Episode 51 Vocabulary

Xinqing Lu (Joanne)
3 min readNov 19, 2023


飞快 fēi​kuài | very fast
努力 nǔ​lì | effort or hard work
博士 bó​shì | doctorate
成果 chéng​guǒ | achievement
什么都没干 shén​me dōu méi gàn | did nothing
瑞典 Ruì​diǎn | Sweden
基础设施 jī​chǔ​shè​shī | infrastructure
物联网 wù lián​wǎng | Internet of Things
人工智能 rén​gōng​zhì​néng | artificial intelligence
机缘巧合 jī​yuán qiǎo​hé | serendipitous encounter
打算 dǎ​suàn | plan or intention
瞅一眼 chǒu yī​yǎn | take a quick look
休个假 xiū gè jiǎ | take a vacation
疫情 yì​qíng | pandemic or epidemic situation
吃一吃 chī yì chī | try some food
转一转 zhuǎn yì zhuǎn | go around, explore
兰州 Lán​zhōu | city in China
牛肉面 niú​ròu​miàn | beef noodles
可惜 kě​xī | unfortunately
瞎 xiā | aimlessly, randomly
清单 qīng​dān | checklist
搜罗 sōu​luó | search for, gather
特意 tè​yì | deliberately or purposely
估计 gū​jì | estimate or guess
心满意足 xīn​mǎn​yì​zú | satisfied
潮汕 Cháo​shàn | Chaoshan cuisine
吃播 chī bō | food mukbang
博主 bó zhǔ | blogger
美食 měi​shí | culinary delights
馋 chán | greedy for food
风味 fēng​wèi | flavor
成熟 chéng​shú | mature
淀粉 diàn​fěn | starch
干旱 gān​hàn | drought
乱七八糟 luàn​qī​bā​zāo | a mess or chaos
封面 fēng​miàn | cover image
甘肃 Gān​sù | Gansu province
芸芸 yún​yún | numerous; abundant
地理 dì​lǐ | geography
小食 xiǎo shí | snacks
菜系 cài​xì | culinary style
舌尖上的中国 shé​jiān shàng de Zhōng​guó | Culinary documentary sensation
串 chuàn | skewer
故事性 gù​shì xìng | narrative quality
臭豆腐 chòu​dòu​fu | stinky tofu
嫩豆腐 nèn dòu​fu | soft tofu
大闸蟹 dà zhá xiè | Chinese hairy crab
醋 cù | vinegar
蘸 zhàn | dip
清蒸 qīng​zhēng | steamed without sauce
螃蟹 páng​xiè | crab
冰冻 bīng​dòng | frozen
蟹黄 xiè​huáng | crab roe
海鲜 hǎi​xiān | seafood
顺序 shùn​xù | order or sequence
汤底 tāng dǐ | soup base
粥 zhōu | porridge
火锅 huǒ​guō | hot pot
异曲同工 yì​qǔ​tóng​gōng | similar but different
锅底 guō dǐ | soup base
包裹 bāo​guǒ | package or parcel
淘宝 táo bǎo | online shopping platform
手软 shǒu​ruǎn | soft hands
刷 shuā | browsing through, wipe through
人肉 rén ròu | human flesh
转运 zhuǎn​yùn | shipping or delivery
拆 chāi | unwrap or open gifts
刚需 gāng xū | basic needs
零零碎碎 líng líng​suì suì | bits and pieces
碟子 dié​zi | plate or dish
地毯 dì​tǎn | carpet
消费 xiāo​fèi | consumption
叉车 chā​chē | forklift
耳塞 ěr​sāi | earplugs
款式 kuǎn​shì | style
不可思议 bù​kě​sī​yì | incredible, unbelievable
用途 yòng​tú | purpose or function
产业链 chǎn​yè​liàn | industrial chain
优势 yōu​shì | advantage
家居 jiā​jū | home furnishings
清洁 qīng​jié | cleaning
推荐 tuī​jiàn | recommend
收纳 shōu​nà | storage or organization
欲望 yù​wàng | desire or craving
勾起 gōu​qǐ | arouse desire to consume
搞 gǎo | organize or arrange
婚礼 hūn​lǐ | wedding ceremony
亲戚 qīn​qi | relatives
凑个热闹 còu gè rè​nao | join in the fun
礼金 lǐ​jīn | monetary gift
民宿 mín​sù | guesthouse or bed and breakfast
旗袍 qí​páo | Chinese traditional dress
批发 pī​fā | wholesale
一趟 yí tàng | a trip
喜庆 xǐ​qìng | festive, joyful
趁机 chèn​jī | seize the opportunity
轿子 jiào​zi | Litter
离谱 lí​pǔ | outrageous or excessive
脸皮很厚 liǎn​pí hěn hòu | thick-skinned
盛大 shèng​dà | grand, magnificent
随 suí | go along with
吐槽 tǔ cáo | venting frustrations or complaints
玩偶 wán​’ǒu | doll or puppet
新人 xīn​rén | newcomer
不在意 bù​zài​yì | not care
电影 diàn​yǐng | film
露天 lù​tiān | open-air



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