Episode 51 transcript

Xinqing Lu (Joanne)
35 min readNov 19, 2023


Xinqing 00:02 Hello大家好,欢迎大家回来我们的瞎扯学中文。
Xinqing 00 :02 Hello dà​jiā hǎo, huān​yíng dà​jiā huí​lai wǒ​men de xiā​chě xué Zhōng​wén.
Xinqing 00:02 Hello everyone, welcome back to our nonsense learning Chinese.

Hallo Christopher
Hallo Christopher
Hallo Christopher

Christopher: 00:14: 终于念对我的名字。
Christopher: 00 :14 : zhōng​yú niàn duì wǒ de míng​zi.
Christopher: 00:14: Finally got my name right.

Xinqing 00:16: 之前你来过我们节目是吧?
Xinqing 00 :16 : zhī​qián nǐ lái guò wǒ​men jié​mù shì ba?
Xinqing 00:16: You have been on our show before, right?

wǒ​men gāng​cái hái zài shuō, zhī​qián nǐ lái de shí​hou shì nǎ yì qī wǒ​men yǐ​jīng bú jì​de le.
We were talking just now, but we no longer remember which issue it was when you came here.

Christopher 00:23: 这个很两年了,两年或者两年半。
Christopher 00 :23 : zhè​ge hěn liǎng nián le, liǎng nián huò​zhě liǎng nián bàn.
Christopher 00:23: It’s been two years, two or two and a half years.

Xinqing 00:28: 两年半,好长时间,是时间飞快。
Xinqing 00 :28 : liǎng nián bàn, hǎo cháng shí​jiān, shì shí​jiān fēi​kuài.
Xinqing 00:28: Two and a half years, a long time, time flies very fast.

duì, xiān gěi wǒ​men update yī​xià nǐ zuì​jìn de shēng​huó zěn​me​yàng?
Yes, first give us an update on your life recently. How about it?

guò​qù liǎng nián.
the past two years.

Christopher 00:39: 我还好之前从日内瓦实习结束之后,就回来完成我的研究生,第二个研究生学历,然后完成之后就又开始紧接着就开始我的博士项目,然后现在是第二年了,努力做出成果中,每天也是压力比较大。
Christopher 00 :39 : wǒ hái​hǎo zhī​qián cóng Rì​nèi​wǎ shí​xí jié​shù zhī​hòu, jiù huí​lai wán​chéng wǒ de yán​jiū​shēng, dì​’èr gè yán​jiū​shēng xué​lì, rán​hòu wán​chéng zhī​hòu jiù yòu kāi​shǐ jǐn​jiē zhe jiù kāi​shǐ wǒ de bó​shì xiàng​mù, rán​hòu xiàn​zài shì dì​’èr nián le, nǔ​lì zuò​chū chéng​guǒ zhōng, měi​tiān yě shì yā​lì bǐ​jiào dà.
Christopher 00:39: Fortunately, after I finished my internship in Geneva, I came back to complete my graduate degree, the second graduate degree, and then after completing it, I started my doctoral project again, and now it is the second year. , while working hard to achieve results, the pressure is quite high every day.

Xinqing 01:02: 你现在博士第二年了,对。
Xinqing 01 :02 : nǐ xiàn​zài bó​shì dì​’èr nián le, duì.
Xinqing 01:02: You are now in the second year of your Ph.D., right.

Christopher 01:05: 时间非常快,第一年感觉什么都没干就过去了。
Christopher 01 :05 : shí​jiān fēi​cháng kuài, dì​yī nián gǎn​jué shén​me dōu méi gàn jiù guò​qù le.
Christopher 01:05: Time flies so fast. It feels like the first year went by without doing anything.

Xinqing 01:10: 博士一般还是4年结束吗?
Xinqing 01 :10 : bó​shì yī​bān hái​shi 4 nián jié​shù ma?
Xinqing 01:10: Does a PhD usually last 4 years?

4 nián wán​chéng.
Completed in 4 years.

Christopher 01:15: 对,一般来说是4年,但是因为我这个项目有一些department duty需要带一些课,然后这样下来的话5年时间。
Christopher 01 :15 : duì, yī​bān​lái​shuō shì 4 nián, dàn​shì yīn​wèi wǒ zhè​ge xiàng​mù yǒu yī​xiē department duty xū​yào dài yī​xiē kè, rán​hòu zhè​yàng xià​lai de​huà 5 nián shí​jiān.
Christopher 01:15: Yes, generally it is 4 years, but because my project has some department duties and requires some classes, it will take 5 years.

Xinqing 01:28: 可能有一些听众之前还不认识你,还没有听到你原来的那一期节目,还是给大家介绍一下你在瑞典读什么,然后之前在日内瓦的时候我们是怎么认识的
Xinqing 01 :28 : kě​néng yǒu yī​xiē tīng​zhòng zhī​qián hái bú rèn​shi nǐ, hái méi​yǒu tīng​dào nǐ yuán​lái de nà yì qī jié​mù, hái​shi gěi dà​jiā jiè​shào yī​xià nǐ zài Ruì​diǎn dú shén​me, rán​hòu zhī​qián zài Rì​nèi​wǎ de shí​hou wǒ​men shì zěn​me rèn​shi de
Xinqing 01:28: There may be some listeners who don’t know you before and haven’t heard your original program. Let me introduce you to what you studied in Sweden and how we met when we were in Geneva.

Christopher 01:44: 好,可以,我叫Christopher, 然后我现在是在瑞典皇家理工学院读博士,然后我的项目是关于利用人工智能对以及物联网技术对基础设施进行健康的监测,现在主要是做这一块。
Christopher 01 :44 : hǎo, kě​yǐ, wǒ jiào Christopher, rán​hòu wǒ xiàn​zài shì zài Ruì​diǎn huáng​jiā lǐ​gōng xué​yuàn dú bó​shì, rán​hòu wǒ de xiàng​mù shì guān​yú lì​yòng rén​gōng​zhì​néng duì yǐ​jí wù lián​wǎng jì​shù duì jī​chǔ​shè​shī jìn​xíng jiàn​kāng de jiān​cè, xiàn​zài zhǔ​yào shì zuò zhè yī​kuài.
Christopher 01:44: Okay, yes, my name is Christopher, and I am currently studying for a PhD at the Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden. My project is about using artificial intelligence and Internet of Things technology to monitor the health of infrastructure. Now it is mainly Do this piece.

wǒ zhī​qián zài Rì​nèi​wǎ de shí​hou gēn Xinqing rèn​shi de yě shì jī​yuán qiǎo​hé de jī​huì, jiù​shì wǒ zài dà​jiē shàng pèng​dào liǎng gè wài​guó péng​you lán​zhù wǒ, gēn wǒ liáo le yì bō Zhōng​wén.
When I was in Geneva, I met Xinqing by chance. I met two foreign friends who stopped me on the street and chatted with me in Chinese.

Xinqing 0: :15: 最近有回国的打算吗?
Xinqing 0 : :15 : zuì​jìn yǒu huí​guó de dǎ​suàn ma?
Xinqing 0: :15: Do you have any plans to return to China recently?

Christopher 02:18: 我最近可能暂时没法回国,马上要有一个文章要准备,然后翻过年我马上要开始带一门新的课,所以带完课结束之后,我可能自己还要上一门课,可能就到暑假了,所以短时间内可能回不去了。
Christopher 02 :18 : wǒ zuì​jìn kě​néng zàn​shí méi​fǎ huí​guó, mǎ​shàng yào yǒu yí gè wén​zhāng yào zhǔn​bèi, rán​hòu fān​guò nián wǒ mǎ​shàng yào kāi​shǐ dài yì mén xīn de kè, suǒ​yǐ dài wán kè jié​shù zhī​hòu, wǒ kě​néng zì​jǐ hái yào shàng yì mén kè, kě​néng jiù dào shǔ​jià le, suǒ​yǐ duǎn​shí​jiān nèi kě​néng huí bú qù le.
Christopher 02:18: I may not be able to return to China for the time being. I have an article to prepare soon, and then I will start teaching a new class after the New Year. So after the class is over, I may have to take another class myself. The class may be in the summer vacation, so I may not be able to go back in a short time.

Xinqing 02:39: 你上一次回国是什么时候?
Xinqing 02 :39 : nǐ shàng yī​cì huí​guó shì shén​me shí​hou?
Xinqing 02:39: When was the last time you returned to China?

Christopher 02:43: 上一次回国就是今年的3月份,我带完第一门课的时候,我就赶紧说休个假回去瞅一眼,毕竟5年时间没回去了,赶快回去看看。
Christopher 02 :43 : shàng yī​cì huí​guó jiù​shì jīn​nián de 3 yuè​fèn, wǒ dài wán dì​yī mén kè de shí​hou, wǒ jiù gǎn​jǐn shuō xiū gè jiǎ huí​qu chǒu yī​yǎn, bì​jìng 5 nián shí​jiān méi huí​qu le, gǎn​kuài huí​qu kàn​kan.
Christopher 02:43: The last time I went back to China was in March this year. When I finished the first course, I quickly said I would take a vacation and go back to take a look. After all, I haven’t been back in 5 years, so I should go back and take a look.

Xinqing 02:55: 你这一次回去是5年第一次回国,你疫情期间也是一直没回去,你这次回去待了多长时间?
Xinqing 02 :55 : nǐ zhè yī​cì huí​qu shì 5 nián dì​yī​cì huí​guó, nǐ yì​qíng qī​jiān yě shì yī​zhí méi huí​qu, nǐ zhè cì huí​qu dài le duō cháng shí​jiān?
Xinqing 02:55: This is the first time you have returned to China in five years. You have not been back during the epidemic. How long did you stay there this time?

3 yuè​fèn de shí​hou.
In March.

Christopher 03:10: 没待多久,可能4周的时间就正常休假,对4周不算工作日的话,就是20天的假期。
Christopher 03 :10 : méi dài duō​jiǔ, kě​néng 4 zhōu de shí​jiān jiù zhèng​cháng xiū​jià, duì 4 zhōu bú suàn gōng​zuò​rì de​huà, jiù​shì 20 tiān de jià​qī.
Christopher 03:10: I didn’t stay long, maybe 4 weeks would be a normal vacation. If 4 weeks does not include working days, it would be 20 days of vacation.

Xinqing 03:18
Xinqing 03 :18
Xinqing 03:18

: 就4个星期在国内回去干了什么?
: jiù 4 gè xīng​qī zài guó​nèi huí​qu gàn le shén​me?
: What did you do when you went back to China for just 4 weeks?

