān huì xiǎng sòng shén​me?
Xinqing: If you usually want to give your girlfriend a gift, what do you usually want to give?

Filippo: 其实你现在提到 Wish list。
Filippo: qí​shí nǐ xiàn​zài tí​dào Wish list.
Filippo: Actually you mentioned Wish list now.

我从来也没有这样wishlist,然后我和我女朋友大概在一起现在已经两年了,然后每次有就一个给他她礼物的机会,她肯定非常喜欢我给他送的礼物,她喜欢, 她非常appreciate我给他送礼物,但是我可以看到,我觉得我每次选的礼物都选的不太对,我觉得我会发现这不是一个,她真正的会喜欢或者会想要的一个东西。
wǒ cóng​lái yě méi​yǒu zhè​yàng wishlist, rán​hòu wǒ hé wǒ nǚ​péng​you dà​gài zài yī​qǐ xiàn​zài yǐ​jīng liǎng nián le, rán​hòu měi​cì yǒu jiù yí gè gěi tā tā lǐ​wù de jī​huì, tā kěn​dìng fēi​cháng xǐ​huan wǒ gěi tā sòng de lǐ​wù, tā xǐ​huan, tā fēi​cháng appreciate wǒ gěi tā sòng​lǐ wù, dàn​shì wǒ kě​yǐ kàn dào, wǒ jué​de wǒ měi​cì xuǎn de lǐ​wù dōu xuǎn de bú tài duì, wǒ jué​de wǒ huì fā​xiàn zhè bù​shì yí gè, tā zhēn​zhèng de huì xǐ​huan huò​zhě huì xiǎng​yào de yí gè dōng​xi.
I have never had such a wish list, and my girlfriend and I have been together for about two years now, and every time I have a chance to give him a gift, she must like the gift I give him very much, she likes it, she It’s very appreciate that I give him gifts, but I can see that I feel that the gifts I choose every time are not right. I think I will find that this is not something that she will really like or want. .

rán​hòu yǒu yì tiān wǒ​men jiù zài liáo exactly zhè​ge huà​tí, gēn yì liǎng gè péng​you zài shuō zhè​ge, rán​hòu nà liǎng gè péng​you yě shì yí gè couple, tā​men liǎ yě zài yī​qǐ, rán​hòu rán​hòu tā​men jiù shuō nǐ​men zěn​me méi​yǒu yí gè wishlist, yīn​wèi tā​men liǎ yǒu wishlist, rán​hòu shuō yǒu le wishlist tā​men měi​cì sòng​lǐ wù sòng zuì fāng​biàn.
Then one day we were talking about the topic of exactly, with one or two friends, and those two friends were also a couple, and they were also together, and then they asked why you don’t have a wishlist, because they both have wishlist, and then said that it is most convenient for them to send gifts every time with wishlist.

Xinqing: 对特别方便。
Xinqing: duì tè​bié fāng​biàn.
Xinqing: Very convenient.

Filippo: 然后你肯定知道对方会喜欢的,然后会需要的。
Filippo: rán​hòu nǐ kěn​dìng zhī​dào duì​fāng huì xǐ​huan de, rán​hòu huì xū​yào de.
Filippo: Then you know for sure that the other person will like it and will need it.

然后我们现在也开始有 Wish list了。
rán​hòu wǒ​men xiàn​zài yě kāi​shǐ yǒu Wish list le.
And now we also have a Wish list.

Xinqing: 我觉得有好的不好的。
Xinqing: wǒ jué​de yǒu hǎo de bù​hǎo de.
Xinqing: I think there are good and bad ones.

hǎo de jiù​shì nǐ yī​dìng huì sòng dào zuì xiǎng​yào de lǐ​wù, bù​hǎo de​huà jiù​shì quē​shǎo le yī​diǎn jīng​xǐ gǎn, duì méi​yǒu jīng​xǐ.
The good thing is that you will definitely get the gift you want most. The bad thing is that it lacks a sense of surprise, yes, there is no surprise.

