Episode 50 Vocabulary

Xinqing Lu (Joanne)
3 min readNov 5, 2023


新疆 Xīn​jiāng | Xinjiang, an autonomous region
隔 gé | separate or distant
年代 nián​dài | era or time period
90后 90 hòu | post-90s
消费观 xiāo​fèi guān | consumption concept
消费降级 xiāo​fèi jiàng​jí | downgrading of consumer spending
便宜 pián​yi | cheap, inexpensive
奢侈品 shē​chǐ​pǐn | luxury goods
爱马仕 Aì​mǎ​shì | Hermès
包包 bāo​bāo | handbag
经济水平 jīng​jì shuǐ​píng | economic level
名贵 míng​guì | precious or valuable
手表 shǒu​biǎo | wristwatch
百达翡丽 bǎi dá fěi lì | Patek Philippe
消费品 xiāo​fèi​pǐn | consumer goods
昂贵 áng​guì | expensive
劳力士 Láo​lì​shì | Rolex
实用 shí​yòng | practical, useful
炫耀 xuàn​yào | show off
赚很多钱 zhuàn hěn duō qián | earn a lot of money
豪车 háo chē | luxury car
刚毕业 gāng bì​yè | just graduated
薪水 xīn​shuǐ | salary or wages
难想象 nán xiǎng​xiàng | hard to imagine
向往 xiàng​wǎng | yearn for, desire
爱慕虚荣 ài​mù xū​róng | vanity
符号 fú​hào | symbol
耐看 nài​kàn | durable and attractive
背后的故事 bèi​hòu de gù​shì | backstory
款式 kuǎn​shì | fashion style
看作 kàn​zuò | regard as
经典 jīng​diǎn | classic
人生阶段 rén​shēng jiē​duàn | life stage
职场 zhí​chǎng | workplace
赚钱 zhuàn​qián | earn money
一棒子打死 yí bàng​zi dǎ​sǐ | generalization
步入职场 bù​rù zhí​chǎng | enter the workplace
品质 pǐn​zhì | quality
价位 jià​wèi | price range
愉悦 yú​yuè | pleasure or enjoyment
动态 dòng​tài | updates or latest news
失去自我 shī​qù zì​wǒ | lose oneself
沉迷 chén​mí | obsession
范围 fàn​wéi | scope or range
经济能力 jīng​jì néng​lì | economic ability
刷爆 shuā bào | max out credit card
标识 biāo​zhì | symbol or identifier
贷款 dài​kuǎn | loan
信用卡 xìn​yòng​kǎ | credit card
红人 hóng rén | internet celebrity
直播 undefined | undefined
眉笔 méi​bǐ | eyebrow pencil
关注 guān​zhù | pay attention to
留言 liú​yán | leave a message
矛盾 máo​dùn | contradiction
买账 mǎi​zhàng | accept responsibility or consequences
劣币驱逐良币 liè bì qū​zhú liáng bì | bad money drives out good
带货 dài huò | promote products or sales
快时尚 kuài shí​shàng | fast fashion
货真价实 huò​zhēn​jià​shí | genuine and reliable
同感 tóng​gǎn | shared feeling
购物 gòu​wù | shopping
平台 píng​tái | platform
拼多多 pīn duō​duō | online shopping platform
主打 zhǔ dǎ | flagship product or service
邮费 yóu​fèi | postage
包邮 bāo yóu | free shipping
抱怨 bào​yuàn | complain or grumble
转眼 zhuǎn​yǎn | in an instant
攻略 gōng​lüè | guide or strategy
冰激凌 bīng​jī​líng | ice cream
奶茶 nǎi​chá | bubble tea
打卡 dǎ​kǎ | check-in
网红 wǎng hóng | internet celebrity
品牌 pǐn​pái | brand
买单 mǎi​dān | pay the bill
主流 zhǔ​liú | mainstream
货美价廉 huò měi jià lián | affordable and good quality
印象中 yìn​xiàng zhōng | in my impression
棒球服 bàng​qiú fú | baseball uniform
保暖 bǎo​nuǎn | warm
恋旧 liàn​jiù | nostalgic, sentimental
特殊意义 undefined | undefined
首饰 shǒu​shì | jewelry
项链 xiàng​liàn | necklace
负担 fù​dān | burden
礼尚往来 lǐ​shàng​wǎng​lái | reciprocity
前男友 qián nán​yǒu | ex-boyfriend
逛街 undefined | undefined
家具 jiā​jù | furniture
豪气 háo​qì | bold and confident attitude
底气 dǐ​qì | confidence
订 dìng | order, book
天价 tiān​jià | exorbitant price
欲望 yù​wàng | desire or craving
筹钱 chóu qián | raise money
值得投资 zhí​de tóu​zī | worth investing
因人而异 yīn​rén​’ér​yì | varies from person to person
预设 yù​shè | assumption or presupposition



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