Christopher 03:25: 我旅游,吃饭,好久没有吃国内的各种食物了,然后就到处吃一吃转一转,然后回国之后再就是看看家里人,然后跟家里人聊一聊什么的,很快就过去了,不知道要干什么。
Christopher 03 :25 : wǒ lǚ​yóu, chī​fàn, hǎo​jiǔ méi​yǒu chī guó​nèi de gè​zhǒng shí​wù le, rán​hòu jiù dào​chù chī yì chī zhuǎn yì zhuǎn, rán​hòu huí​guó zhī​hòu zài jiù​shì kàn​kan jiā​lǐ rén, rán​hòu gēn jiā​lǐ rén liáo yì liáo shén​me de, hěn kuài jiù guò​qù le, bù zhī​dào yào gàn​shén​me.
Christopher 03:25: I travel and eat. I haven’t eaten all kinds of food in China for a long time. Then I eat here and there. Then when I return to China, I visit my family and chat with them. It passed quickly and I didn’t know what to do.

Xinqing 03:44: 你老家哪里的?
Xinqing 03 :44 : nǐ lǎo​jiā nǎ​lǐ de?
Xinqing 03:44: Where is your hometown?

Christopher 03:46: 我在兰州。
Christopher 03 :46 : wǒ zài Lán​zhōu.
Christopher 03:46: I’m in Lanzhou.

huí​jiā dì​yī jiàn shì jiù​shì chī niú​ròu​miàn.
The first thing I do when I get home is beef noodles.

Xinqing 03:50: 牛肉面,兰州牛肉面。
Xinqing 03 :50 : niú​ròu​miàn, Lán​zhōu niú​ròu​miàn.
Xinqing 03:50: Beef noodles, Lanzhou beef noodles.


Christopher 03:53: 可惜也没吃两顿,一共就吃两顿。
Christopher 03 :53 : kě​xī yě méi chī liǎng dùn, yī​gòng jiù chī liǎng dùn.
Christopher 03:53: Unfortunately, I didn’t eat two meals, just two meals in total.

Xinqing 03:57: 你就在兰州待了4周,还是你后来去其他地方了?
Xinqing 03 :57 : nǐ jiù zài Lán​zhōu dài le 4 zhōu, hái​shi nǐ hòu​lái qù qí​tā dì​fāng le?
Xinqing 03:57: Did you stay in Lanzhou for 4 weeks, or did you go to other places later?

Christopher 04:01: 没有,我先回国去了香港,然后去了深圳。
Christopher 04 :01 : méi​yǒu, wǒ xiān huí​guó qù le Xiāng​gǎng, rán​hòu qù le Shēn​zhèn.
Christopher 04:01: No, I went back to China first to Hong Kong and then to Shenzhen.

Xinqing 04:07: 然后去了然后去香港和深圳干嘛?
Xinqing 04 :07 : rán​hòu qù le rán​hòu qù Xiāng​gǎng hé Shēn​zhèn gàn​má?
Xinqing 04:07: Then why go to Hong Kong and Shenzhen?

zì​jǐ qù wán?
Play by yourself?

Christopher 04:21: 没有,和女朋友,我们就瞎转一转,然后对主要是以吃为主,其实转也没有转多少地方。
Christopher 04 :21 : méi​yǒu, hé nǚ​péng​you, wǒ​men jiù xiā zhuǎn yì zhuǎn, rán​hòu duì zhǔ​yào shì yǐ chī wéi​zhǔ, qí​shí zhuǎn yě méi​yǒu zhuǎn duō​shǎo dì​fāng.
Christopher 04:21: No, with my girlfriend, we just wandered around for a while, and then we mainly went to eat. In fact, we didn’t wander much.

tài jiǔ méi​yǒu chī guó​nèi měi​shí le.
It’s been a long time since I’ve eaten domestic food.

Xinqing 04:34: 你回国之前会不会有一个清单就想要吃的东西,或者跟你爸妈说回去你要给我们准备这些吃的?
Xinqing 04 :34 : nǐ huí​guó zhī​qián huì bù​huì yǒu yí gè qīng​dān jiù xiǎng​yào chī de dōng​xi, huò​zhě gēn nǐ bà​mā shuō huí​qu nǐ yào gěi wǒ​men zhǔn​bèi zhè​xiē chī de?
Xinqing 04:34: Do you have a list of things you want to eat before you return to China, or tell your parents that you will prepare these foods for us when you return?

Christopher 04:43: 我倒是没有特意跟我爸妈讲,因为我要吃的东西他们估计也一般不感什么兴趣,不怎么感兴趣,我就自己搜罗搜罗。
Christopher 04 :43 : wǒ dào shì méi​yǒu tè​yì gēn wǒ bà​mā jiǎng, yīn​wèi wǒ yào chī de dōng​xi tā​men gū​jì yě yī​bān bù gǎn shén​me xìng​qù, bù​zěn​me gǎn​xìng​qù, wǒ jiù zì​jǐ sōu​luó sōu​luó.
Christopher 04:43: I didn’t tell my parents specifically, because they probably weren’t interested in what I wanted to eat, so I just searched for it myself.

rán​hòu dà​gài yǒu yí gè bǐ​rú shuō zhè cì qù chī Cháo​shàn niú​ròu huǒ​guō, rán​hòu yīn​wèi zài zhè​biān shàng zǒng​shì kàn yī​xiē chī bō, wǒ xiàn​zài vloger, tā​men yǒu hěn duō chī bō de shì​pín, jiè​shào gè​zhǒng shì​pín, rán​hòu huí​qu kàn​yī​kàn, chī yì chī jī​běn​shang jiù​shì gēn​zhe rén​jiā de tuī​jiàn nǎ yī​jiā diàn hǎo​chī, rán​hòu qù kàn​yī​kàn, hái​shi hěn xīn​mǎn​yì​zú de.
Then for example, I went to eat Chaoshan beef hot pot this time, and because I always watch some mukbang here, I am now a vlogger. They have a lot of mukbang videos, introducing various videos, and then I go back and take a look. When I eat, I basically just follow other people’s recommendations on which restaurants are delicious, and then go check them out, which is quite satisfying.

Xinqing 05:15: 你在这边在国外生活工作的时候会看国内的吃播。
Xinqing 05 :15 : nǐ zài zhè​biān zài guó​wài shēng​huó gōng​zuò de shí​hou huì kàn guó​nèi de chī bō.
Xinqing 05:15: When you live and work abroad here, you will watch domestic mukbang.

Christopher 05:22: 对美食博主美食视频还是比较有兴趣。
Christopher 05 :22 : duì měi​shí bó zhǔ měi​shí shì​pín hái​shi bǐ​jiào yǒu xìng​qù.
Christopher 05:22: I am still quite interested in the food videos of food bloggers.

Xinqing 05:27: 有时候吃饭不会觉得很馋,又吃不到。
Xinqing 05 :27 : yǒu​shí​hou chī​fàn bù​huì jué​de hěn chán, yòu chī bù​dào.
Xinqing 05:27: Sometimes I don’t feel hungry when I eat, but I can’t eat it.

Christopher 05:30: 看着那你就先准备着先都存好,然后到时间了再去一起一一去感受。
Christopher 05 :30 : kàn zhe nà nǐ jiù xiān zhǔn​bèi zhe xiān dōu cún hǎo, rán​hòu dào shí​jiān le zài qù yī​qǐ yī​yī qù gǎn​shòu.
Christopher 05:30: Look, you should prepare and save everything first, and then go and experience them one by one when the time comes.

Xinqing 05:39: 你在国外的时候最想念的中餐最想吃的是什么?
Xinqing 05 :39 : nǐ zài guó​wài de shí​hou zuì xiǎng​niàn de Zhōng​cān zuì xiǎng chī de shì shén​me?
Xinqing 05:39: What Chinese food did you miss the most when you were abroad?

Christopher 05:45: 其实你说那些普通的比较常见的菜倒还好,因为自己也会做,然后偶尔大家一起去外面吃一吃,但是比如说像潮汕火锅,还有一些比较特殊的东西,比如牛肉面就很难在这边找到正宗的,然后就会比较想吃。
Christopher 05 :45 : qí​shí nǐ shuō nà​xiē pǔ​tōng de bǐ​jiào cháng​jiàn de cài dào hái​hǎo, yīn​wèi zì​jǐ yě huì zuò, rán​hòu ǒu​’ěr dà​jiā yī​qǐ qù wài​miàn chī yì chī, dàn​shì bǐ​rú shuō xiàng Cháo​shàn huǒ​guō, hái​yǒu yī​xiē bǐ​jiào tè​shū de dōng​xi, bǐ​rú niú​ròu​miàn jiù hěn nán zài zhè​biān zhǎo​dào zhèng​zōng de, rán​hòu jiù huì bǐ​jiào xiǎng chī.
Christopher 05:45: In fact, you said that those ordinary and common dishes are not bad, because you can make them yourself, and then occasionally everyone goes out to eat together, but for example, like Chaoshan hot pot, there are some more special things, For example, it is difficult to find authentic beef noodles here, and then you will crave it more.

Xinqing 06:07: 所以兰州的牛肉面怎么样?
Xinqing 06 :07 : suǒ​yǐ Lán​zhōu de niú​ròu​miàn zěn​me​yàng?
Xinqing 06:07: So how about the beef noodles in Lanzhou?

shì zhèng​zōng de, wèi​shén​me zài guó​wài chī bù​dào zhèng​zōng de?
It’s authentic. Why can’t we eat authentic food abroad?

Christopher 06:13: 兰州不不用说去国外了,出了兰州都很难找。
Christopher 06 :13 : Lán​zhōu bú bù​yòng shuō qù guó​wài le, chū le Lán​zhōu dōu hěn nán zhǎo.
Christopher 06:13: Needless to say, Lanzhou has gone abroad. It is difficult to find it outside of Lanzhou.

Xinqing 06:17: 都吃不到正宗的是什么?
Xinqing 06 :17 : dōu chī bù​dào zhèng​zōng de shì shén​me?
Xinqing 06:17: What’s the authentic thing that you can’t eat?

tè​shū de dōng​xi.
Something special.