ér​qiě méi​yǒu bàn​fǎ xiàng nǐ shuō de tǐ​xiàn chū​lái.
And there is no way to manifest it as you said.

你其实一直pay attention,你一直在听他想要什么。
nǐ qí​shí yī​zhí pay attention, nǐ yī​zhí zài tīng tā xiǎng​yào shén​me.
In fact, you have been paying attention and you have been listening to what he wants.

Filippo: 对,我觉得它变得有点太简单了,对我觉得它的不好的一方面就,等于你在为他花钱
Filippo: duì, wǒ jué​de tā biàn​de yǒu​diǎn tài jiǎn​dān le, duì wǒ jué​de tā de bù​hǎo de yī​fāng​miàn jiù, děng​yú nǐ zài wèi tā huā​qián
Filippo: Yeah, I think it’s become a little too simple, and the bad thing about it for me is that you’re spending money on it.

Xinqing: 你的wish list上东西都是多少钱,都有什么东西在你们的wish list上。
Xinqing: nǐ de wish list shàng dōng​xi dōu shì duō​shǎo qián, dōu yǒu shén​me dōng​xi zài nǐ​men de wish list shàng.
Xinqing: How much are the items on your wish list? What items are on your wish list?

Filippo: 我觉得大部分都是衣服,大部分都是衣服,或者说一些也会比较需要的衣服,就像比如说我的徒步的外套,或者她就放了一个靴子,就靴子,就是一双鞋,靴子
Filippo: wǒ jué​de dà​bù​fen dōu shì yī​fu, dà​bù​fen dōu shì yī​fu, huò​zhě shuō yī​xiē yě huì bǐ​jiào xū​yào de yī​fu, jiù xiàng bǐ​rú shuō wǒ de tú​bù de wài​tào, huò​zhě tā jiù fàng le yí gè xuē​zi, jiù xuē​zi, jiù​shì yì shuāng xié, xuē​zi
Filippo: I think most of them are clothes, most of them are clothes, or some clothes that are more necessary, like my hiking jacket, or she put a pair of boots, just a pair of shoes. ,boots

Xinqing: 有点像在中国,有的时候女朋友会在淘宝的购物车,就是 shopping cart里面放想要的衣服,然后有钱的男朋友就说我帮你全买了,就有一点有点materialism对不对?
Xinqing: yǒu​diǎn xiàng zài Zhōng​guó, yǒu de shí​hou nǚ​péng​you huì zài táo bǎo de gòu​wù​chē, jiù​shì shopping cart lǐ​miàn fàng xiǎng​yào de yī​fu, rán​hòu yǒu​qián de nán​péng​you jiù shuō wǒ bāng nǐ quán mǎi le, jiù yǒu yī​diǎn yǒu​diǎn materialism duì bú duì?
Xinqing: It’s a bit like in China. Sometimes a girlfriend will put the clothes she wants in Taobao’s shopping cart, and then her rich boyfriend will say, “I’ll buy them all for you.” It’s a bit materialistic. wrong?

Filippo: 是有点materialism.
Filippo: shì yǒu​diǎn materialism.
Filippo: It’s a bit materialistic.

所以我觉得其实这样想的话,我们的wish list应该就多 expand多加一些,就不是没有这个钱的价值的这种东西不知道怎么去对。
suǒ​yǐ wǒ jué​de qí​shí zhè​yàng xiǎng de​huà, wǒ​men de wish list yīng​gāi jiù duō expand duō jiā yī​xiē, jiù bù​shì méi​yǒu zhè​ge qián de jià​zhí de zhè​zhǒng dōng​xi bù zhī​dào zěn​me qù duì.
So I think if we think about it this way, our wish list should expand and add more. It’s not something that has no value for money and I don’t know how to get it right.

