Episode 50 Transcript
Xinqing: Hello,大家好,好久不见听众朋友们。
Xinqing: Hello, dàjiā hǎo, hǎojiǔbujiàn tīngzhòng péngyou men.
Xinqing: Hello, everyone, long time no see, listeners.
今天邀请到了一位在日内瓦的朋友KouKou: KouKou: Hello!
jīntiān yāoqǐng dào le yí wèi zài Rìnèiwǎ de péngyou KouKou: KouKou: Hello!
Today I invited a friend in Geneva, KouKou: KouKou: Hello!
dàjiā hǎo.
Hello everyone.
Xinqing: 对Koukou: 你可以自我介绍一下吗?
Xinqing: duì Koukou: nǐ kěyǐ zìwǒjièshào yīxià ma?
Xinqing: To Koukou: Can you introduce yourself?
KouKou: 我是来自中国新疆,然后我现在是在日内瓦,因为我在这里读了两年的硕士,然后目前是刚刚毕业。
KouKou: wǒ shì láizì Zhōngguó Xīnjiāng, ránhòu wǒ xiànzài shì zài Rìnèiwǎ, yīnwèi wǒ zài zhèlǐ dú le liǎng nián de shuòshì, ránhòu mùqián shì gānggang bìyè.
KouKou: I am from Xinjiang, China, and I am now in Geneva because I studied for a master’s degree here for two years and have just graduated.
Xinqing: 年纪比较小,你今年几岁?
Xinqing: niánjì bǐjiào xiǎo, nǐ jīnnián jǐsuì?
Xinqing: You are relatively young. How old are you this year?
KouKou: 其实我今年已经28了。
KouKou: qíshí wǒ jīnnián yǐjīng 28 le.
KouKou: Actually I am 28 this year.
Xinqing: 28我觉得对于对我来说已经感觉隔了一个年代了,他们说差三岁隔一代。
Xinqing: 28 wǒ juéde duìyú duì wǒ lái shuō yǐjīng gǎnjué gé le yí gè niándài le, tāmen shuō chà sān suì gé yīdài.
Xinqing: 28 I think it already feels like an era has passed to me. They say there is a generation difference of three years.
KouKou: 都是90后。
KouKou: dōu shì 90 hòu.
KouKou: They are all born in the 1990s.
Xinqing: 对90后在中国有这么个说法。
Xinqing: duì 90 hòu zài Zhōngguó yǒu zhème gè shuōfǎ.
Xinqing: There is this saying about the post-90s generation in China.
80 hòu jiùshì 80 niándài yǐhòu chūshēng de, jiùshì 1980 nián yǐhòu chūshēng de.
The post-80s generation is those born after the 1980s, that is, those born after 1980.
wǒmen shì 90 hòu.
We are born in the 90s.
KouKou: 对。
KouKou: duì.
KouKou: Yes.
Xinqing: 对,我今天想跟Koukou: 一个话题,是关于90后我们这个年代的女生的花钱的观念,或者说消费观。
Xinqing: duì, wǒ jīntiān xiǎng gēn Koukou: yí gè huàtí, shì guānyú 90 hòu wǒmen zhège niándài de nǚshēng de huāqián de guānniàn, huòzhě shuō xiāofèi guān.
Xinqing: Yes, I want to talk to Koukou today: A topic is about the concept of spending money, or consumption concept, of girls of our generation born in the 1990s.
yīnwèi zuìjìn wǒ yě zhènghǎo dú le yì piān wénzhāng, jiù zài shuō Zhōngguó xiāofèi jiàngjí, shénme jiào xiāofèi jiàngjí?
Because I happened to read an article recently, which talked about the downgrading of consumption in China. What does consumption downgrade mean?
hěn duō dōngxi biànde yuèláiyuè piányi, kěnéng zài Zhōngguó, dànshì tóngshí wǒ yòu fāxiàn wǒ yǒu shēnbiān hǎoduō de nǚshēng de péngyou, háishi huì huā hěn duō de qián mǎi shēchǐpǐn.
Many things are becoming cheaper and cheaper, maybe in China, but at the same time I found that I have many female friends who still spend a lot of money on luxury goods.
奢侈品,就是像,我来举个例子,Koukou: 觉得什么是奢侈品?
shēchǐpǐn, jiùshì xiàng, wǒ lái jǔ gè lìzi, Koukou: juéde shénme shì shēchǐpǐn?
Luxury goods are like, let me give you an example, Koukou: What do you think is luxury goods?
KouKou: 奢侈品,我觉得它是跟你自己的经济水平是相关的一个消费的方式,比如说我知道的一些奢侈品,包包比如LV,Gucchi对我来说奢侈品了,但对可能其他经济水平更好的人,他们可能会是爱马仕。
KouKou: shēchǐpǐn, wǒ juéde tā shì gēn nǐ zìjǐ de jīngjì shuǐpíng shì xiāngguān de yí gè xiāofèi de fāngshì, bǐrú shuō wǒ zhīdào de yīxiē shēchǐpǐn, bāobāo bǐrú LV, Gucchi duì wǒ lái shuō shēchǐpǐn le, dàn duì kěnéng qítā jīngjì shuǐpíng gèng hǎo de rén, tāmen kěnéng huì shì Aìmǎshì.
KouKou: Luxury goods, I think it is a way of consumption that is related to your own economic level. For example, I know some luxury goods, bags such as LV and Gucchi are luxury goods to me, but maybe to others For people with better financial status, they may be Hermès.
huòzhě shì qítā de huòzhě yīxiē shǒubiǎo, bāokuò zài Rìnèiwǎ zhège dìfāng, dàjiā yě dōu zhīdào zhèlǐ yǒu fēicháng míngguì de shǒubiǎo, bāokuò bǎi dá fěi lì 、 Láolìshì, wǒ xiǎng tāmen hěn duō tāmen de biāojià dōu shì fēicháng ángguì de, yǒu kěnéng shì yībān rén méiyǒu bànfǎ qù xiǎngxiàng de, suǒyǐ wǒ juéde zhè duì wǒ lái shuō, yǒuxiē shíhou shì chāochū nǐ jīngjì zhīchēng de yí gè xiāofèipǐn.
Or some other watches, including in Geneva. Everyone knows that there are very expensive watches here, including Patek Philippe and Rolex. I think many of them are very expensive, and it is possible that ordinary people cannot go there. I imagine, so I think for me, this is sometimes a consumer product that is beyond your financial support.
Xinqing: 对,我觉得奢侈品就是你买了这个东西不是为了实用的价值,可能是为了怎么说炫耀,或者是体现你的身份的一个标识。
Xinqing: duì, wǒ juéde shēchǐpǐn jiùshì nǐ mǎi le zhège dōngxi bùshì wèile shíyòng de jiàzhí, kěnéng shì wèile zěnme shuō xuànyào, huòzhě shì tǐxiàn nǐ de shēnfèn de yí gè biāozhì.