Christopher 06:21: 因为我昨天晚上还看了一个纪录片,讲为什么兰州牛肉面在兰州特殊的风味,一方面这个小麦在兰州成熟的小麦,因为天气干旱,然后日照充足,它里面的淀粉含量还是有一些东西的含量比较高。
Christopher 06 :21 : yīn​wèi wǒ zuó​tiān wǎn​shang hái kàn le yí gè jì​lù​piàn, jiǎng wèi​shén​me Lán​zhōu niú​ròu​miàn zài Lán​zhōu tè​shū de fēng​wèi, yī​fāng​miàn zhè​ge xiǎo​mài zài Lán​zhōu chéng​shú de xiǎo​mài, yīn​wèi tiān​qì gān​hàn, rán​hòu Rì​zhào chōng​zú, tā lǐ​miàn de diàn​fěn hán​liàng hái​shi yǒu yī​xiē dōng​xi de hán​liàng bǐ​jiào gāo.
Christopher 06:21: Because I watched a documentary last night about why Lanzhou beef noodles have a special flavor in Lanzhou. On the one hand, the wheat matured in Lanzhou, because of the dry weather and sufficient sunshine, the starch content in it is still the same. There are some things that are higher in content.

rán​hòu zài jiā​shàng yòng de niú​ròu, niú​ròu tā yě shì yī​zhǒng zài zhè​ge dì​fāng de yī​zhǒng hěn tè​shū de pǐn​zhǒng, rán​hòu tā de fēng​wèi chī qǐ​lai jiù zhǔ chéng de tāng yě huì bú tài yī​yàng.
Then add in the beef used, which is also a very special breed in this place, and its flavor will make the soup taste different.

hái​yǒu yī​zhǒng hěn tè​shū de yuán​liào jiù​shì péng huī, shì yī​zhǒng lèi​sì yú shí​tou yī​yàng de dōng​xi, tā jiā zài zhè​ge miàn lǐ.
There is also a very special raw material called fleng hui, which is something similar to stone. It is added to this noodle.

duì, wǒ zhī​qián yě bù​shì hěn qīng​chu, nǐ kě​yǐ sōu yī​xià tā xiàng cháng de xiàng yǔn​shí yī​yàng de dōng​xi, shì yí gè shí​tou gē​da, rán​hòu tā lǐ​miàn yòng zhè​zhǒng dōng​xi jiā zài miàn lǐ, miàn yě huì bǐ​jiào jīn dào.
Yes, I wasn’t very clear about it before. You can search for something that looks like a meteorite, which is a lump of stone. Then add this kind of thing to the noodles, and the noodles will be more chewy.

Xinqing 07:17: 所以面也不一样,不仅仅是牛肉不一样。
Xinqing 07 :17 : suǒ​yǐ miàn yě bù yī​yàng, bù​jǐn jǐn shì niú​ròu bù yī​yàng.
Xinqing 07:17: So the noodles are different, not just the beef.

Christopher 07:20: 对,所以乱七八糟加在一起。
Christopher 07 :20 : duì, suǒ​yǐ luàn​qī​bā​zāo jiā zài​yī​qǐ.
Christopher 07:20: Yeah, so it all adds up.

Xinqing 07:23: 你是为什么昨天会去看一个关于兰州牛肉面的纪录片?
Xinqing 07 :23 : nǐ shì wèi​shén​me zuó​tiān huì qù kàn yí gè guān​yú Lán​zhōu niú​ròu​miàn de jì​lù​piàn?
Xinqing 07:23: Why did you watch a documentary about Lanzhou Beef Noodles yesterday?

Christopher 07:28: 就很巧合,我昨天在netflix上看有什么好玩的纪录片,结果发现 Nexflix上一有一个纪录片,它的画面就是它的封面就是牛肉面。
Christopher 07 :28 : jiù hěn qiǎo​hé, wǒ zuó​tiān zài netflix shàng kàn yǒu shén​me hǎo​wán de jì​lù​piàn, jié​guǒ fā​xiàn Nexflix shàng yì yǒu yí gè jì​lù​piàn, tā de huà​miàn jiù​shì tā de fēng​miàn jiù​shì niú​ròu​miàn.
Christopher 07:28: It was a coincidence that I was watching some interesting documentaries on Netflix yesterday, and I found out that there was a documentary on Nexflix, and the picture on it was that the cover was beef noodles.

wǒ shuō wǒ diǎn jìn​qù kàn​kan, jié​guǒ méi​xiǎng​dào jiù​shì jiǎng Gān​sù de gè​zhǒng xiǎo​chī, tā pāi de fēi​cháng hǎo, rán​hòu wǒ jiù yì wǎn​shang gěi tā kàn wán.
I said I would click in and take a look. Unexpectedly, it was about various snacks in Gansu. He took very good photos, so I read it all in one night.

Xinqing 07:52: 难道是外国人拍的,还是中国人拍的。
Xinqing 07 :52 : nán​dào shì wài​guó​rén pāi de, hái​shi Zhōng​guó rén pāi de.
Xinqing 07:52: Was it taken by foreigners or Chinese?

Christopher 07:55: 是中国人拍的,但是他应该是跟netflix合作,然后他的他们的画面,还有讲故事的,故事写的都非常好。
Christopher 07 :55 : shì Zhōng​guó rén pāi de, dàn​shì tā yīng​gāi shì gēn netflix hé​zuò, rán​hòu tā de tā​men de huà​miàn, hái​yǒu jiǎng gù​shì de, gù​shì xiě de dōu fēi​cháng hǎo.
Christopher 07:55: It was filmed by the Chinese, but they probably cooperated with Netflix, and their pictures and storytelling were very good.

Xinqing 08:06: 这个有意思,我也想看一看。
Xinqing 08 :06 : zhè​ge yǒu​yì​si, wǒ yě xiǎng kàn​yī​kàn.
Xinqing 08:06: This is interesting, I want to take a look.

tā yǒu me méi​yǒu Zhōng​guó qí​tā de?
Is there anything else like it in China?

Christopher 08:11: 它有三季,然后第一季是关于甘肃的,然后第二季是云南,第三季就是广东美食。
Christopher 08 :11 : tā yǒu sān jì, rán​hòu dì​yī jì shì guān​yú Gān​sù de, rán​hòu dì​’èr jì shì Yún​nán, dì sān jì jiù​shì Guǎng​dōng měi​shí.
Christopher 08:11: It has three seasons, and then the first season is about Gansu, then the second season is about Yunnan, and the third season is about Cantonese food.

Xinqing 08:19: 你说他为什么在芸芸中国八大美食菜系里选了云南、甘肃和广东呢?
Xinqing 08 :19 : nǐ shuō tā wèi​shén​me zài yún​yún Zhōng​guó bā dà měi​shí cài​xì lǐ xuǎn le Yún​nán 、 Gān​sù hé Guǎng​dōng ne?
Xinqing 08:19: Why do you think he chose Yunnan, Gansu and Guangdong among the eight major Chinese cuisines?

wǒ yǒu​diǎn chī​jīng, ér​qiě méi​yǒu Sì​chuān, méi​yǒu Shàng​hǎi shén​me de.
I was a little surprised, and there was no Sichuan, no Shanghai or anything like that.

Christopher 08:32: 我觉得他应该是讲一些比较特殊的小食,就不是那种特别大的,它不是以菜系为主,就是要讲菜系怎么样,他讲一些根据地方的地理因素,然后产生的一些特殊美食。
Christopher 08 :32 : wǒ jué​de tā yīng​gāi shì jiǎng yī​xiē bǐ​jiào tè​shū de xiǎo shí, jiù bù​shì nà​zhǒng tè​bié dà de, tā bù​shì yǐ cài​xì wéi​zhǔ, jiù​shì yào jiǎng cài​xì zěn​me​yàng, tā jiǎng yī​xiē gēn​jù dì​fāng de dì​lǐ yīn​sù, rán​hòu chǎn​shēng de yī​xiē tè​shū měi​shí.
Christopher 08:32: I think he should talk about some special snacks, not the big ones. It is not based on cuisine, but it means talking about the cuisine. He talks about some geographical factors based on the place, and then generates some special delicacies.

suǒ​yǐ wǒ jué​de tā cóng zhè​ge jiǎo​dù lái shuō de​huà, tā zhè​yàng de fēn​lèi yě shì mán hé​lǐ de.
So I think from this perspective, his classification is quite reasonable.

Xinqing 08:54: 讲到美食的纪录片,之前,就好几年前,舌尖上的中国特别的火,你看了吗?
Xinqing 08 :54 : jiǎng dào měi​shí de jì​lù​piàn, zhī​qián, jiù hǎo​jǐ​nián qián, shé​jiān shàng de Zhōng​guó tè​bié de huǒ, nǐ kàn le ma?
Xinqing 08:54: A documentary about food, China on the Tip of the Tongue was very popular a few years ago, have you watched it?

Christopher 09:04: 我看过一两集,他但是没有完全仔细看,因为那时候实际上,中国出来的时候是什么时候,我有点不记得了,是不是?
Christopher 09 :04 : wǒ kàn guò yì liǎng jí, tā dàn​shì méi​yǒu wán​quán zǐ​xì kàn, yīn​wèi nà shí​hou shí​jì​shàng, Zhōng​guó chū​lái de shí​hou shì shén​me shí​hou, wǒ yǒu​diǎn bú jì​de le, shì​bù​shì?
Christopher 09:04: I watched an episode or two, but I didn’t watch it very carefully, because at that time, actually, when China came out, I kind of don’t remember, right?

Xinqing 09:13: 七八年。
Xinqing 09 :13 : qī bā nián.
Xinqing 09:13: Seven or eight years.

Christopher 09:15: 七八年前,但是是有看过一两集,没有完整的看过,应对他昨天看纪录片他的风格是有一些相似的,但是又有一些不太一样的地方。
Christopher 09 :15 : qī bā nián qián, dàn​shì shì yǒu kàn guò yì liǎng jí, méi​yǒu wán​zhěng de kàn guò, yìng​duì tā zuó​tiān kàn jì​lù​piàn tā de fēng​gé shì yǒu yī​xiē xiāng​sì de, dàn​shì yòu yǒu yī​xiē bú tài yī​yàng de dì​fāng.
Christopher 09:15: It was seven or eight years ago, but I watched one or two episodes, but not the whole thing. The style of the documentary he watched yesterday was somewhat similar, but there were some differences.

Xinqing 09:28: 对,我想象当中可能比较像,因为舌尖上的中国当时比较火,而且火出中国了,国外的好多人也看,是因为他也讲故事,不仅仅是讲美食。
Xinqing 09 :28 : duì, wǒ xiǎng​xiàng dāng​zhōng kě​néng bǐ​jiào xiàng, yīn​wèi shé​jiān shàng de Zhōng​guó dāng​shí bǐ​jiào huǒ, ér​qiě huǒ chū Zhōng​guó le, guó​wài de hǎo​duō rén yě kàn, shì yīn​wèi tā yě jiǎng gù​shì, bù​jǐn jǐn shì jiǎng měi​shí.
Xinqing 09:28: Yes, I imagine it might be similar, because A Bite of China was quite popular at the time, and it became popular outside of China. Many people abroad also watched it, because he also told stories, not just food.