Xinqing: 其实我这两年我觉得有一个体会,有个新的想法,就是送experience送体验,因为因为男女朋友我们之间其实最重要的是一起做一些事情,一起做一些活动,所以说有的时候会送比如说最简单的送按摩一个spa之类的。
Xinqing: qí​shí wǒ zhè liǎng nián wǒ jué​de yǒu yí gè tǐ​huì, yǒu gè xīn de xiǎng​fǎ, jiù​shì sòng experience sòng tǐ​yàn, yīn​wèi yīn​wèi nán​nǚ péng​you wǒ​men zhī​jiān qí​shí zuì zhòng​yào de shì yī​qǐ zuò yī​xiē shì​qing, yī​qǐ zuò yī​xiē huó​dòng, suǒ​yǐ shuō yǒu de shí​hou huì sòng bǐ​rú shuō zuì jiǎn​dān de sòng àn​mó yí gè spa zhī​lèi de.
Xinqing: In fact, I have an experience and a new idea in the past two years, which is to give experience to give experience, because as a boyfriend and girlfriend, the most important thing between us is to do some things and do some activities together, so Sometimes they will give you something as simple as a massage or a spa.

Filippo: 对,这个也是一个特别好的主意,然后其实我们我们送礼物,我们非常喜欢一起去旅游,然后我觉得最多的送礼物的机会都是在我们去旅游的时候,就会比如说给对方买一个当地的小东西,比如说我们看到一个local的东西,然后我就说 ok,我给你买我给你送,或者她也是
Filippo: duì, zhè​ge yě shì yí gè tè​bié hǎo de zhǔ​yi, rán​hòu qí​shí wǒ​men wǒ​men sòng​lǐ wù, wǒ​men fēi​cháng xǐ​huan yī​qǐ qù lǚ​yóu, rán​hòu wǒ jué​de zuì duō de sòng​lǐ wù de jī​huì dōu shì zài wǒ​men qù lǚ​yóu de shí​hou, jiù huì bǐ​rú shuō gěi duì​fāng mǎi yí gè dāng​dì de xiǎo dōng​xi, bǐ​rú shuō wǒ​men kàn dào yí gè local de dōng​xi, rán​hòu wǒ jiù shuō ok, wǒ gěi nǐ mǎi wǒ gěi nǐ sòng, huò​zhě tā yě shì
Filippo: Yes, this is also a very good idea. In fact, we give gifts. We like to travel together very much. And I think the most opportunities to give gifts are when we travel, for example, to each other. Buy a small local thing. For example, if we see a local thing, then I say ok, I will buy it for you and give it to you, or she will do the same.

Xinqing: 我觉得这个也是我收到过最有意思的礼物,从我老公去年的我的生日礼物,我是一个特别喜欢看电影的人,然后但是他送给我的礼物不是电影票,不是说出去看电影,他送我的礼物是
Xinqing: wǒ jué​de zhè​ge yě shì wǒ shōu​dào guò zuì yǒu​yì​si de lǐ​wù, cóng wǒ lǎo​gōng qù​nián de wǒ de shēng​rì lǐ​wù, wǒ shì yí gè tè​bié xǐ​huan kàn diàn​yǐng de rén, rán​hòu dàn​shì tā sòng​gěi wǒ de lǐ​wù bù​shì diàn​yǐng​piào, bù​shì shuō chū​qù kàn diàn​yǐng, tā sòng wǒ de lǐ​wù shì
Xinqing: I think this is the most interesting gift I have ever received. It was my birthday gift from my husband last year. I am a person who particularly likes watching movies, but the gift he gave me was not a movie ticket. I didn’t tell anyone about it. Watching a movie, the gift he gave me was

Filippo: projector?
Filippo: projector?
Filippo: Projector?

Xinqing: 是陪我我一起binge三部电影, 一起连着看三部电影,叫binge watching,因为他很不喜欢,但我很喜欢binge,他就给了我一个coupon,然后上面写说今天是你生日,然后我们就在家点了外卖,然后连续看三部电影。
Xinqing: shì péi wǒ wǒ yī​qǐ binge sān bù diàn​yǐng, yī​qǐ lián zhe kàn sān bù diàn​yǐng, jiào binge watching, yīn​wèi tā hěn bù xǐ​huan, dàn wǒ hěn xǐ​huan binge, tā jiù gěi le wǒ yí gè coupon, rán​hòu shàng​miàn xiě shuō jīn​tiān shì nǐ shēng​rì, rán​hòu wǒ​men jiù zài jiā diǎn le wài​mài, rán​hòu lián​xù kàn sān bù diàn​yǐng.
Xinqing: I watched three movies together with me. We watched three movies together, which is called binge watching, because he didn’t like it very much, but I liked binge very much, so he gave me a coupon, and it said on it that today is It was your birthday, so we ordered takeout at home and watched three movies in a row.