Xinqing: Yes, I think luxury goods are things you buy not for practical value, but maybe to show off, or as a symbol to reflect your identity.
xiàng zhèyàng de dōngxi xiàng nǐ shuō de wǒ juéde gēn měi gè rén de jīngjì shuǐpíng yǒu guānxi, bǐrú shuō gāng bìyè dehuà, wǒmen juéde yīxiē xiàng nǐ shuō de Gucci kěnéng Coach jiùshì shēchǐpǐn, dàn děng le nǐ zhuàn hěn duō qián, duìyú yǒuqiánrén lái shuō, zhèxiē jiùsuàn hěn piányi de dōngxi le, kěnéng mǎi háo chē, xiàng bǐrú shuō zhèzhǒng shénme Lánbójīní huòzhě shì Fǎlālì yě cái shì shēchǐpǐn.
Things like this, as you said, I think are related to everyone’s economic level. For example, if you have just graduated, we think some things like Gucci and Coach you mentioned are luxury goods, but after you make a lot of money, for those who have money, For people, even though these are very cheap things, maybe buying a luxury car, such as a Lamborghini or a Ferrari, is considered a luxury item.
dànshì duì wǒ yě yǒu guānchá dào, wǒ shēnbiān yǒu hǎoduō de péngyou, tāmen kěnéng huì yòng yí gè yuè de xīnshuǐ, huòzhě shì liǎng gè yuè de xīnshuǐ qù mǎi yí gè bāo, bāo duìyú wǒ lái shuō hái tǐng nán xiǎngxiàng de.
But I have also observed that there are many friends around me who may use one month’s salary or two months’ salary to buy a bag. Bags are quite unimaginable to me.
所以我想就跟你聊聊, Koukou,你平时会买奢侈品吗?
suǒyǐ wǒ xiǎng jiù gēn nǐ liáo liáo, Koukou, nǐ píngshí huì mǎi shēchǐpǐn ma?
So I want to talk to you, Koukou, do you usually buy luxury goods?
KouKou: 是这样的,其实说起来也很有意思,我在中国的时候还没有出国经验的时候,我还是会比较向往可以买奢侈品。
KouKou: shì zhèyàng de, qíshí shuō qǐlai yě hěn yǒuyìsi, wǒ zài Zhōngguó de shíhou hái méiyǒu chūguó jīngyàn de shíhou, wǒ háishi huì bǐjiào xiàngwǎng kěyǐ mǎi shēchǐpǐn.
KouKou: That’s right. It’s actually very interesting to say that when I was in China and had no experience of going abroad, I still yearned to buy luxury goods.
jiùshì xiàng nǐ shuō de, kěnéng dāngdài de Zhōngguó niánqīng nǚhái háishi huì yǒu yīzhǒng àimù xūróng de zhèyàng de huánjìng zài.
Just like you said, perhaps contemporary Chinese young girls still have an environment of admiring vanity.
ránhòu xiàng nǐ shuō de, wǒ juéde tā gèng duō de shì yīzhǒng fúhào, yóuqí shì xiāofèi fúhào, tā bùjǐn jǐn shì yí gè shíyòng de gōngnéng, dànshì xiàng wǒ zìjǐ huì piān shíyòng de shēchǐpǐn, bǐrú shuō mǎi gè dà bāo bāo tā jiù kěyǐ zhuāng diànnǎo, yě fēicháng de shíyòng.
And like you said, I think it is more of a symbol, especially a consumption symbol. It is not just a practical function, but I prefer practical luxuries, such as buying a big bag. It can be installed on a computer and is very practical.
其实我意识到有些奢侈品它设计还是挺好看的,你就会觉得它真的很耐看,尤其是 Coco Chanel非常的经典,我很喜欢它的款式,它的风格以及它背后的故事,所以我觉得不能简简单单的把它看作一个符号,它可能也有很多人是要购买它背后的一种价值,就是说文化价值。
qíshí wǒ yìshí dào yǒuxiē shēchǐpǐn tā shèjì háishi tǐng hǎokàn de, nǐ jiù huì juéde tā zhēn de hěn nàikàn, yóuqí shì Coco Chanel fēicháng de jīngdiǎn, wǒ hěn xǐhuan tā de kuǎnshì, tā de fēnggé yǐjí tā bèihòu de gùshì, suǒyǐ wǒ juéde bùnéng jiǎn jiǎndān dān de bǎ tā kànzuò yí gè fúhào, tā kěnéng yě yǒu hěn duō rén shì yào gòumǎi tā bèihòu de yīzhǒng jiàzhí, jiùshìshuō wénhuà jiàzhí.
In fact, I realized that the designs of some luxury goods are quite beautiful, and you will think that they are really eye-catching, especially Coco Chanel, which is very classic. I like its style, style and the story behind it very much, so I I feel that it cannot simply be regarded as a symbol. There may be a value behind it that many people want to buy, that is, cultural value.
Xinqing: 对,我也觉得不能一棒子打死,就说奢侈品是爱慕虚荣,我觉得每一个人每个女孩可能都应该给自己买一两件或者两三件奢侈品,特别是我觉得毕业了以后,第一次赚钱对于我来说是一个很重大的人生阶段的转变,然后你步入职场,你觉得我现在需要成为一个职场女性了,我可能需要那么一两件比较好的经典款的包包鞋子,然后你可能就不会再去买Zara或者H&M,你会觉得说我需要一些更加品质更加好的牌子。
Xinqing: duì, wǒ yě juéde bùnéng yí bàngzi dǎsǐ, jiù shuō shēchǐpǐn shì àimù xūróng, wǒ juéde měi yí gè rén měi gè nǚhái kěnéng dōu yīnggāi gěi zìjǐ mǎi yì liǎng jiàn huòzhě liǎng sān jiàn shēchǐpǐn, tèbié shì wǒ juéde bìyè le yǐhòu, dìyīcì zhuànqián duìyú wǒ lái shuō shì yí gè hěn zhòngdà de rénshēng jiēduàn de zhuǎnbiàn, ránhòu nǐ bùrù zhíchǎng, nǐ juéde wǒ xiànzài xūyào chéngwéi yí gè zhíchǎng nǚxìng le, wǒ kěnéng xūyào nàme yì liǎng jiàn bǐjiào hǎo de jīngdiǎn kuǎn de bāobāo xiézi, ránhòu nǐ kěnéng jiù bùhuì zài qù mǎi Zara huòzhě H& M, nǐ huì juéde shuō wǒ xūyào yīxiē gèngjiā pǐnzhì gèngjiā hǎo de páizi.
Xinqing: Yes, I don’t think you can kill them with a stick, just say that luxury goods are a sign of vanity. I think every girl should probably buy one or two or two or three luxury goods for herself, especially after graduation. After getting married, making money for the first time was a very important stage change in my life. Then you enter the workplace and you think I need to become a working woman now. I may need one or two better classic items. bags and shoes, then you may not buy Zara or H&M anymore, you will feel that I need some brands with better quality.