Christopher 09:40: 对它有故事性,串起来就比较有意思,还讲一些历史,讲一些地理的东西,他就会把美食变得比较丰富,然后你觉得很有意思。
Christopher 09 :40 : duì tā yǒu gù​shì xìng, chuàn qǐ​lai jiù bǐ​jiào yǒu​yì​si, hái jiǎng yī​xiē lì​shǐ, jiǎng yī​xiē dì​lǐ de dōng​xi, tā jiù huì bǎ měi​shí biàn​de bǐ​jiào fēng​fù, rán​hòu nǐ jué​de hěn yǒu yì​si.
Christopher 09:40: If it has a story to it, it will be more interesting when put together. It also tells some history and geography, and it will make the food richer, and you will find it very interesting.

Xinqing 09:53: 我印象最深的一集舌尖上的中国是讲豆腐,然后讲各种就是黄豆制成的,比如说豆浆怎么做,然后嫩豆腐、老豆腐、臭豆腐,然后中间有一集讲他们切豆腐可以切得特别的细,特别的薄。
Xinqing 09 :53 : wǒ yìn​xiàng zuì shēn de yì jí shé​jiān shàng de Zhōng​guó shì jiǎng dòu​fu, rán​hòu jiǎng gè​zhǒng jiù​shì huáng​dòu zhì​chéng de, bǐ​rú shuō dòu​jiāng zěn​me zuò, rán​hòu nèn dòu​fu 、 lǎo dòu​fu 、 chòu​dòu​fu, rán​hòu zhōng​jiān yǒu yì jí jiǎng tā​men qiè dòu​fu kě​yǐ qiè de tè​bié de xì, tè​bié de báo.
Xinqing 09:53: The episode of A Bite of China that impressed me the most was about tofu, and then it talked about various kinds of soybeans, such as how to make soy milk, then soft tofu, old tofu, stinky tofu, and then there was an episode in the middle that talked about They can cut the tofu very finely and very thinly.

Christopher 10:11: 是豆腐的做法也是非常多。
Christopher 10 :11 : shì dòu​fu de zuò​fǎ yě shì fēi​cháng duō.
Christopher 10:11: There are many ways to make tofu.

Xinqing 10:16: 我回国最想吃的是大闸蟹,好多年没有吃到了螃蟹。
Xinqing 10 :16 : wǒ huí​guó zuì xiǎng chī de shì dà zhá xiè, hǎo​duō nián méi​yǒu chī dào le páng​xiè.
Xinqing 10:16: What I want to eat most when I return to China is hairy crabs. I haven’t eaten crabs in many years.

Christopher 10:23
Christopher 10 :23
Christopher 10:23

: k,你想吃大闸蟹你你去哪吃呢?
: k, nǐ xiǎng chī dà zhá xiè nǐ nǐ qù nǎ chī ne?
:k, you want to eat hairy crabs, where can you go?

Shàng​hǎi kěn​dìng shì​bù​shì?
It must be Shanghai, right?

Xinqing 10:29: 阳澄湖。
Xinqing 10 :29 : yáng chéng hú.
Xinqing 10:29: Yangcheng Lake.

Christopher 10:: 2
Christopher 10 :: 2
Christopher 10::2


Xinqing 10:35: 阳澄湖估计去不了,但是可以买到。
Xinqing 10 :35 : yáng chéng hú gū​jì qù bù​liǎo, dàn​shì kě​yǐ mǎi dào.
Xinqing 10:35: You may not be able to go to Yangcheng Lake, but you can buy it.

Christopher 10:37: 你们那边怎么吃呢?
Christopher 10 :37 : nǐ​men nà​bian zěn​me chī ne?
Christopher 10:37: How do you eat there?

Xinqing 10:40: 清蒸,蒸了以后就蘸醋。
Xinqing 10 :40 : qīng​zhēng, zhēng le yǐ​hòu jiù zhàn cù.
Xinqing 10:40: Steam, then dip it in vinegar.

Christopher 10:43
Christopher 10 :43
Christopher 10:43

: 前一段时间我有一个朋友,他在我们这边的华人群里,然后订了一些螃蟹,然后他拿过来两只让我们尝了一下,味道还是不错的。
: qián yí duàn shí​jiān wǒ yǒu yí gè péng​you, tā zài wǒ​men zhè​biān de huá rén​qún lǐ, rán​hòu dìng le yī​xiē páng​xiè, rán​hòu tā ná guò​lái liǎng zhī ràng wǒ​men cháng le yī​xià, wèi​dao hái​shi bù​cuò de.
: I had a friend some time ago. He was in the Chinese crowd here and ordered some crabs. Then he brought two over for us to try. They tasted good.

Xinqing 10:56: 但是是冰冻的。
Xinqing 10 :56 : dàn​shì shì bīng​dòng de.
Xinqing 10:56: But it’s frozen.

Christopher 10:59: 不,是活的。
Christopher 10 :59 : bù, shì huó de.
Christopher 10:59: No, alive.

Xinqing 11:01: 在哪里拿到的。
Xinqing 11 :01 : zài nǎ​lǐ ná dào de.
Xinqing 11:01: Where did I get it.

Christopher 11:03: 他就是有一个华人的公司,然后他们从瑞典南部捞了之后,然后很快的运输过来,然后就卖给大家。
Christopher 11 :03 : tā jiù​shì yǒu yí gè Huá​rén de gōng​sī, rán​hòu tā​men cóng Ruì​diǎn nán​bù lāo le zhī​hòu, rán​hòu hěn kuài de yùn​shū guò​lái, rán​hòu jiù mài gěi dà​jiā.
Christopher 11:03: He has a Chinese company, and they fish it from southern Sweden, transport it over quickly, and then sell it to everyone.

Xinqing 11:14: 但是瑞典南部的应该不是大闸蟹,应该是海蟹不一样。
Xinqing 11 :14 : dàn​shì Ruì​diǎn nán​bù de yīng​gāi bù​shì dà zhá xiè, yīng​gāi shì hǎi xiè bù yī​yàng.
Xinqing 11:14: But the ones in southern Sweden are probably not hairy crabs, but sea crabs.

Christopher 11:1:
Christopher 11 :1 :
Christopher 11:1:

shì gāo xiè.
It’s a crab.

Xinqing 11:2:
Xinqing 11 :2 :
Xinqing 11:2:


Christopher 11:22: 类似于那种面包蟹一样的东西。
Christopher 11 :22 : lèi​sì yú nà​zhǒng miàn​bāo xiè yī​yàng de dōng​xi.
Christopher 11:22: Something like that bread crab thing.

Xinqing 11:26: 我还是想我最想念的还是上海的大闸蟹。
Xinqing 11 :26 : wǒ hái​shi xiǎng wǒ zuì xiǎng​niàn de hái​shi Shàng​hǎi de dà zhá xiè.
Xinqing 11:26: I still think what I miss the most is the hairy crabs in Shanghai.

Christopher 11:31: 我知道,而且蟹黄面我一直很想尝试。
Christopher 11 :31 : wǒ zhī​dào, ér​qiě xiè​huáng miàn wǒ yī​zhí hěn xiǎng cháng​shì.
Christopher 11:31: I know, and I’ve always wanted to try crab roe noodles.

Xinqing 11:34: 我也是。
Xinqing 11 :34 : wǒ yě shì.
Xinqing 11:34: Me too.

Christopher 11:36: 但是一直没有蟹黄包,还有对,我这都没有,还是本来之前回国打算去一下上海,但是因为时间特别紧,然后就没去成,然后蟹黄面蟹黄包本来是在清单上,然后就没有了。
Christopher 11 :36 : dàn​shì yī​zhí méi​yǒu xiè​huáng bāo, hái​yǒu duì, wǒ zhè dōu méi​yǒu, hái​shi běn​lái zhī​qián huí​guó dǎ​suàn qù yī​xià Shàng​hǎi, dàn​shì yīn​wèi shí​jiān tè​bié jǐn, rán​hòu jiù méi qù chéng, rán​hòu xiè​huáng miàn xiè​huáng bāo běn​lái shì zài qīng​dān shàng, rán​hòu jiù méi​yǒu le.
Christopher 11:36: But there have been no crab roe buns. And yes, I don’t have either. I originally planned to go to Shanghai when I returned to China, but because I was very tight on time, I didn’t go. Then crab roe noodles and crab roe buns were originally on the list. on, and then gone.

Xinqing 11:54: 对,我上次回国的时候是4月份不是吃螃蟹的季节,现在11月份是吃螃蟹的时候是没错。
Xinqing 11 :54 : duì, wǒ shàng​cì huí​guó de shí​hou shì 4 yuè​fèn bù​shì chī páng​xiè de jì​jié, xiàn​zài 11 yuè​fèn shì chī páng​xiè de shí​hou shì méi​cuò.
Xinqing 11:54: Yes, when I last returned to China, April was not the season for eating crabs. Now November is the season for eating crabs. That’s right.

Christopher 12:03: 前一段时间的时候吃很多。
Christopher 12 :03 : qián yí duàn shí​jiān de shí​hou chī hěn duō.
Christopher 12:03: I ate a lot some time ago.

duì, qián​duàn shí​jiān shì guò shén​me jié lái zhe?
Yes, what festival were you celebrating some time ago?

bù​shì 10 yuè​fèn guò shén​me jié lái zhe, mǎi le yī​xiē páng​xiè gěi jiā​lǐ rén, fēi​cháng hǎo.
It’s not a festival in October, so I bought some crabs for my family, which was very good.

Xinqing 12:19: 还有啥?
Xinqing 12 :19 : hái​yǒu shá?
Xinqing 12:19: What else?

wǒ hái​yǒu yí gè měi​cì huí​qu jiù xiǎng chī de dōng​xi, Běi​jīng yǒu zhēng hǎi​xiān nǐ zhī​dào ma?
There is another thing I want to eat every time I go back. Did you know there is steamed seafood in Beijing?

Christopher 12:28: 这是个什么菜?
Christopher 12 :28 : zhè shì gè shén​me cài?
Christopher 12:28: What kind of dish is this?