Filippo: 我要是他不喜欢的话,确实是一个很大的(牺牲)。
Filippo: wǒ yào​shi tā bù xǐ​huan de​huà, què​shí shì yí gè hěn dà de (xī​shēng).
Filippo: If he doesn’t like it, it’s indeed a big (sacrifice).

Xinqing: 就算他喜欢对我来说也是一个,因为我很喜欢binge,所以对我来说其实是一个非常对开心的夜晚,就是什么也不用想,连看三部,然后吃中国外卖,中餐外卖,然后特别是如果你比如像什么Lord of Rings,或者是Binge Hunger Games之类的,然后就很爽,对。
Xinqing: jiù​suàn tā xǐ​huan duì wǒ lái shuō yě shì yí gè, yīn​wèi wǒ hěn xǐ​huan binge, suǒ​yǐ duì wǒ lái shuō qí​shí shì yí gè fēi​cháng duì kāi​xīn de yè​wǎn, jiù​shì shén​me yě bù​yòng xiǎng, lián kàn sān bù, rán​hòu chī Zhōng​guó wài​mài, Zhōng​cān wài​mài, rán​hòu tè​bié shì rú​guǒ nǐ bǐ​rú xiàng shén​me Lord of Rings, huò​zhě shì Binge Hunger Games zhī​lèi de, rán​hòu jiù hěn shuǎng, duì.
Xinqing: Even if he likes it, it’s the same for me, because I like binge very much, so it’s actually a very happy night for me. I don’t have to think about anything, just watch three movies in a row, and then eat Chinese takeout, Chinese takeout , and especially if you like Lord of Rings, or Binge Hunger Games, then it’s very cool, yes.

duì, wǒ jué​de sòng tǐ​yàn hái tǐng hǎo de.
Yes, I think the delivery experience is quite good.

Filippo: 除了送礼物这件事情,生日的话,比如说在中国还有哪些习惯?
Filippo: chú​le sòng​lǐ wù zhè jiàn shì​qing, shēng​rì de​huà, bǐ​rú shuō zài Zhōng​guó hái​yǒu nǎ​xiē xí​guàn?
Filippo: In addition to giving gifts, what other customs are there in China when it comes to birthdays?

Xinqing: 其实我觉得吃生日蛋糕这个习惯都是从外国来的,他想我小的时候中国还没有那么多的高级的甜品店或者蛋糕,所以我们就吃最简单的奶油蛋糕。
Xinqing: qí​shí wǒ jué​de chī shēng​rì dàn​gāo zhè​ge xí​guàn dōu shì cóng wài​guó lái de, tā xiǎng wǒ xiǎo de shí​hou Zhōng​guó hái méi​yǒu nà​me duō de gāo​jí de tián​pǐn diàn huò​zhě dàn​gāo, suǒ​yǐ wǒ​men jiù chī zuì jiǎn​dān de nǎi​yóu dàn​gāo.
Xinqing: Actually, I think the habit of eating birthday cakes came from foreign countries. He thought that when I was young, China didn’t have that many high-end dessert shops or cakes, so we just ate the simplest cream cake.

xiān​nǎi dàn​gāo wǒ​men jiào qí​shí jiù​shì cream, fēi​cháng tián de, dàn​shì zài nǎi​yóu dàn​gāo zhī​qián, Zhōng​guó rén de xí​guàn shì chī miàn Cháng​shòu miàn, wǒ bù zhī​dào nǐ yǒu​méi​yǒu tīng​shuō guò.
What we call fresh milk cake is actually cream, which is very sweet. But before cream cake, Chinese people were accustomed to eating longevity noodles. I don’t know if you have heard of it.