所以你刚才说Coco chanel这样的包大概多少钱的价位,就是你买过最便宜,或者最对你买的奢侈品一般是什么价位的?
suǒyǐ nǐ gāngcái shuō Coco chanel zhèyàng de bāo dàgài duōshǎo qián de jiàwèi, jiùshì nǐ mǎi guò zuì piányi, huòzhě zuì duì nǐ mǎi de shēchǐpǐn yībān shì shénme jiàwèi de?
So what you just said is the approximate price of a bag like Coco Chanel. What is the price of the cheapest or most suitable luxury goods you have ever bought?
KouKou: 我真的买的很少,我会去关注一些动态,然后对我来说上万的就是奢侈品了,因为我现在还没有正式的工作,但是像你说的超过自己经济能力范围的一些,比如说花自己一个月的工资去买一个奢侈品,我觉得有时候它也是一种愉悦自己的体现,自己很想要一个东西,你就买给自己,然后你又很开心。
KouKou: wǒ zhēn de mǎi de hěn shǎo, wǒ huì qù guānzhù yīxiē dòngtài, ránhòu duì wǒ lái shuō shàngwàn de jiùshì shēchǐpǐn le, yīnwèi wǒ xiànzài hái méiyǒu zhèngshì de gōngzuò, dànshì xiàng nǐ shuō de chāoguò zìjǐ jīngjì nénglì fànwéi de yīxiē, bǐrú shuō huā zìjǐ yí gè yuè de gōngzī qù mǎi yí gè shēchǐpǐn, wǒ juéde yǒushíhou tā yě shì yīzhǒng yúyuè zìjǐ de tǐxiàn, zìjǐ hěn xiǎngyào yí gè dōngxi, nǐ jiù mǎi gěi zìjǐ, ránhòu nǐ yòu hěn kāixīn.
KouKou: I really buy very little, I will pay attention to some news, and for me, tens of thousands is a luxury item, because I don’t have a formal job yet, but as you said, it is beyond my financial ability. Some, such as spending one month’s salary to buy a luxury product, I think sometimes it is also a manifestation of pleasing yourself. If you really want something, you buy it for yourself, and then you will be very happy.
wǒ juéde zhè cì gòuwù shì yīcì yúyuè de tǐyàn.
I found this shopping experience to be a pleasant one.
wǒ qián jǐtiān hěn yǒuqù, wǒ gānghǎo kàn dào yí gè cǎifǎng, yě shì yí wèi Zhōngguó de zhǔchírén cǎifǎng yí gè shēchǐpǐn gōngsī de lǎobǎn, ránhòu shuō zěnme kàn zhèzhǒng chāochū nǐ jīngjì nénglì fànwéi de xiāofèi, ránhòu tā jiù shuō zhè shì tā de zìyóu, jiùshì tā yǒu zhèyàng de xuǎnzé quán, dànshì wǒ juéde háishi bùyào chénmí zài zhèzhǒng xiāofèi lǐmiàn, yīdìng yào yǒu zìjǐ de jìhuà, xiāofèi jìhuà yǐjí zìjǐ de xiǎngfǎ zài lǐmiàn, bùrán jiù huì shīqù zìwǒ, wǒ juéde yǒu zhèyàng de wēixiǎn, duì.
It was very interesting to me a few days ago. I happened to see an interview. It was also a Chinese host interviewing the boss of a luxury goods company, and then he said how to deal with this kind of consumption that is beyond your financial capabilities, and then he said it was his Freedom means that he has the right to choose, but I think it is better not to indulge in this kind of consumption. You must have your own plan, consumption plan and your own ideas in it, otherwise you will lose yourself. I think there is such a Dangerous, yes.
Xinqing: 我觉得对于我们比如说我现在工作了六七年,那么可能买一个一两万的包包,家里有一个或者两个我觉得是很正常的,但是说如果我要贷款,或者用信用卡,刷爆信用卡去买一些包奢侈品,就像你说的是沉迷于这种身份标识符号之类的。
Xinqing: wǒ juéde duìyú wǒmen bǐrú shuō wǒ xiànzài gōngzuò le liù qī nián, nàme kěnéng mǎi yí gè yì liǎng wàn de bāobāo, jiālǐ yǒu yí gè huòzhě liǎng gè wǒ juéde shì hěn zhèngcháng de, dànshì shuō rúguǒ wǒ yào dàikuǎn, huòzhě yòng xìnyòngkǎ, shuā bào xìnyòngkǎ qù mǎi yīxiē bāo shēchǐpǐn, jiù xiàng nǐ shuō de shì chénmí yú zhèzhǒng shēnfèn biāozhì fú hào zhīlèi de.
Xinqing: I think for us, for example, I have been working for six or seven years now, so I might buy a bag worth 10,000 to 20,000 yuan. I think it is normal to have one or two at home, but if I want a loan, or use a credit card , Max out your credit card to buy some luxury goods, just like you said, you are addicted to this kind of identity symbol.
ràng wǒ xiǎngdào jiùshì jǐge yuè qián, zài Zhōngguó yǒu zhème yí jiàn Wǎngluò shàng fēicháng yǒumíng de shìjiàn, wǒ juéde guówài de wǎngyǒu kěnéng méiyǒu guānzhù.
It reminds me that just a few months ago, there was such a famous incident on the Internet in China. I think foreign netizens may not have paid attention to it.
有一个网络的直播红人在中国非常有名,叫李佳琦,李佳琦他在中国的就是live stream,网络直播上面卖东西,特别是卖化妆品,很多的女生关注他,然后几个月前他在网上卖一支眉笔,是不是眉笔,你记得。
yǒu yí gè Wǎngluò de zhíbō hóng rén zài Zhōngguó fēicháng yǒumíng, jiào Lǐ jiā qí, Lǐ jiā qí tā zài Zhōngguó de jiùshì live stream, Wǎngluò zhíbō shàngmiàn mài dōngxi, tèbié shì mài huàzhuāngpǐn, hěn duō de nǚshēng guānzhù tā, ránhòu jǐge yuè qián tā zài wǎngshàng mài yì zhī méibǐ, shìbùshì méibǐ, nǐ jìde.
There is a very famous online live broadcast celebrity in China, called Li Jiaqi. Li Jiaqi’s live stream in China is where he sells things, especially cosmetics. Many girls follow him, and a few months ago he sold online An eyebrow pencil, whether it is an eyebrow pencil or not, you remember.
KouKou: 我不知道这个事情。
KouKou: wǒ bù zhīdào zhège shìqing.
KouKou: I don’t know about this.
méi tīng guò.
Have not heard.
Xinqing: 你不知道这个事件吗?
Xinqing: nǐ bù zhīdào zhège shìjiàn ma?
Xinqing: Don’t you know about this incident?
KouKou: 是花西子吗?
KouKou: shì huā Xīzǐ ma?
KouKou: Is it Hua Xizi?
Xinqing: 对,花西子一个牌子,好像是眉笔,就是画眉毛的铅笔,然后花西子是卖79块钱一只,大概就是10美金一支眉笔,但是在中国来说其实算比较贵的,对吧?