Xinqing 12:30: 最近可能前几十年前几年火起来的,它活的海鲜,比如说有一些蚌牡蛎,然后有一些鱼虾都是活的,然后在你的面前蒸蒸60秒就蒸熟了,蒸汽海鲜。
Xinqing 12 :30 : zuì​jìn kě​néng qián jǐ shí nián qián jǐ​nián huǒ qǐ​lai de, tā huó de hǎi​xiān, bǐ​rú shuō yǒu yī​xiē Bèng mǔ​lì, rán​hòu yǒu yī​xiē yú xiā dōu shì huó de, rán​hòu zài nǐ de miàn​qián zhēng zhēng 60 miǎo jiù zhēng shú le, zhēng​qì hǎi​xiān.
Xinqing 12:30: It may have become popular recently a few decades ago. It uses live seafood, such as some clams and oysters, and some fish and shrimps, which are then steamed in front of you for 60 seconds. Steamed, steamed seafood.

tā huì bǎ hǎi​xiān zhēng chū​lái de zhī fàng yī​xiē mǐ, rán​hòu dāng nǐ chī wán le yǐ​hòu mǐ jiù huì zhǔ chéng zhōu.
It will put some rice in the juice from steamed seafood, and then when you finish eating, the rice will be cooked into porridge.

Christopher 12:58: 你跟广东的粥火锅异曲同工,它的顺序稍微有点不一样,他是先把白米粥煮成一个汤底,然后把那些活的海鲜直接扔进去,然后盖上盖。
Christopher 12 :58 : nǐ gēn Guǎng​dōng de zhōu huǒ​guō yì​qǔ​tóng​gōng, tā de shùn​xù shāo​wēi yǒu​diǎn bù yī​yàng, tā shì xiān bǎ bái mǐ​zhōu zhǔ chéng yí gè tāng dǐ, rán​hòu bǎ nà​xiē huó de hǎi​xiān zhí​jiē rēng jìn​qù, rán​hòu gài shàng gài.
Christopher 12:58: You have the same approach as the Guangdong porridge hot pot, but the order is slightly different. He first boils the white rice porridge into a soup base, then throws the live seafood directly into it, and then closes the lid.

Xinqing 13:12: 差不多,他北京的吃法是分海鲜吃,最后的话吃粥。
Xinqing 13 :12 : chà​bu​duō, tā Běi​jīng de chī​fǎ shì fēn hǎi​xiān chī, zuì​hòu de​huà chī zhōu.
Xinqing 13:12: Pretty much the same. The way he eats in Beijing is to share the seafood and eat porridge at the end.

Christopher 13:18
Christopher 13 :18
Christopher 13:18

: k,他也是粥,只是一个锅底,然后你最后可以喝汤,然后你在粥里把虾螃蟹还有那些棒类的东西煮熟之后夹出来,然后你先吃,我觉得有点相似,我之前也没有吃过。
: k, tā yě shì zhōu, zhǐ​shì yí gè guō dǐ, rán​hòu nǐ zuì​hòu kě​yǐ hē tāng, rán​hòu nǐ zài zhōu lǐ bǎ xiā páng​xiè hái​yǒu nà​xiē bàng lèi de dōng​xi zhǔ​shóu zhī​hòu jiā chū​lái, rán​hòu nǐ xiān chī, wǒ jué​de yǒu​diǎn xiāng​sì, wǒ zhī​qián yě méi​yǒu chī guò.
: k, it is also porridge, it is just a pot bottom, and then you can drink the soup at the end, and then you cook the shrimps, crabs and those sticks in the porridge and take them out, and then you eat them first. I think it is a bit similar. I haven’t had it before either.

Xinqing 13:37: 除了吃东西,你回国一般还有什么最喜欢做最想做的事情?
Xinqing 13 :37 : chú​le chī dōng​xi, nǐ huí​guó yī​bān hái​yǒu shén​me zuì xǐ​huan zuò zuì xiǎng zuò de shì​qing?
Xinqing 13:37: Besides eating, what are your favorite things to do when you return to China?

Christopher 13:44: 回国特别想做的事情就是旅游,但是旅游,旅游一方面看景色,另一方面吃东西,然后其他的事也没有特别想做的。
Christopher 13 :44 : huí​guó tè​bié xiǎng zuò de shì​qing jiù​shì lǚ​yóu, dàn​shì lǚ​yóu, lǚ​yóu yī​fāng​miàn kàn jǐng​sè, lìng​yī​fāng​miàn chī dōng​xi, rán​hòu qí​tā de shì yě méi​yǒu tè​bié xiǎng zuò de.
Christopher 13:44: What I really want to do when I return to my country is travel, but traveling means seeing the scenery on the one hand, and eating on the other hand, and I don’t really want to do anything else.

zài jiù​shì kàn​kan péng​you.
Then visit friends.

Xinqing 13:57: 我回国每次最想做的事儿就是我会在回国前三周开始刷淘宝,然后我就会在淘宝上买很多的东西,我妈已经收到手软了,我买了可能有40个包裹.
Xinqing 13 :57 : wǒ huí​guó měi​cì zuì xiǎng zuò de shì​r jiù​shì wǒ huì zài huí​guó qián sān zhōu kāi​shǐ shuā táo bǎo, rán​hòu wǒ jiù huì zài táo bǎo shàng mǎi hěn duō de dōng​xi, wǒ mā yǐ​jīng shōu​dào shǒu​ruǎn le, wǒ mǎi le kě​néng yǒu 40 gè bāo​guǒ.
Xinqing 13:57: The most important thing I want to do every time I return to China is to start browsing Taobao three weeks before returning to China, and then I will buy a lot of things on Taobao. My mother has already been softened, and I bought There may be 40 packages.

Christopher 14:13: 你不能在瑞士买了寄过去吗?
Christopher 14 :13 : nǐ bù​néng zài Ruì​shì mǎi le jì guò​qù ma?
Christopher 14:13: Can’t you buy it in Switzerland and send it over?

Xinqing 14:19: 其实我觉得瑞士买了寄过来也比较贵,要运费其实也没有说特别急需要的东西,只是在国国内然后便宜就买了,然后人肉带回来,因为我们有两个可以check in的行李, Ok。
Xinqing 14 :19 : qí​shí wǒ jué​de Ruì​shì mǎi le jì guò​lái yě bǐ​jiào guì, yào yùn​fèi qí​shí yě méi​yǒu shuō tè​bié jí xū​yào de dōng​xi, zhǐ​shì zài guó guó​nèi rán​hòu pián​yi jiù mǎi le, rán​hòu rén ròu dài huí​lai, yīn​wèi wǒ​men yǒu liǎng gè kě​yǐ check in de xíng​li, Ok.
Xinqing 14:19: Actually, I think it’s more expensive to buy it from Switzerland and send it over. The shipping cost is actually not that it’s something we need urgently. We just buy it cheaply in China and then bring it back as human flesh, because we have two that can. Check in luggage, OK.

Christopher 14:35: 其实因为我们刚开始的时候是这样,但是后来因为我们这边有转运的群,然后买了淘宝,大家一起拼,很快就发过来了,就稍微加一些运费而已,所以淘宝的痛逐渐已经没有了,就随时可以买的。
Christopher 14 :35 : qí​shí yīn​wèi wǒ​men gāng kāi​shǐ de shí​hou shì zhè​yàng, dàn​shì hòu​lái yīn​wèi wǒ​men zhè​biān yǒu zhuǎn​yùn de qún, rán​hòu mǎi le táo bǎo, dà​jiā yī​qǐ pīn, hěn kuài jiù fā guò​lái le, jiù shāo​wēi jiā yī​xiē yùn​fèi ér​yǐ, suǒ​yǐ táo bǎo de tòng zhú​jiàn yǐ​jīng méi​yǒu le, jiù suí​shí kě​yǐ mǎi de.
Christopher 14:35: Actually, it was like this when we first started, but later because we had a transshipment group here, and then we bought it on Taobao, and we all worked together, and it was shipped quickly, with just a little extra shipping cost, so The pain of Taobao is gradually gone, and I can buy it at any time.

Xinqing 14:54: 你在国内淘宝什么都可以买了以后,运过来会放在一个大箱子里,然后运到你家,对。
Xinqing 14 :54 : nǐ zài guó​nèi táo bǎo shén​me dōu kě​yǐ mǎi le yǐ​hòu, yùn guò​lái huì fàng zài yí gè dà xiāng​zi lǐ, rán​hòu yùn dào nǐ jiā, duì.
Xinqing 14:54: After you buy everything on Taobao in China, it will be shipped and put in a big box, and then shipped to your home, yes.

Christopher 15:01: 是这样的,而且你买完之后过了很长时间,你都不记得是什么,然后回来拆箱就各种惊喜。
Christopher 15 :01 : shì zhè​yàng de, ér​qiě nǐ mǎi wán zhī​hòu guò le hěn cháng shí​jiān, nǐ dōu bú jì​de shì shén​me, rán​hòu huí​lai chāi xiāng jiù gè​zhǒng jīng​xǐ.
Christopher 15:01: That’s right, and it’s been a long time since you bought it, and you don’t even remember what it is, and then you come back and unbox it and you’ll be surprised.

Xinqing 15:10: 我觉得其实对我来说也有点像,我回国的时候已经忘记了我买的是什么,然后我妈就会把40个包裹放在一起,有点像过圣诞节的感觉是,然后你就开始一个拆,我都忘了我买了说惊喜买了买了。
Xinqing 15 :10 : wǒ jué​de qí​shí duì wǒ lái shuō yě yǒu​diǎn xiàng, wǒ huí​guó de shí​hou yǐ​jīng wàng​jì le wǒ mǎi de shì shén​me, rán​hòu wǒ mā jiù huì bǎ 40 gè bāo​guǒ fàng zài yī​qǐ, yǒu​diǎn xiàng guò Shèng​dàn​jié de gǎn​jué shì, rán​hòu nǐ jiù kāi​shǐ yí gè chāi, wǒ dōu wàng le wǒ mǎi le shuō jīng​xǐ mǎi le mǎi le.
Xinqing 15:10: I think it’s a bit like it for me. When I returned to China, I had forgotten what I bought, and then my mother would put 40 packages together. It felt a bit like Christmas. , and then you started to dismantle it one by one. I even forgot that I bought it and said I bought it as a surprise.

Christopher 15:26: 是这样,确实是挺好的。
Christopher 15 :26 : shì zhè​yàng, què​shí shì tǐng hǎo de.
Christopher 15:26: That’s right, it’s really good.

dàn​shì wǒ​men zhè​yàng yùn guò​lái yǒu yí gè wèn​tí, yǒu​shí​hou nǐ mǎi de dōng​xi nǐ bù zhī​dào dào​dǐ hé bù hé​shì, huò​zhě shuō tā yǒu​méi​yǒu shén​me wèn​tí, děng nǐ shōu​dào de shí​hou yǐ​jīng tài wǎn le.
But there is a problem when we ship it like this. Sometimes you don’t know whether the thing you buy is suitable or not, or if there is anything wrong with it. By the time you receive it, it’s too late.