Filippo: 长寿面是什么样的一个这种面。
Filippo: Cháng​shòu miàn shì shén​me​yàng de yí gè zhè​zhǒng miàn.
Filippo: What kind of noodles are longevity noodles?

Xinqing: 就是长寿这个词的意思是longevity,希望你可以活到100岁,活到到120岁这样,然后长寿面就是这个碗里面的面条只有一根一根很长的面条,但它代表你的寿命就是不断很长。
Xinqing: jiù​shì Cháng​shòu zhè​ge cí de yì​si shì longevity, xī​wàng nǐ kě​yǐ huó dào 100 suì, huó dào dào 120 suì zhè​yàng, rán​hòu Cháng​shòu miàn jiù​shì zhè​ge wǎn lǐ​miàn de miàn​tiáo zhǐ yǒu yì gēn yì gēn hěn cháng de miàn​tiáo, dàn tā dài​biǎo nǐ de shòu​mìng jiù​shì bù​duàn hěn cháng.
Xinqing: The word longevity means longevity. I hope you can live to be 100 years old or 120 years old. Then the longevity noodles are the noodles in this bowl. There are only very long noodles, but they represent your Life span is always very long.

rán​hòu dàn wǒ qí​shí bù zhī​dào tā​men shì zěn​me zuò​chū zhè yì gēn hěn cháng de miàn de, dàn​shì yào hěn cháng, yīn​wèi tā yì wǎn miàn kě​néng miàn yǒu sì wǔ mǐ cháng zhè yàng​zi.
But I actually don’t know how they made this very long noodle, but it has to be very long, because a bowl of noodles may be four or five meters long.

Filippo: 对,但是我觉得在中国我也非常impressive,每次看到这种用手拉面的。
Filippo: duì, dàn​shì wǒ jué​de zài Zhōng​guó wǒ yě fēi​cháng impressive, měi​cì kàn dào zhè​zhǒng yòng shǒu lā​miàn de.
Filippo: Yes, but I think I am also very impressed in China, every time I see this kind of hand-pulled noodles.

Xinqing: 对,所以一般吃一碗长寿面上面就放一个鸡蛋,一个青菜,然后就很简单,现在有的时候你比如说去海底捞,知道大家可能有的人听说过海底捞是一个中国的火锅店,他们的服务特别的周到,如果是你生日的时候,你也可以点一碗长寿面, ok。
Xinqing: duì, suǒ​yǐ yī​bān chī yì wǎn Cháng​shòu miàn shàng​miàn jiù fàng yí gè jī​dàn, yí gè qīng​cài, rán​hòu jiù hěn jiǎn​dān, xiàn​zài yǒu de shí​hou nǐ bǐ​rú shuō qù hǎi​dǐ lāo, zhī​dào dà​jiā kě​néng yǒu de rén tīng​shuō guò hǎi​dǐ lāo shì yí gè Zhōng​guó de huǒ​guō diàn, tā​men de fú​wù tè​bié de zhōu​dào, rú​guǒ shì nǐ shēng​rì de shí​hou, nǐ yě kě​yǐ diǎn yì wǎn Cháng​shòu miàn, ok.
Xinqing: Yes, so when you eat a bowl of longevity noodles, you usually put an egg and a green vegetable on top, and then it’s very simple. Now sometimes you go to Haidilao, for example. Some of you may have heard that Haidilao is a Chinese The hot pot restaurant here has very attentive service. If it’s your birthday, you can also order a bowl of longevity noodles, ok.

zhè shì yí gè xí​sú.
This is a custom.

Filippo: ok有意思,对我都不知道,我只是看到现在中国人也是这样吃生日蛋糕。
Filippo: ok yǒu​yì​si, duì wǒ dōu bù zhī​dào, wǒ zhǐ​shì kàn dào xiàn​zài Zhōng​guó rén yě shì zhè​yàng chī shēng​rì dàn​gāo.
Filippo: OK, it’s interesting. I don’t even know it. I just saw that Chinese people eat birthday cakes like this now.