Xinqing: duì, huā Xīzǐ yí gè páizi, hǎoxiàng shì méibǐ, jiùshì huà méimao de qiānbǐ, ránhòu huā Xīzǐ shì mài 79 kuài qián yì zhī, dàgài jiùshì 10 Měijīn yì zhī méibǐ, dànshì zài Zhōngguó lái shuō qíshí suàn bǐjiào guì de, duì ba?
Xinqing: Yes, Hua Xizi is a brand, it seems to be an eyebrow pencil, which is a pencil for drawing eyebrows. Hua Xizi sells one for 79 yuan, which is about 10 US dollars per eyebrow pencil, but it is actually relatively expensive in China. ,Right?
Zhōngguó zài táo bǎo shàng mǎi yì zhī méibǐ kěnéng duōshǎo qián?
How much does it cost to buy an eyebrow pencil on Taobao in China?
10 kuài qián.
10 yuan.
KouKou: 对。
KouKou: duì.
KouKou: Yes.
Xinqing: 10块20块就可以买到,然后后来就有女生留言说你卖的眉笔太贵了,要79块钱一支,79块人民币一只,然后李佳琦在网上面说79块钱一只就很贵吗?
Xinqing: 10 kuài 20 kuài jiù kěyǐ mǎi dào, ránhòu hòulái jiù yǒu nǚshēng liúyán shuō nǐ mài de méibǐ tài guì le, yào 79 kuài qián yì zhī, 79 kuài rénmínbì yì zhī, ránhòu Lǐ jiā qí zài wǎng shàngmiàn shuō 79 kuài qián yì zhī jiù hěn guì ma?
Xinqing: You can buy it for 10 yuan or 20 yuan. Then some girls left a message saying that the eyebrow pencil you sell is too expensive. It costs 79 yuan a piece and 79 yuan a piece. Then Li Jiaqi said online that it costs 79 yuan a piece. Is it just expensive?
nǐmen yǒuméiyǒu hǎohǎo gōngzuò?
Are you doing a good job?
nǐmen zìjǐ fǎnsī yīxià, zhè jǐnián gōngzī zhǎng méi zhǎng, yǒuméiyǒu hǎohǎo gōngzuò, ránhòu hòulái jiù hǎoduō de wǎngyǒu bù mǎizhàng, hǎoduō wǎngyǒu jiù fēicháng shēngqì, yīnwèi zhè jǐnián jīngjì quèshí bùtàihǎo, dànshì nǚshēng háishi mǎi, háishi xiǎngyào biàn měi, huì huāqián mǎi huàzhuāngpǐn, dànshì zài wǒ juéde zhè shì yí gè fēicháng máodùn de dìfāng, jiùshì xiāofèi jiàngjí, dànshì tóngshí dàjiā háishi huì xiǎngyào mǎi yīxiē shēchǐpǐn lái yúyuè zìjǐ.
You should reflect on yourselves, whether your wages have increased in the past few years, whether you are working well, and then many netizens did not buy it, and many netizens were very angry, because the economy has not been very good in recent years, but girls still buy it and still want to If you want to be beautiful, you will spend money on cosmetics, but I think this is a very contradictory place, that is, consumption is downgraded, but at the same time, people still want to buy some luxury goods to please themselves.
KouKou: 对,你说的很有意思,我想到的整个社会它可能都有一种劣币驱逐良币的趋势,人们有可能就是会更倾向于购买那些比较便宜又劣质的东西,导致这个市场上也会充斥着这样一种氛围,然后会让大家远离一些真的好的品质的产品。
KouKou: duì, nǐ shuō de hěn yǒuyìsi, wǒ xiǎngdào de zhěnggè shèhuì tā kěnéng dōu yǒu yīzhǒng liè bì qūzhú liáng bì de qūshì, rénmen yǒu kěnéng jiùshì huì gèng qīngxiàng yú gòumǎi nàxiē bǐjiào piányi yòu lièzhì de dōngxi, dǎozhì zhège shìchǎng shàng yě huì chōngchì zhe zhèyàng yīzhǒng fēnwéi, ránhòu huì ràng dàjiā yuǎnlí yīxiē zhēn de hǎo de pǐnzhì de chǎnpǐn.
KouKou: Yes, what you said is very interesting. I think that the entire society may have a tendency for bad money to drive out good money. People may be more inclined to buy cheaper and inferior things, causing the market to also It will be filled with such an atmosphere, which will keep everyone away from some really good quality products.
wǒ juéde háishi xūyào yǒu yīxiē lìliang qù zhēnzhèng qù dài huò de shíhou, chuándì yīxiē zhèng néngliàng, háiyǒu yīxiē měihǎo.
I think we still need some strength to deliver some positive energy and some beauty when we actually bring goods.
bǐrú shuō Zhōngguó yǒu yījù lǎo huà, jiùshì huòzhēnjiàshí, huòzhě shì shuō yí gè chǎnpǐn tā yǒu shénmeyàng de pǐnzhì, tā jiù dìng shénmeyàng de jià, rúguǒ tài dī le, yǒu kěnéng nǐ mǎi dào de pǐnzhì yě bù hǎoxiàng wǒmen mǎi yí jiàn yīfu, bǐrú shuō shì kuài shíshàng de yīfu, hěn duō shíhou wǒ juéde wǒmen huì yǒu tónggǎn, tā de zhìliàng qíshí bùhǎo.
For example, there is an old saying in China that the goods are genuine and the price is high. In other words, a product will be priced according to its quality. If it is too low, the quality you buy may not be the same as when we buy a piece of clothing. , for example, fast fashion clothes, many times I think we all feel the same way, the quality is actually not good.
Xinqing: 我们一年穿两年或者洗一下就坏了,这样子其实对环境也很不好。
Xinqing: wǒmen yì nián chuān liǎng nián huòzhě xǐ yīxià jiù huài le, zhè yàngzi qíshí duì huánjìng yě hěn bùhǎo.
Xinqing: We wear them every year or two, or they break after just one wash. This is actually very bad for the environment.
fēicháng làngfèi, shì de.
Very wasteful, yes.
duì pīn duōduō dàjiā kěnéng yě tīngshuō guò, zài Zhōngguó yǒu zhème jǐge dà de gòuwù píngtái, yǒu táo bǎo 、 Jīng dōng, ránhòu háiyǒu pīn duōduō, dàn pīn duōduō zhǔ dǎ de jiùshì yí gè fēicháng piányi de xiāofèi de píngtái, zài pīn duōduō wǎng shàngmiàn kěnéng nǐ huā sān kuài qián, liǎng kuài qián hái bāo yóu.
You may have heard of Pinduoduo. There are several large shopping platforms in China, including Taobao, JD.com, and Pinduoduo. However, Pinduoduo’s main focus is a very cheap consumption platform. On Pinduoduo.com You may pay three yuan for the noodles, and you can get free shipping for two yuan.