Xinqing 15:39: 就不能退了是吧?
Xinqing 15 :39 : jiù bù​néng tuì le shì ba?
Xinqing 15:39: You can’t withdraw, right?

Christopher 15:41: 所以这个是一个小问题。
Christopher 15 :41 : suǒ​yǐ zhè​ge shì yí gè xiǎo wèn​tí.
Christopher 15:41: So this is a little bit of a problem.

Xinqing 15:43: 但是大部分都想买什么呢?
Xinqing 15 :43 : dàn​shì dà​bù​fen dōu xiǎng mǎi shén​me ne?
Xinqing 15:43: But what do most people want to buy?

Christopher 15:46: 我其实没有什么刚需,我的消费欲望很低,大多数都是我女朋友买一些小的装饰品,零零碎碎的家里用的东西,然后我们最早的时候还买过地毯,然后买过此家里的碟子碗之类的,东西还是蛮多东西的。
Christopher 15 :46 : wǒ qí​shí méi​yǒu shén​me gāng xū, wǒ de xiāo​fèi yù​wàng hěn dī, dà​duō​shù dōu shì wǒ nǚ​péng​you mǎi yī​xiē xiǎo de zhuāng​shì​pǐn, líng líng​suì suì de jiā​lǐ yòng de dōng​xi, rán​hòu wǒ​men zuì zǎo de shí​hou hái mǎi guò dì​tǎn, rán​hòu mǎi guò cǐ jiā​lǐ de dié​zi wǎn zhī​lèi de, dōng​xi hái​shi mán duō dōng​xi de.
Christopher 15:46: I actually don’t have any urgent needs, and my desire to consume is very low. Most of the time, my girlfriend buys small decorations and bits and pieces for home use. And we bought them in the earliest days. Carpets, and then I bought dishes and bowls for this home. There are quite a lot of things.

wǒ​men dāng​shí dì​yī​cì mǎi de shí​hou, wǔ liù bǎi gōng​jīn de dōng​xi, shì​bù​shì ná chā​chē zhí​jiē chā dào wǒ jiā​lǐ lái?
When we first bought it, did a forklift carry 500 to 600 kilograms directly into my house?

Xinqing 16:20: 五六百公斤!
Xinqing 16 :20 : wǔ liù bǎi gōng​jīn!
Xinqing 16:20: Five to six hundred kilograms!

wǒ de tiān.
Oh My God.

wǒ mǎi dōu tè​bié xiǎo de dōng​xi, wǒ jué​de táo bǎo zuì yǒu​yì​si de shì duì wǒ lái shuō, zuì néng mǎn​zú wǒ de yī​diǎn shì wǒ shēng​huó zhōng wú​lùn shì yǒu shén​me xiǎo​xiǎo de xiǎng​yào de dōng​xi, wǒ jiù lì​kè qù táo bǎo sōu, jī​běn​shang táo bǎo shàng yī​dìng huì yǒu nǐ jiě​jué nǐ de yí gè xiǎo wèn​tí de dōng​xi.
I buy very small things. I think the most interesting thing about Taobao is that for me, the most satisfying thing is that no matter what small things I want in my life, I will immediately go to Taobao to search. Basically There will definitely be something on Taobao that can solve a small problem of yours.

比如说前两天我的耳机,我买了 beats的耳机,但是我耳朵的洞特别小,所以它的耳塞它最小的耳环太大了,然后我就去淘宝搜,就一定会有淘宝有符合各种耳机款式的,最小的就是各种size的耳机头。
bǐ​rú shuō qián liǎng tiān wǒ de ěr​jī, wǒ mǎi le beats de ěr​jī, dàn​shì wǒ ěr​duo de dòng tè​bié xiǎo, suǒ​yǐ tā de ěr​sāi tā zuì xiǎo de ěr​huán tài dà le, rán​hòu wǒ jiù qù táo bǎo sōu, jiù yī​dìng huì yǒu táo bǎo yǒu fú​hé gè​zhǒng ěr​jī kuǎn​shì de, zuì xiǎo de jiù​shì gè​zhǒng size de ěr​jī tóu.
For example, for my headphones two days ago, I bought beats headphones, but the holes in my ears are very small, so the earplugs and the smallest earrings are too big. Then I go to Taobao to search, and there will definitely be Taobao products that match it. There are various headphone styles, the smallest ones are headphone heads of various sizes.

Christopher 17:06: 肯定的必然的,只要你想到的就总有商家已经为你做出来了。
Christopher 17 :06 : kěn​dìng de bì​rán de, zhǐ​yào nǐ xiǎng​dào de jiù zǒng yǒu shāng​jiā yǐ​jīng wèi nǐ zuò chū​lái le.
Christopher 17:06: Absolutely, as long as you think of it, there will always be businesses that have already made it for you.

Xinqing 17:12: 有时候还是不可思议的,特别不可思议,只要你能想到的家里想要的东西,淘宝上一定能买到。
Xinqing 17 :12 : yǒu​shí​hou hái​shi bù​kě​sī​yì de, tè​bié bù​kě​sī​yì, zhǐ​yào nǐ néng xiǎng​dào de jiā​lǐ xiǎng​yào de dōng​xi, táo bǎo shàng yī​dìng néng mǎi dào.
Xinqing 17:12: Sometimes it’s unbelievable, especially unbelievable. As long as you can think of what you want at home, you can definitely buy it on Taobao.

Christopher 17:19: 对,因为有时候你甚至会觉得这东西,这么小的用途,就是用途这么窄,或者说它的用户这么少,应该没有人会专门去做这个东西,但是确实是有大部分东西你都可以找得到。
Christopher 17 :19 : duì, yīn​wèi yǒu​shí​hou nǐ shèn​zhì huì jué​de zhè dōng​xi, zhè​me xiǎo de yòng​tú, jiù​shì yòng​tú zhè​me zhǎi, huò​zhě shuō tā de yòng​hù zhè​me shǎo, yīng​gāi méi​yǒu rén huì zhuān​mén qù zuò zhè​ge dōng​xi, dàn​shì què​shí shì yǒu dà​bù​fen dōng​xi nǐ dōu kě​yǐ zhǎo dé​dào.
Christopher 17:19: Yes, because sometimes you may even think that this thing has such a small use, or its use is so narrow, or that it has so few users, no one should specialize in this thing, but it does have a big impact. You can find some of them.

Xinqing 17:35: 对,而且这种东西在国外不是完全不知道应该去哪里买,超市里肯定没有,然后 Amazon我觉得都不一定会有这些。
Xinqing 17 :35 : duì, ér​qiě zhè​zhǒng dōng​xi zài guó​wài bù​shì wán​quán bù zhī​dào yīng​gāi qù nǎ​lǐ mǎi, chāo​shì lǐ kěn​dìng méi​yǒu, rán​hòu A mazon wǒ jué​de dōu bù yī​dìng huì yǒu zhè​xiē.
Xinqing 17:35: Yes, and it’s not like I don’t know where to buy this kind of stuff abroad. It’s definitely not available in supermarkets, and I don’t think Amazon necessarily has it.

Christopher 17:45: 咱们国内产业链完整的一大优势,什么东西什么配件都可以找得到。
Christopher 17 :45 : zán​men guó​nèi chǎn​yè​liàn wán​zhěng de yí dà yōu​shì, shén​me dōng​xi shén​me pèi​jiàn dōu kě​yǐ zhǎo dé​dào.
Christopher 17:45: One of the major advantages of our complete domestic industrial chain is that you can find everything and accessories.

Xinqing 17:54: 然后现在淘宝知道我最近要回国,可能反正就一直在给我推,就根据我之前的买的东西,给我开始推荐,然后特别多家居用品,就是各种收纳或者是清洁,然后我就觉得一些东西我都没有想到我需要,然后他给我推荐了以后觉得好聪明,聪明的发现没有。
Xinqing 17 :54 : rán​hòu xiàn​zài táo bǎo zhī​dào wǒ zuì​jìn yào huí​guó, kě​néng fǎn​zhèng jiù yī​zhí zài gěi wǒ tuī, jiù gēn​jù wǒ zhī​qián de mǎi de dōng​xi, gěi wǒ kāi​shǐ tuī​jiàn, rán​hòu tè​bié duō jiā​jū yòng​pǐn, jiù​shì gè​zhǒng shōu​nà huò​zhě shì qīng​jié, rán​hòu wǒ jiù jué​de yī​xiē dōng​xi wǒ dōu méi​yǒu xiǎng​dào wǒ xū​yào, rán​hòu tā gěi wǒ tuī​jiàn le yǐ​hòu jué​de hǎo cōng​ming, cōng​ming de fā​xiàn méi​yǒu.
Xinqing 17:54: And now that Taobao knows that I will be returning to China recently, it may have been recommending it to me anyway. Based on the things I bought before, it started recommending to me, and especially many household items, including various storage or cleaning items. , and then I felt that there were some things that I didn’t even think I needed. Then he recommended it to me and I felt so smart. I didn’t find anything smart.

Christopher 18:16: 对,这就是成功的勾起了你的消费欲望。
Christopher 18 :16 : duì, zhè jiù​shì Chéng​gōng de gōu​qǐ le nǐ de xiāo​fèi yù​wàng.
Christopher 18:16: Yes, this is the successful way to arouse your desire to consume.

duì le, nǐ xiàn​zài huí​guó shì zhǔn​bèi bù huí​lai le shì ma?
By the way, are you not ready to come back to China now?

Xinqing 18:25: 没有,我只是12月份回国,三个星期休假。
Xinqing 18 :25 : méi​yǒu, wǒ zhǐ​shì 12 yuè​fèn huí​guó, sān gè xīng​qī xiū​jià.
Xinqing 18:25: No, I just returned to China in December and took three weeks off.

Christopher 18:31: 你之前跟我说,我还以为你说你准备回国干点什么的,我以为你不打算回来了。
Christopher 18 :31 : nǐ zhī​qián gēn wǒ shuō, wǒ hái yǐ​wéi nǐ shuō nǐ zhǔn​bèi huí​guó gàn diǎn shén​me de, wǒ yǐ​wéi nǐ bù dǎ​suàn huí​lai le.
Christopher 18:31: You told me before that I thought you said you were going to go back to China to do something, but I thought you didn’t plan to come back.

Xinqing 18:37: 没有,我12月份回去三个星期,然后我们明年5月份回国,我们在国内办一个婚礼,没有,只是办一个婚礼。
Xinqing 18 :37 : méi​yǒu, wǒ 12 yuè​fèn huí​qu sān gè xīng​qī, rán​hòu wǒ​men míng​nián 5 yuè​fèn huí​guó, wǒ​men zài guó​nèi bàn yí gè hūn​lǐ, méi​yǒu, zhǐ​shì bàn yí gè hūn​lǐ.
Xinqing 18:37: No, I will go back for three weeks in December, and then we will return to China in May next year. We will have a wedding in China. No, just a wedding.