Xinqing: 但是唱歌,然后我一直还有一个 mystery,对我来说是一个一直没有对解答的疑惑,那是全世界的生日歌,都是同一首歌,对对。
Xinqing: dàn​shì chàng​gē, rán​hòu wǒ yī​zhí hái​yǒu yí gè mystery, duì wǒ lái shuō shì yí gè yī​zhí méi​yǒu duì jiě​dá de yí​huò, nà shì quán​shì​jiè de shēng​rì gē, dōu shì tóng​yī shǒu gē, duì duì.
Xinqing: But singing, and I have always had a mystery. For me, it is a question that has never been answered. It is the birthday song all over the world, it is the same song, yes.

Filippo: 我也觉得是很神奇。
Filippo: wǒ yě jué​de shì hěn shén​qí.
Filippo: I think it’s amazing too.

Xinqing: 是从哪这首歌是从哪里来的。
Xinqing: shì cóng nǎ zhè shǒu gē shì cóng nǎ​lǐ lái de.
Xinqing: Where did this song come from?

Filippo: 不知道我没有这个答案,但是我也想过这个问题。
Filippo: bù zhī​dào wǒ méi​yǒu zhè​ge dá​’àn, dàn​shì wǒ yě xiǎng guò zhè​ge wèn​tí.
Filippo: I don’t know that I don’t have the answer, but I’ve thought about it too.

Xinqing: 我就在想说50年前的中国是唱的是这首歌吗?
Xinqing: wǒ jiù zài xiǎng shuō 50 nián​qián de Zhōng​guó shì chàng de shì zhè shǒu gē ma?
Xinqing: I was just wondering, was this song sung in China 50 years ago?

wǒ jué​de yě shì cóng wài​guó lái de.
I think they are also from foreign countries.

Filippo: 外国对。
Filippo: wài​guó duì.
Filippo: Foreign pair.

Xinqing: 哪个国家先来的?
Xinqing: nǎ​ge guó​jiā xiān lái de?
Xinqing: Which country came first?

wǒ jué​de wǒ​men yīng​gāi yào yán​jiū yī​xià.
I think we should study it.

但是比如说在肯尼亚,他们的生日歌是不一样的,肯尼亚的生日歌他们不是唱 Happy birthday。
dàn​shì bǐ​rú shuō zài Kěn​ní​yà, tā​men de shēng​rì gē shì bù yī​yàng de, Kěn​ní​yà de shēng​rì gē tā​men bù​shì chàng Happy birthday.
But for example, in Kenya, their birthday song is different. In Kenya, they don’t sing Happy Birthday.

nà zài Yì​dà​lì​yǔ zěn​me chàng ne?
How to sing it in Italian?

Filippo: “Tanti auguri” 就是happy birthday to you,就这样唱吧。
Filippo: “T anti auguri” jiù​shì happy birthday to you, jiù zhè​yàng chàng ba.
Filippo: “Tanti auguri” means happy birthday to you, just sing it like this.

Xinqing: 那就是一样的调子。
Xinqing: nà jiù​shì yī​yàng de diào​zi.
Xinqing: That’s the same tune.

Filippo: 谢谢菲利普,谢谢Xinqing,今天邀请我来分享我的意大利的生日的习惯。
Filippo: xiè​xie Fēi lì pǔ, xiè​xie Xinqing, jīn​tiān yāo​qǐng wǒ lái fēn​xiǎng wǒ de Yì​dà​lì de shēng​rì de xí​guàn.
Filippo: Thank you Filippo, thank you Xinqing, for inviting me to share my Italian birthday habits today.

Xinqing: 好有机会我们可以再录。
Xinqing: hǎo yǒu jī​huì wǒ​men kě​yǐ zài lù.
Xinqing: There’s a good chance we can record it again.

hǎo, xiè​xie dà​jiā.
Okay, thank you all.


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