包邮就是你买了以后不需要delivery fee,不需要邮费,然后三块钱就可以买拖鞋,然后当时就好多人说这是中国消费降级的体现,现在年轻人都会去买三块钱的拖鞋。
bāo yóu jiùshì nǐ mǎi le yǐhòu bù xūyào delivery fee, bù xūyào yóufèi, ránhòu sān kuài qián jiù kěyǐ mǎi tuōxié, ránhòu dāngshí jiù hǎoduō rén shuō zhè shì Zhōngguó xiāofèi jiàngjí de tǐxiàn, xiànzài niánqīngrén dōu huì qù mǎi sān kuài qián de tuōxié.
Free shipping means that you don’t need delivery fees or postage after buying it, and you can buy slippers for three yuan. At that time, many people said that this was a reflection of China’s consumption downgrade. Now young people will buy slippers for three yuan. .
KouKou: 对,这个也很有趣,我记得我跟我的朋友们一起聊天的时候,我们会去抱怨,比如说一双袜子卖的这么贵,但是他们会说奢侈品可能1万 2万,但我觉得挺划算挺便宜。
KouKou: duì, zhège yě hěn yǒuqù, wǒ jìde wǒ gēn wǒ de péngyou men yīqǐ liáotiān de shíhou, wǒmen huì qù bàoyuàn, bǐrú shuō yì shuāng wàzi mài de zhème guì, dànshì tāmen huì shuō shēchǐpǐn kěnéng 1 wàn 2 wàn, dàn wǒ juéde tǐng huásuàn tǐng piányi.
KouKou: Yes, this is also very interesting. I remember when I was chatting with my friends, we would complain, for example, a pair of socks was so expensive, but they would say that luxury goods might cost 10,000 to 20,000, but I I think it’s quite cost-effective and cheap.
jiùshìshuō wǒmen duì yí gè shāngpǐn de qīdài, tā jiàzhí de qīdài shì yǒu bùtóng de biāozhǔn de,
That is to say, our expectations for a product and its value have different standards.
Xinqing: 很奇怪的是,有些女生可能会像你说的,不舍得花5块钱买一双袜子,他说我要去拼多多买3块钱的袜子,但是他同时转眼就去买一个1万块钱的包包,然后而且在上海,我最近因为我马上要回国,我在查一些上海的攻略,上海一杯奶茶,或者上海有好多特别流行的地方,一杯奶茶,一根冰棒,一根冰激凌就要卖15块钱20块钱,然后我看到好多人还是排队去买。
Xinqing: hěn qíguài de shì, yǒuxiē nǚshēng kěnéng huì xiàng nǐ shuō de, bù shěde huā 5 kuài qián mǎi yì shuāng wàzi, tā shuō wǒ yào qù pīn duōduō mǎi 3 kuài qián de wàzi, dànshì tā tóngshí zhuǎnyǎn jiù qù mǎi yí gè 1 wàn kuài qián de bāobāo, ránhòu érqiě zài Shànghǎi, wǒ zuìjìn yīnwèi wǒ mǎshàng yào huíguó, wǒ zài chá yīxiē Shànghǎi de gōnglüè, Shànghǎi yì bēi nǎichá, huòzhě Shànghǎi yǒu hǎoduō tèbié liúxíng de dìfāng, yì bēi nǎichá, yì gēn bīngbàng, yì gēn bīngjīlíng jiùyào mài 15 kuài qián 20 kuài qián, ránhòu wǒ kàn dào hǎoduō rén háishi páiduì qù mǎi.
Xinqing: What’s strange is that some girls may be reluctant to spend 5 yuan to buy a pair of socks like you said. He said I’m going to go to Pinduoduo to buy 3 yuan socks, but at the same time he bought a pair of 10,000 yuan socks in the blink of an eye. 1 yuan bag, and in Shanghai, because I am going back to China soon, I am looking up some Shanghai guides, a cup of milk tea in Shanghai, or there are many particularly popular places in Shanghai, a cup of milk tea, a popsicle, and an ice cream It cost 15 yuan or 20 yuan, and then I saw a lot of people queuing up to buy it.
KouKou: 对,我觉得奶茶也是真的很贵,尤其是当你请大家喝奶茶的时候,如果你要请10个人喝奶茶,像以前请大家喝饮料是很正常的事情,但是你想想如果一杯奶茶就要花50,你请10个人就要花500了。
KouKou: duì, wǒ juéde nǎichá yě shì zhēn de hěn guì, yóuqí shì dāng nǐ qǐng dàjiā hē nǎichá de shíhou, rúguǒ nǐ yào qǐng 10 gèrén hē nǎichá, xiàng yǐqián qǐng dàjiā hē yǐnliào shì hěn zhèngcháng de shìqing, dànshì nǐ xiǎng xiǎng rúguǒ yì bēi nǎichá jiùyào huā 50, nǐ qǐng 10 gèrén jiùyào huā 500 le.
KouKou: Yes, I think milk tea is also really expensive, especially when you treat everyone to drink milk tea. If you want to treat 10 people to drink milk tea, it is normal to treat everyone to drinks like before, but if you think about it, A cup of milk tea costs 50, and if you invite 10 people, it will cost 500.
Xinqing: 对,现在奶茶都要几十块钱一杯,特别贵,特别是一些网红,我觉得这个趋势在国内现在特别的多,有一个牌子或者一个网红奶茶,然后大家一定要去打卡,然后就会花蛮多钱去买一杯网红奶茶这样子。
Xinqing: duì, xiànzài nǎichá dōu yào jǐ shí kuài qián yì bēi, tèbié guì, tèbié shì yīxiē wǎng hóng, wǒ juéde zhège qūshì zài guónèi xiànzài tèbié de duō, yǒu yí gè páizi huòzhě yí gè wǎng hóng nǎichá, ránhòu dàjiā yīdìng yào qù dǎkǎ, ránhòu jiù huì huā mán duō qián qù mǎi yì bēi wǎng hóng nǎichá zhè yàngzi.
Xinqing: Yes, a cup of milk tea now costs tens of yuan, which is very expensive, especially for some Internet celebrities. I think this trend is very popular in China now. There is a brand or Internet celebrity milk tea, and then everyone must check in. Then I will spend a lot of money to buy a cup of Internet celebrity milk tea.
KouKou: 是,但同时我也看到很多人,比如说瑞幸这个品牌,他的咖啡就卖的比较便宜,然后大家也会去买单。
KouKou: shì, dàn tóngshí wǒ yě kàn dào hěn duō rén, bǐrú shuō ruì xìng zhège pǐnpái, tā de kāfēi jiù mài de bǐjiào piányi, ránhòu dàjiā yě huì qù mǎidān.
KouKou: Yes, but at the same time, I also see many people, such as the brand Luckin, selling their coffee relatively cheaply, and everyone will pay for it.
wǒ zìjǐ gèrén lái shuō, wǒ cháng le wǒ shìbùshì tèbié xǐhuan, dànshì wǒ fāxiàn fēicháng duō de niánqīngrén yě huì rènkě zhèzhǒng pǐnpái, ránhòu yǐjí tā de jiàgé yě bùshì shuō wánwánquánquán de zhǔliú.
Personally, I tasted it and I didn’t particularly like it, but I found that a lot of young people also recognize this brand, and its price is not completely mainstream.
xiàng nǐ shuō de jiùshì xiāofèi jiàngjí huòzhě shuō zhèzhǒng wánquán de fēnggé, wǒ juéde.