Christopher 18:47: 我怎么记得你们两个的婚礼之前已经在国内办过?
Christopher 18 :47 : wǒ zěn​me jì​de nǐ​men liǎng gè de hūn​lǐ zhī​qián yǐ​jīng zài guó​nèi bàn guò?
Christopher 18:47: How do I remember that your wedding has been held in China before?

Xinqing 18:52: 没在国内办,我们之前在美国办的,然后那时候我爸妈去不了。
Xinqing 18 :52 : méi zài guó​nèi bàn, wǒ​men zhī​qián zài Měi​guó bàn de, rán​hòu nà shí​hou wǒ bà​mā qù bù​liǎo.
Xinqing 18:52: It wasn’t held in China. We held it in the United States before, but my parents couldn’t go there at that time.

Christopher 18:58
Christopher 18 :58
Christopher 18:58

: k,但你俩之前回国内是不是也跟家里人聚了聚,因为我记得你发过照片好像。
: k, dàn nǐ liǎ zhī​qián huí guó​nèi shì​bù​shì yě gēn jiā​lǐ rén jù le jù, yīn​wèi wǒ jì​de nǐ fā guò zhào​piàn hǎo​xiàng.
: k, but did you two get together with your family before you returned to China? Because I remember you posted photos.

Xinqing 19:06: 对,我们今年4月份的时候一起回的国,那时候他第一次见我爸妈,但我们没有办婚礼。
Xinqing 19 :06 : duì, wǒ​men jīn​nián 4 yuè​fèn de shí​hou yī​qǐ huí de guó, nà shí​hou tā dì​yī​cì jiàn wǒ bà​mā, dàn wǒ​men méi​yǒu bàn hūn​lǐ.
Xinqing 19:06: Yes, we returned to China together in April this year. At that time, he met my parents for the first time, but we did not hold a wedding.

rán​hòu zhè yī​cì shì zhèng​shì de, yīn​wèi bà​mā tā​men yě xiǎng gǎo yí gè Zhōng​shì de hūn​lǐ, yāo​qǐng Zhōng​guó de qīn​qi péng​you.
And this time it was official, because my parents also wanted to have a Chinese-style wedding and invite Chinese relatives and friends.

Christopher 19:21: 当然,几月份。
Christopher 19 :21 : dāng​rán, jǐ yuè​fèn.
Christopher 19:21: Sure, months.

Xinqing 19:22
Xinqing 19 :22
Xinqing 19:22

: 月底我没有给你发邀请吗?
: yuè​dǐ wǒ méi​yǒu gěi nǐ fā yāo​qǐng ma?
: Didn’t I send you an invitation at the end of the month?

kěn​dìng méi​yǒu.
Definitely not.

zhēn de ma?

wǒ jì​de.
I remember.

Christopher 19:35: 没关系,我们回头因为我到时候看看有没有,我5月份不太好说,到时候看看情况,要是有机会一定去给你凑个热闹。
Christopher 19 :35 : méi​guān​xi, wǒ​men huí​tóu yīn​wèi wǒ dào​shí​hòu kàn​kan yǒu​méi​yǒu, wǒ 5 yuè​fèn bù​tài​hǎo shuō, dào​shí​hòu kàn​kan qíng​kuàng, yào​shi yǒu jī​huì yī​dìng qù gěi nǐ còu gè rè​nao.
Christopher 19:35: It doesn’t matter, let’s go back because I’ll see if it’s available then. I can’t say much in May, so I’ll see what happens then. If I have the chance, I’ll go and join in the fun for you.

Xinqing 19:45: 好我到时候把时间发给你。
Xinqing 19 :45 : hǎo wǒ dào​shí​hòu bǎ shí​jiān fā​gěi nǐ.
Xinqing 19:45: Okay, I will send you the time then.

Christopher 19:48: 对可以,主要是人来不重要,主要是得礼金得到是吧?
Christopher 19 :48 : duì kě​yǐ, zhǔ​yào shì rén lái bú zhòng​yào, zhǔ​yào shì de lǐ​jīn dé​dào shì ba?
Christopher 19:48: Yes, the main thing is that the person coming is not important, the main thing is to get the gift money, right?

Xinqing 19:55: 没有你来,因为是这样子,我们在崇明,你知道崇明吗?
Xinqing 19 :55 : méi​yǒu nǐ lái, yīn​wèi shì zhè yàng​zi, wǒ​men zài Chóng​míng, nǐ zhī​dào Chóng​míng ma?
Xinqing 19:55: We didn’t come without you, because that’s how it is. We are in Chongming. Do you know Chongming?

Christopher 20:00: 对我知道。
Christopher 20 :00 : duì wǒ zhī​dào.
Christopher 20:00: Yeah I know.

Xinqing 20:01: 在上海附近我爸爸有一个B&B,他有一个就是他做一个民宿,所以我们就在那办,其实也没有什么特别大的仪式,就是请大家吃饭。
Xinqing 20 :01 : zài Shàng​hǎi fù​jìn wǒ bà​ba yǒu yí gè B& B, tā yǒu yí gè jiù​shì tā zuò yí gè mín​sù, suǒ​yǐ wǒ​men jiù zài nà bàn, qí​shí yě méi​yǒu shén​me tè​bié dà de yí​shì, jiù​shì qǐng dà​jiā chī​fàn.
Xinqing 20:01: My dad has a B&B near Shanghai. He has a B&B, so we set it up there. Actually, there wasn’t any big ceremony, just inviting everyone to dinner.

Christopher 20:14: 不是那种特别大的那种。
Christopher 20 :14 : bù​shì nà​zhǒng tè​bié dà de nà​zhǒng.
Christopher 20:14: Not the big kind.

Xinqing 20:15: 没有不是去酒店什么的,就是请大家吃饭。
Xinqing 20 :15 : méi​yǒu bù​shì qù jiǔ​diàn shén​me de, jiù​shì qǐng dà​jiā chī​fàn.
Xinqing 20:15: Either go to a hotel or something, or treat everyone to dinner.

Christopher 20:19
Christopher 20 :19
Christopher 20:19

: k其实跟你在美国办的婚有点像。
: k qí​shí gēn nǐ zài Měi​guó bàn de hūn yǒu​diǎn xiàng.
:k In fact, it is a bit similar to the wedding you had in the United States.

Xinqing 20:24: 对请一些朋友,但我们就这次12月份回去的话,有一个比较大的需要做的事情,就是我们想去买一套中式婚纱,中式旗袍。
Xinqing 20 :24 : duì qǐng yī​xiē péng​you, dàn wǒ​men jiù zhè cì 12 yuè​fèn huí​qu de​huà, yǒu yí gè bǐ​jiào dà de xū​yào zuò de shì​qing, jiù​shì wǒ​men xiǎng qù mǎi yī​tào Zhōng​shì hūn​shā, Zhōng​shì qí​páo.
Xinqing 20:24: Yes, we want to invite some friends, but if we go back in December this time, there is one big thing we need to do, that is, we want to buy a Chinese wedding dress and a Chinese cheongsam.


Christopher 20:37: 你为什么打算买?
Christopher 20 :37 : nǐ wèi​shén​me dǎ​suàn mǎi?
Christopher 20:37: Why are you planning to buy?

bù dǎ​suàn zū yī​xiē
Not planning to rent some

Xinqing 20:42: 但我觉得因为你知道苏州是一个批发市场,苏州有好多的卖婚纱批发,所以我们就去一趟。
Xinqing 20 :42 : dàn wǒ jué​de yīn​wèi nǐ zhī​dào Sū​zhōu shì yí gè pī​fā shì​chǎng, Sū​zhōu yǒu hǎo​duō de mài hūn​shā pī​fā, suǒ​yǐ wǒ​men jiù qù yí tàng.
Xinqing 20:42: But I think because you know Suzhou is a wholesale market, there are many wholesale wedding dresses in Suzhou, so we will go there.

Christopher 20:: 2
Christopher 20 :: 2
Christopher 20::2

tǐng hǎo.

Xinqing 20:55: 特别想看David穿。
Xinqing 20 :55 : tè​bié xiǎng kàn David chuān.
Xinqing 20:55: I especially want to see David wear it.

Christopher 20:56: 他穿应该挺好,挺好看的。
Christopher 20 :56 : tā chuān yīng​gāi tǐng hǎo, tǐng hǎo​kàn de.
Christopher 20:56: He should wear it well and look good.

Xinqing 21:01: 我能想象中国人蛮有意思的。
Xinqing 21 :01 : wǒ néng xiǎng​xiàng Zhōng​guó rén mán yǒu​yì​si de.
Xinqing 21:01: I can imagine that Chinese people are quite interesting.

Christopher 21:03: 对挺好看的,因为我组里有一个师姐,她刚毕业了,然后她老公也是瑞典人,然后他们就在两两边都在办婚礼,然后他其实结婚已经挺久了,今年的时候刚回去办了婚礼,我看他办的也挺好。
Christopher 21 :03 : duì tǐng hǎo​kàn de, yīn​wèi wǒ zǔ lǐ yǒu yí gè shī​jiě, tā gāng bì​yè le, rán​hòu tā lǎo​gōng yě shì ruì​diǎn​rén, rán​hòu tā​men jiù zài liǎng liǎng​bian dōu zài bàn hūn​lǐ, rán​hòu tā qí​shí jié​hūn yǐ​jīng tǐng jiǔ le, jīn​nián de shí​hou gāng huí​qu bàn le hūn​lǐ, wǒ kàn tā bàn de yě tǐng hǎo.
Christopher 21:03: Yes, it’s quite interesting, because there is a senior sister in my group, she just graduated, and her husband is also Swedish, and then they are having weddings on both sides, and he has actually been married for a long time. I just went back to have a wedding this year, and I think he did a pretty good job.

Xinqing 21:25: 也是穿了对唐装。
Xinqing 21 :25 : yě shì chuān le duì Táng​zhuāng.
Xinqing 21:25: Also wearing a Tang suit.

Táng​zhuāng duì, bù​shì qí​páo, Táng​zhuāng duì.
Tang suit is right, not cheongsam, Tang suit is right.

Christopher 21:31: 他们穿的挺喜庆的,挺好玩的。
Christopher 21 :31 : tā​men chuān de tǐng xǐ​qìng de, tǐng​hǎo wán de.
Christopher 21:31: They were dressed very festively and it was fun.

Xinqing 21:35: 然后还有一些可能外国朋友,他的外国朋友要来,对,我们还想说趁机旅游,我们还想说买一个轿子。
Xinqing 21 :35 : rán​hòu hái​yǒu yī​xiē kě​néng wài​guó péng​you, tā de wài​guó péng​you yào lái, duì, wǒ​men hái xiǎng shuō chèn​jī lǚ​yóu, wǒ​men hái xiǎng shuō mǎi yí gè jiào​zi.
Xinqing 21:35: Then there are some foreign friends who may be coming. Yes, we also want to take the opportunity to travel, and we also want to buy a sedan.

Christopher 21:45: 哇,谁给你抬?
Christopher 21 :45 : wa, shéi gěi nǐ tái?
Christopher 21:45: Wow, who will lift it for you?

Xinqing 21:47: 他的外国朋友。
Xinqing 21 :47 : tā de wài​guó péng​you.
Xinqing 21:47: His foreign friends.

Christopher 21:49: 我真是好基友。
Christopher 21 :49 : wǒ zhēn​shi hǎo jī yǒu.
Christopher 21:49: I’m such a gay guy.

Xinqing 21:53: 轿子在淘宝上也可以买到的,这有点太夸张了。
Xinqing 21 :53 : jiào​zi zài táo bǎo shàng yě kě​yǐ mǎi dào de, zhè yǒu​diǎn tài kuā​zhāng le.
Xinqing 21:53: You can also buy sedan chairs on Taobao, which is a bit exaggerated.

jiāng​jìn yí gè 4000 kuài qián, 3000 kuài, 4000 kuài kě​yǐ mǎi gè jiào​zi.
Nearly 4,000 yuan, 3,000 yuan, 4,000 yuan can buy a sedan chair.

Christopher 22:01: 太离谱了吗?
Christopher 22 :01 : tài lí​pǔ le ma?
Christopher 22:01: Is that outrageous?

Xinqing 22:03: 很离谱吗?
Xinqing 22 :03 : hěn lí​pǔ ma?
Xinqing 22:03: Is it outrageous?

wǒ jué​de hěn hǎo​wán, rán​hòu kě​yǐ qǐng yī​xiē rén lái táo bǎo.
I think it’s very fun, and then I can invite some people to come to Taobao.

Christopher 22:07: 什么都有,卖轿子的。
Christopher 22 :07 : shén​me dōu yǒu, mài jiào​zi de.
Christopher 22:07: Everything, sedan sellers.

Xinqing 22:10: 淘宝上什么都有。
Xinqing 22 :10 : táo bǎo shàng shén​me dōu yǒu.
Xinqing 22:10: Taobao has everything.

Christopher 22:11: 我一定我待会要搜一下太离谱了。
Christopher 22 :11 : wǒ yī​dìng wǒ dài huì yào sōu yī​xià tài lí​pǔ le.
Christopher 22:11: I’m sure I’m going to search it later. It’s too outrageous.

Xinqing 22:15: 我觉得会特别好玩,你想象一下几个外国人,然后抬着我在一个特别乡村的崇明岛上。
Xinqing 22 :15 : wǒ jué​de huì tè​bié hǎo​wán, nǐ xiǎng​xiàng yī​xià jǐ​ge wài​guó​rén, rán​hòu tái zhe wǒ zài yí gè tè​bié xiāng​cūn de Chóng​míng​Dǎo shàng.
Xinqing 22:15: I think it would be very fun. Imagine a few foreigners carrying me on a very rural Chongming Island.

Christopher 22:24: 肯定很好玩,能想象出来。
Christopher 22 :24 : kěn​dìng hěn hǎo​wán, néng xiǎng​xiàng chū​lái.
Christopher 22:24: It would be fun to imagine.

wài​guó péng​you běn​lái jiù bǐ​jiào hǎo​wán.
Foreign friends are inherently more fun.

Xinqing 22:30: 对他们来说他们无所谓,脸皮很厚,挺好。
Xinqing 22 :30 : duì tā​men lái shuō tā​men wú​suǒ​wèi, liǎn​pí hěn hòu, tǐng hǎo.
Xinqing 22:30: It doesn’t matter to them, they are very thick-skinned, which is good.

Christopher 22:37: 还是很快的能想象出来。
Christopher 22 :37 : hái​shi hěn kuài de néng xiǎng​xiàng chū​lái.
Christopher 22:37: It’s still pretty quick to imagine.

Xinqing 22:40: 对,然后其他的也没什么准备了,因为我爸妈家里所以基本上没有任何的 Planning。
Xinqing 22 :40 : duì, rán​hòu qí​tā de yě méi​shén​me zhǔn​bèi le, yīn​wèi wǒ bà​mā jiā​lǐ suǒ​yǐ jī​běn​shang méi​yǒu rèn​hé de P lanning.
Xinqing 22:40: Yes, and there is nothing else to prepare for. Because my parents are at home, there is basically no planning.

Christopher 22:48: 我觉得这样也挺好的,我师姐就跟我抱怨了,因为她其实因为在这边办过婚礼的,她不是很想再去国内走一套很复杂的东西,因为她回国休假时间本来就不久,婚礼准备又是一个不是那么容易的事,然后家里人她就想让她办一个比较盛大,然后邀请很多朋友,然后那种很传统的你知道吗?
Christopher 22 :48 : wǒ jué​de zhè​yàng yě tǐng hǎo de, wǒ shī​jiě jiù gēn wǒ bào​yuàn le, yīn​wèi tā qí​shí yīn​wèi zài zhè​biān bàn guò hūn​lǐ de, tā bù​shì hěn xiǎng zài qù guó​nèi zǒu yī​tào hěn fù​zá de dōng​xi, yīn​wèi tā huí​guó xiū​jià shí​jiān běn​lái jiù bù​jiǔ, hūn​lǐ zhǔn​bèi yòu shì yí gè bù​shì nà​me róng​yì de shì, rán​hòu jiā​lǐ rén tā jiù xiǎng ràng tā bàn yí gè bǐ​jiào shèng​dà, rán​hòu yāo​qǐng hěn duō péng​you, rán​hòu nà​zhǒng hěn chuán​tǒng de nǐ zhī​dào ma?
Christopher 22:48: I think this is quite good. My senior sister complained to me because she actually had a wedding here and she didn’t really want to go back to China to do a very complicated thing. It was not long before she returned to China for vacation, and wedding preparation was not an easy task. Then her family wanted her to have a grand ceremony and invite many friends. Do you know that kind of traditional wedding?

dà​jiā zài jiǔ​diàn lǐ, rán​hòu gēn rán​hòu liǎng gè xīn​rén jiù gēn biǎo​yǎn yī​yàng, tā jiù jué​de hěn bù shū​fu, dàn​shì jiā​lǐ rén jiù shuō nǐ bù​yòng guǎn wǒ​men lái gěi nǐ zhǔn​bèi, tā gēn wǒ tǔ cáo hěn duō chǎng hěn cháng shí​jiān, dàn​shì huí​qu zhī​hòu yě méi​yǒu bàn​fǎ, zhǐ​néng shuō jiù suí le jiā​lǐ de.
Everyone was in the hotel, and then the two newcomers were just like performing. She felt very uncomfortable, but the family said you don’t need to worry about us to prepare it for you. She complained to me many times for a long time, but after going back There is no other way but to just go with the family.

Xinqing 23:34: 我是不太喜欢那种,我觉得那种的话新人就真的像他们是表演,像玩偶,很累。
Xinqing 23 :34 : wǒ shì bú tài xǐ​huan nà​zhǒng, wǒ jué​de nà​zhǒng de​huà xīn​rén jiù zhēn de xiàng tā​men shì biǎo​yǎn, xiàng wán​’ǒu, hěn lèi.
Xinqing 23:34: I don’t really like that kind of thing. I think the newcomers really act like they are performing, like dolls, which is very tiring.

Christopher 23:41: 玩偶,对,大家也不是很在意你在上面干什么,然后你也不在意大家在下面到底是怎么看,就就是一种表演,对。
Christopher 23 :41 : wán​’ǒu, duì, dà​jiā yě bù​shì hěn zài​yì nǐ zài shàng​miàn gàn​shén​me, rán​hòu nǐ yě bù​zài​yì dà​jiā zài xià​miàn dào​dǐ shì zěn​me kàn, jiù jiù​shì yī​zhǒng biǎo​yǎn, duì.
Christopher 23:41: Dolls, yes, people don’t really care what you do on top, and you don’t care what people see below, it’s just a performance, yes.

Xinqing 23:53: 我觉得对我们来说主要跟朋友聚会,然后有特别是外国朋友好不容易来一趟中国,可能那三天就是组织一些,比如说游戏玩,或者搞一个露天电影什么的,可以跟朋友好好玩一玩。
Xinqing 23 :53 : wǒ jué​de duì wǒ​men lái shuō zhǔ​yào gēn péng​you jù​huì, rán​hòu yǒu tè​bié shì wài​guó péng​you hǎo​bù​róng​yì lái yí tàng Zhōng​guó, kě​néng nà sān tiān jiù​shì zǔ​zhī yī​xiē, bǐ​rú shuō yóu​xì wán, huò​zhě gǎo yí gè lù​tiān diàn​yǐng shén​me de, kě​yǐ gēn péng​you hǎo hǎo​wán yì wán.
Xinqing 23:53: I think for us, we mainly gather with friends, and when some foreign friends, especially foreign friends, finally come to China, we may organize some activities during those three days, such as playing games, or having an outdoor movie or something. You can have fun with your friends.

Christopher 24:09: 很好。
Christopher 24 :09 : hěn hǎo.
Christopher 24:09: Very good.


Xinqing 24:11: 要不然今天聊到这,好我就暂停了,谢谢Christopher。
Xinqing 24 :11 : yào​bù​rán jīn​tiān liáo dào zhè, hǎo wǒ jiù zàn​tíng le, xiè​xie Christopher.
Xinqing 24:11: Otherwise I would have stopped talking today. Thank you Christopher.

Christopher: 24:17: 好,不用。
Christopher: 24 :17 : hǎo, bù​yòng.
Christopher: 24:17: Okay, no need.

tài kè​qi le.
Too polite.

jiù​shì péng​you hǎo​jiǔ méi jiàn le, jiù​shì liáo​tiān ér​yǐ.
It’s just a friend I haven’t seen for a long time, just chatting.

Xinqing 24:22: 对,唠唠嗑,好,拜拜。
Xinqing 24 :22 : duì, láo lào​kē, hǎo, bái​bái.
Xinqing 24:22: Yes, Lala Lacai, okay, bye.