What you said is consumption downgrade or this complete style, I think.
Xinqing: 像瑞幸就是主打一个货美价廉,对货真价实一个比较又比较便宜,但是价质量又比较好的一个产品,有点像以前那很早以前像无印良品,日本的牌子像Muji这种。
Xinqing: xiàng ruì xìng jiùshì zhǔ dǎ yí gè huò měi jià lián, duì huòzhēnjiàshí yí gè bǐjiào yòu bǐjiào piányi, dànshì jià zhìliàng yòu bǐjiào hǎo de yí gè chǎnpǐn, yǒudiǎn xiàng yǐqián nà hěn zǎo yǐqián xiàng wú yìn liáng pǐn, Rìběn de páizi xiàng Muji zhèzhǒng.
Xinqing: For example, Ruixing mainly focuses on products with good quality and low price. It is cheaper to compare genuine products with good price and quality. It is a bit like the long time ago like Muji, Japanese brands like Muji. .
KouKou: 对我觉得它的叫business model,就是它的商业模式,还是有他的打法的。
KouKou: duì wǒ juéde tā de jiào business model, jiùshì tā de shāngyèmóshì, háishi yǒu tā de dǎfǎ de.
KouKou: I think it is called business model, which is its business model and its own style of play.
Xinqing: 那我刚才想问你,你拥有过最贵的一件奢侈品是什么?
Xinqing: nà wǒ gāngcái xiǎng wèn nǐ, nǐ yōngyǒu guò zuì guì de yí jiàn shēchǐpǐn shì shénme?
Xinqing: Then I just wanted to ask you, what is the most expensive luxury item you have ever owned?
huòzhě zài nǐ de dìngyì lǐ de shēchǐpǐn?
Or luxury in your definition?
KouKou: 好问题。
KouKou: hǎo wèntí.
KouKou: Good question.
kěnéng shì yí gè bāobāo, dànshì qíshí wǒ zuì xiǎng fēnxiǎng de shì wǒ zài Dàxué de shíhou, wǒ gěi zìjǐ mǎi le yí gè wǒ juéde háishi bǐjiào guì de yīfu de, tā hǎoxiàng shì 3000 duō kuài qián, zài wǒ shàng Dàxué de shíhou, ránhòu tā qíshí jiùshì yí jiàn hěn pǔtōng de bàngqiú fú, ránhòu tā shì jiā mián de, ránhòu wǒ shì 1995 nián chūshēng, ránhòu tā hǎoxiàng yě shì 1995 nián de yí gè páizi, ránhòu wǒ jiù hěn rènkě juéde zhè yīfu shǔyú wǒ, dāngshí yǒudiǎn juéde quèshí duì wǒ lái shuō dāngshí yǒudiǎn guì le, wǒ juéde nà yīnggāi shì shǔyú wǒ yìnxiàng zhōng yìyì shàng de yí gè dìyī jiàn shēchǐpǐn, tā bú suàn shì zuì guì de, dàn duì wǒ dāngshí wǒ de lái shuō wǒ fēicháng xiǎngyào, ránhòu wǒ yòu fùchū le bǐjiào duō de línghuāqián qù mǎi zhège yīfu, ránhòu hòumiàn hòumiàn yě huì juéde kěnéng méiyǒu xiàng zuì kāishǐ juéde tā nàme hǎokàn le, dàn dào mùqián wéizhǐ wǒ dōu hái zài chuān, ránhòu tā yě yǒu bǎonuǎn de gōngnéng, suǒyǐ wǒ juéde.
It might be a bag, but actually what I want to share most is that when I was in college, I bought myself a piece of clothing that I thought was relatively expensive. It seemed to be more than 3,000 yuan. When I was in college, Then it was actually a very ordinary baseball uniform, and it was made of cotton. Then I was born in 1995, and it seemed to be a brand in 1995. Then I recognized that this clothes belonged to me. At that time, I felt a little bit It was indeed a bit expensive for me at the time. I think it was the first luxury item in my impression. It was not the most expensive, but for me at the time, I wanted it very much, and then I spent a lot of pocket money to buy this dress, and later I felt that it might not be as good-looking as I thought it was at first, but so far I am still wearing it, and it also has the function of keeping warm, so I feel.
mùqián xiǎng qǐlai háishi zhíde de.
It’s worth it now that I think about it.
Xinqing: 你现在还在穿,已经穿了好几年了。(
Xinqing: nǐ xiànzài hái zài chuān, yǐjīng chuān le hǎojǐnián le. (
Xinqing: You are still wearing it now, and you have been wearing it for several years. (
duì, 10 nián le jiù hěn liànjiù.)
Yes, I feel nostalgic after 10 years. )
wǒ juéde xiàng yí jiàn 3000 kuài qián de yīfu, rúguǒ nǐ néng chuān 10 nián, érqiě érqiě duì nǐ lái shuō yǒu tèshū de yìyì, wǒ juéde háishi hěn zhíde de, quèshí bùshì tèbié guì.
I think a piece of clothing costs 3,000 yuan. If you can wear it for 10 years and it has special meaning to you, I think it is still worth it. It is indeed not particularly expensive.
xiàng nǐ shuō de Dàxué bìyè de shíhou huòzhě shì yǒu tèshū yìyì de shíhou, mǎi yí jiàn ràng zìjǐ juéde tèbié kāixīn de dōngxi, háishi tǐng yǒu yìyì de.
Like you said, when you graduate from college or when it has special meaning, it is quite meaningful to buy something that makes you feel particularly happy.
KouKou: 对,我觉得让自己开心可能比什么都重要。
KouKou: duì, wǒ juéde ràng zìjǐ kāixīn kěnéng bǐ shénme dōu zhòngyào.
KouKou: Yes, I think making myself happy is probably more important than anything else.
Xinqing: 我一开始人生拥有的最比较贵的奢侈品,像项链,或者当时我的第一台苹果电脑,我觉得都是那个时候苹果电脑还是比较贵的,但是项链是我当时的男朋友送的,所以我自己都不舍得买奢侈品,一般都是人家送礼物的时候会送比较贵的项链首饰什么的。
Xinqing: wǒ yì kāishǐ rénshēng yōngyǒu de zuì bǐjiào guì de shēchǐpǐn, xiàng xiàngliàn, huòzhě dāngshí wǒ de dìyī tái Píngguǒdiànnǎo, wǒ juéde dōu shì nàge shíhou Píngguǒdiànnǎo háishi bǐjiào guì de, dànshì xiàngliàn shì wǒ dāngshí de nánpéngyou sòng de, suǒyǐ wǒ zìjǐ dōu bù shěde mǎi shēchǐpǐn, yībān dōu shì rénjiā sònglǐ wù de shíhou huì sòng bǐjiào guì de xiàngliàn shǒushì shénme de.
Xinqing: The most expensive luxury goods I owned at the beginning of my life were necklaces or my first Apple computer. I think Apple computers were still relatively expensive at that time, but the necklace was a gift from my boyfriend at the time. Yes, so I am not willing to buy luxury goods myself. Usually when people give gifts, they give more expensive necklaces and jewelry.
KouKou: 对,说到我还想到其实有时候我会挺害怕我的好朋友送我比较贵的东西,其实我是会有点负担,因为我会有这种像中国有礼尚往来的传统,然后到对方过生日或者是过年过节会想要送什么礼来回呢?
KouKou: duì, shuō dào wǒ hái xiǎngdào qíshí yǒushíhou wǒ huì tǐng hàipà wǒ de hǎo péngyou sòng wǒ bǐjiào guì de dōngxi, qíshí wǒ shì huì yǒudiǎn fùdān, yīnwèi wǒ huì yǒu zhèzhǒng xiàng Zhōngguó yǒu lǐshàngwǎnglái de chuántǒng, ránhòu dào duìfāng guò shēngrì huòzhě shì guònián guòjié huì xiǎngyào sòng shénme lǐ láihuí ne?
KouKou: Yes, when it comes to talking about it, I also thought that sometimes I am afraid that my good friends will give me expensive things. In fact, I will feel a little burdened because I have this tradition of reciprocity like China, and then to the other party What kind of gift would you like to give for a birthday or Chinese New Year?
ránhòu jiù huì bǐjiào bú shìyìng zhèzhǒng.
Then you will be less accustomed to this.
duì, suǒyǐ zuìhǎo wǒ juéde wǒmen kěyǐ yuēdìng shuō wǒmen yīqǐ qù chī gè fàn, huòzhě shì wǒ xiǎngyào nǐ bāng wǒ mǎi, ránhòu yǐ zhèzhǒng fāngshì shì wǒ gèng shūfu de.
Yes, so I think it would be best if we could make an agreement that we go out to have a meal together, or I want you to buy it for me, and then I would be more comfortable in this way.
Xinqing: 所以你会有朋友送你很贵的东西,奢侈品类的东西吗?
Xinqing: suǒyǐ nǐ huì yǒu péngyou sòng nǐ hěn guì de dōngxi, shēchǐpǐn lèi de dōngxi ma?
Xinqing: So do you have friends who give you expensive things, luxury things?
wǒ juéde wǒ cónglái méiyǒu jiùshì pǔtōng péngyou sòng guò wǒ shēchǐpǐn.
I feel like I have never had luxury items given to me by just ordinary friends.
KouKou: 那倒没有,但是刚好讲到就是说,有朋友送你奢侈品就比较奢侈的项链什么的。
KouKou: nà dào méiyǒu, dànshì gānghǎo jiǎng dào jiùshìshuō, yǒu péngyou sòng nǐ shēchǐpǐn jiù bǐjiào shēchǐ de xiàngliàn shénme de.
KouKou: Not really, but as I mentioned, if a friend gives you a luxury item, it would be a more luxurious necklace or something.
Xinqing: 一般都是男朋友,但是就是前男友送很贵的东西,然后你分手了以后你也不会还给他,所以收下来继续用。
Xinqing: yībān dōu shì nánpéngyou, dànshì jiùshì qián nányǒu sòng hěn guì de dōngxi, ránhòu nǐ fēnshǒu le yǐhòu nǐ yě bùhuì huángěi tā, suǒyǐ shōuxià lái jìxù yòng.
Xinqing: Usually it’s boyfriends, but even if your ex-boyfriend gives you something expensive, you won’t return it to him after you break up, so you keep it and continue to use it.
KouKou: 其实东西我觉得最重要的现在越来越看重它实不实用,或者说自己喜不喜欢。
KouKou: qíshí dōngxi wǒ juéde zuì zhòngyào de xiànzài yuèláiyuè kànzhòng tā shí bù shíyòng, huòzhě shuō zìjǐ xǐ bù xǐhuan.
KouKou: Actually, I think the most important thing about something now is whether it is practical or not, or whether I like it or not.
Xinqing: 对,我到现在也没有,说实话没有特别贵的项链,除了那一条前男友送的以外,就没有什么奢侈品了。
Xinqing: duì, wǒ dào xiànzài yě méiyǒu, shuōshíhuà méiyǒu tèbié guì de xiàngliàn, chúle nà yì tiáo qián nányǒu sòng de yǐwài, jiù méiyǒu shénme shēchǐpǐn le.
Xinqing: Yes, I still don’t have one. To be honest, I don’t have a particularly expensive necklace. Except for the one given by my ex-boyfriend, there are no luxury goods.
dàn wǒ yǒu de shíhou yě huì xiǎng shuō, nǐ zhīdào Rìnèiwǎ jiù xiàng nǐ gāngcái shuō de, Rìnèiwǎ yǒu hǎoduō de shēchǐpǐn diàn, ránhòu zuótiān wǒ qù wàimiàn guàngjiē, kànkan dào yīxiē jiājù de diàn, háiyǒu shǒubiǎo, shǒushì.
But sometimes I also want to say, you know Geneva, as you just said, there are many luxury stores in Geneva, and yesterday I went shopping and saw some furniture stores, as well as watches and jewelry.
wǒ jiù xiǎng shuō wǒ dōu juéde wǒ yě suàn gōngzuò le zhème duō nián, yǒu yīxiē jīxù le, wǒ háishi méiyǒu yǒngqì qù bùrù nàxiē jiù zǒujìn Rìnèiwǎ de shēchǐpǐn diàn, wǒ gǎnjué wǒ zǒujìn qù jiù huì bèi diànyuán kànchuān.
I just want to say that I feel like I have worked for so many years and have some savings, but I still don’t have the courage to walk into those luxury stores in Geneva. I feel like I will be seen through by the clerk when I walk in.
KouKou: 我并不会。
KouKou: wǒ bìng bùhuì.
KouKou: I don’t know how.
qíshí wǒ xiǎng fēnxiǎng wǒ de tǐyàn, jiùshì wǒ qù Rìnèiwǎ de shēchǐpǐn diàn yǒu yí gè tour, jiù wǒ gēn wǒ de péngyou wǒmen liǎng gè yīqǐ qù zhōngbiǎo diàn qù shì dài, ránhòu tā bǐjiào háoqì, wǒ gēnzhe tā jiù yě hěn yǒu dǐqì, ránhòu tāmen diàn lǐmiàn de rén duì wǒmen tàidu yě fēicháng hǎo, hái huì gěi wǒmen fā qiǎokèlì chī shì de, ránhòu gǎnxìngqù de shǒubiǎo yě huì bāng wǒmen shì dài, ránhòu rúguǒ zhēn de xiǎngyào dehuà yě kěyǐ qù yùdìng.
In fact, I want to share my experience. I went on a tour to a luxury store in Geneva. My friend and I went to the watch store to try them on. He was quite bold, and I felt confident following him. , and the people in their store are also very nice to us, and will give us chocolates to eat, and they will also help us try on watches that we are interested in, and if we really want them, we can also make a reservation.
Xinqing: 有些手表有买吗?
Xinqing: yǒuxiē shǒubiǎo yǒu mǎi ma?
Xinqing: Have you bought any watches?
KouKou: 我的朋友他真的订了一块劳力士,他帮他哥哥订的,对,然后我觉得这也不是说天价手表有一些还是可以买得起的。
KouKou: wǒ de péngyou tā zhēn de dìng le yīkuài Láolìshì, tā bāng tā gēge dìng de, duì, ránhòu wǒ juéde zhè yě bùshì shuō tiānjià shǒubiǎo yǒu yīxiē háishi kěyǐ mǎi de qǐ de.
KouKou: My friend actually ordered a Rolex. He ordered it for his brother, yes, but I don’t think this means that some sky-high-priced watches are still affordable.
érqiě wǒ juéde qù xīnshǎng yīxià yě hěn yǒuyìsi.
And I think it’s interesting to go and appreciate it.
Xinqing: 我觉得如果你是抱着你确实会买一块手表的心态去,那个店里面确实比较有底气,像如果我走进去,我知道我不会买,但是我就是想试试看,我想带看,就特别没有底气会被看穿。
Xinqing: wǒ juéde rúguǒ nǐ shì bào zhe nǐ quèshí huì mǎi yīkuài shǒubiǎo de xīntài qù, nàge diàn lǐmiàn quèshí bǐjiào yǒu dǐqì, xiàng rúguǒ wǒ zǒujìn qù, wǒ zhīdào wǒ bùhuì mǎi, dànshì wǒ jiùshì xiǎng shìshìkàn, wǒ xiǎng dài kàn, jiù tèbié méiyǒu dǐqì huì bèi kànchuān.
Xinqing: I think if you go there with the mentality that you will really buy a watch, that store will be more confident. For example, if I walk in, I know I won’t buy it, but I just want to try it and I want to wear it. See, I don’t have the confidence to be seen through.
ránhòu yǒu yīcì shì huíguó, jīnnián huíguó zhīqián, wǒ xiǎng gěi wǒ bàba mǎi yīkuài shǒubiǎo, ránhòu wǒ dāngshí de xīnlǐ jiàwèi shì 3000 Měijīn dào 4000 Měijīn zhījiān, dàn zhège qíshí zài Rìnèiwǎ de shǒubiǎo diàn lǐmiàn suànshì zuì dī dàngcì de, kěnéng yīnwèi yībān Láolìshì dōu huì dào 11 wàn 1 wàn Měijīn zuǒyòu, ránhòu wǒ jiù zǒu le hǎojǐ jiā diàn, wǒ jìnqù le yǐhòu, wǒ jiù zhíjiē wèn tāmen shuō nǐmen zhèlǐ yǒuméiyǒu 3000 Měijīn 4000 Měijīn zuǒyòu de shǒubiǎo, ránhòu jiù bèi gǎnchū lái le, yě méiyǒu bèi gǎnchū lái, diànyuán jiù huì shuō fēicháng lǐmào de shuō, wǒmen zhèlǐ zuì dī de shì 1 wàn huòzhě 2 wàn Měijīn de, wǒ jiànyì nǐ qù nǎ jiā diàn kàn yīxià, ránhòu jiù bèi sòngzǒu le.
Then one time I went back to China. Before returning to China this year, I wanted to buy a watch for my father. My mental price range at that time was between US$3,000 and US$4,000, but this is actually the lowest grade among watch shops in Geneva. Maybe because Generally, Rolexes cost about 111,000 US dollars. Then I went to several stores. After I entered, I asked them directly if they had watches worth about 3,000 US dollars or 4,000 US dollars. Then I was kicked out. They were not kicked out. The clerk would say very politely, the lowest price here is 10,000 or 20,000 US dollars. I suggest you go to a store to check it out, and then he was sent away.
KouKou: 对,但是我觉得有时候你不去看见,你就没有欲望,如果你没有看到一个非常想要的东西,你也不会考虑要筹钱去买它。
KouKou: duì, dànshì wǒ juéde yǒushíhou nǐ bú qù kànjiàn, nǐ jiù méiyǒu yùwàng, rúguǒ nǐ méiyǒu kàn dào yí gè fēicháng xiǎngyào de dōngxi, nǐ yě bùhuì kǎolǜ yào chóu qián qù mǎi tā.
KouKou: Yes, but I think sometimes if you don’t see it, you won’t have the desire. If you don’t see something you really want, you won’t think about raising money to buy it.
xiàng nà yīcì wǒ qù shēchǐpǐn diàn guàng de shíhou, wǒ qù Láolìshì, ránhòu diànyuán tā gěi wǒ jièshào tā zìjǐ dài de yì kuǎn bái bèimǔ de yīkuài shǒubiǎo, biǎopán yě bǐjiào xiǎo, yě bǐjiào jīngzhì.
For example, when I went to a luxury store, I went to Rolex, and the clerk introduced me to a white mother-of-pearl watch he brought with him. The dial was smaller and more delicate.
tā shuō nàge biǎo tā yǐjīng dài le jǐ shí nián le, suǒyǐ tā yě fēicháng jiànyì wǒ shuō rúguǒ nǐ tóuzī dehuà, yào kǎolǜ hǎo zìjǐ shìbùshì zhēn de xiǎngyào dài zhè kuài biǎo dài hěn jiǔ, ránhòu tā yě shuō zhè shì zhíde tóuzī de yì bǐ qián, dànshì wǒ juéde quèshí shì yīnrén’éryì, dàn wǒ de tǐyàn shì tāmen hái tǐng Yǒuhǎo de, ránhòu duì yóuqí shì Zhōngguó rén, tā yě huì jiǎzhuāng yǒu yí gè yùshè, kěnéng nǐ huì bǐjiào yǒuqián.
He said that he has been wearing that watch for decades, so he also strongly advised me that if you invest, you should consider whether you really want to wear this watch for a long time, and he also said that it is worth investing in. A sum of money, but I think it does vary from person to person, but my experience is that they are quite friendly, and especially the Chinese, they will also pretend to have a preset, maybe you will be richer.
Xinqing: 有可能看到中国人会觉得买得起。
Xinqing: yǒu kěnéng kàn dào Zhōngguó rén huì juéde mǎi de qǐ.
Xinqing: It’s possible that Chinese people will find it affordable if they see it.
duì, hǎo, xièxie Coco.
Yes, okay, thank you Coco.
jīntiān wǒmen jiù liáo dào zhè, xiàcì wǒmen kěyǐ jìxù liáo, wǒ juéde zhège huàtí háishi mán yǒuyìsi de, duì, hěn yǒuyìsi.
That’s all we talked about today. We can continue talking next time. I think this topic is quite interesting. Yes, it’s very interesting.
KouKou: 有很多可以聊的,谢谢今天。
KouKou: yǒu hěn duō kěyǐ liáo de, xièxie jīntiān.
KouKou: There is a lot to talk about, thank you for today.
Xinqing: 好的,拜拜。
Xinqing: hǎo de, báibái.
Xinqing: Okay, bye.
Xinqing: Okay, bye.