Episode 54 | Transcript

Xinqing Lu (Joanne)
16 min readJan 7, 2024


Xinqing: Hello,大家好,新年快乐,欢迎大家新年又回到我们的瞎扯学中文。今天是我们新年的第一期节目,非常特别,然后也请到了一位非常特别的好朋友,黄成。 Xinqing: Hello, everyone, happy new year, and welcome back to our podcast. Today is our first program of the new year, and it’s very special, and we have a very special friend, Cheng Huang.

Cheng: 小lulu,好,各位听众朋友们大家好,我很荣幸。 Cheng: Hi, little lulu, how are you? Hello, everybody, it’s my honor.

Xinqing: 你跟大家打个招呼介绍一下,好。 Xinqing: Say hello to everyone and introduce yourself.

Cheng: 大家好,我叫黄成,我是小lulu的本科室友,认识小lulu已经快10年了,今天听说她有一个非常特殊的节目,还是新年第一期,很高兴在这里和大家见面。 Cheng: Hello, my name is Cheng Huang, I’m Little Lulu’s undergraduate roommate, I’ve known Little Lulu for almost 10 years, and today I heard that she has a very special program, the first one of the new year, and I’m very happy to meet you here.

Xinqing: 给黄成一直喜喜欢叫我小lulu,这个是一个昵称,在中文里面大家都会给就像在国外也一样都会起一些 Nick name、昵称,然后因为我的姓是陆,所以说黄成还有好多大学同学都会叫我小陆陆,我们管黄成叫陈儿。 Xinqing: Huang Cheng has always liked to call me Little Lulu, this is a nickname, in Chinese everyone will give the same as in foreign countries will give some Nick name, nickname, and then because my last name is Lu, so that Huang Cheng and a lot of college students will call me Little Lulu, we call Huang Cheng Chen Er.

Cheng: 设计一个比较复杂的儿化音,因为我是来自北京。 Cheng: It’s more complicated to devise a paedophonic sound because I’m from Beijing.

Xinqing: 我想给大家也是想解释一下,儿化音黄成是北京人,地道的北京人,你可以给大家演示一下,解释一下什么是儿化音吗? Xinqing: I’d like to explain to you that Huang Cheng is a Beijinger, a real Beijinger, can you demonstrate and explain to us what a c 儿化音 is?

Cheng: 儿化音就是北京人说话的时候会在一些词语后面的字上面加一个儿,比如说让我想想 Cheng: When Beijingers speak, they will add a “儿化音” to the end of some words, for example, let me think!

Xinqing: 或者你今天去哪玩儿? Xinqing: Or where did you go today?

Cheng: 小lulu的不是很标准,应该是你今天去哪玩儿。比较标准。 Cheng: Xiao lulu’s is not very standard, it should be “Where are you going to play today”. Cheng: Xiao lulu’s is not very standard, it should be “Where are you going to play today”.

Xinqing: 然后说本来那个词是玩,然后会变成玩儿。 Xinqing: And then when you say that the word is play, then it will become “玩儿”.

Cheng: 对,一般还会加在如果是两个字的词会加在第二个上面,第二个字上面,比如说上班,北京人就会说我去上班儿,但是有的时候有一些词它会加在第一个字上面,比如说“馅儿饼”。 它就是馅饼加在第一个字上面,所以如果可能不是很熟悉儿化音的学新的朋友们,如果按照一个固定的规则去加儿化音,就会闹出一些笑话,比如说会说“馅饼儿”,但是其实并不是这样说的。 Cheng: Yes, it’s usually added to the second word if it’s a two-letter word, like “go to work”, Beijingers will say “I’m going to work”, but sometimes there are words that are added to the first word, like “馅儿饼”. It’s “馅饼” (馅饼) added to the first character, so if people who are not very familiar with catecholization, if they follow a fixed rule to add catecholization, they will make some jokes, for example, they will say “馅饼儿” (馅饼儿), but that’s not the way it’s actually said.

Xinqing: 对,我记得以前好像闹出过一个笑话,是北京有一个地方叫东直门,然后可能是我还是另外一个朋友,就在门后面加了儿化音,就变成了东直门儿。但是不是这样说的对吧? Xinqing: Yes, I remember there was a joke about a place in Beijing called Dongzhimen, and then maybe it was me or another friend who added the ciarization sound after the word door, and it became Dongzhimen’er. But that’s not how it works, right?

Cheng: 对是的,因为如果一个东西加儿化音,一般它会变得比较小,或者是比较不那么正式,所以如果比如说门可以加儿化音的时候,比如说是一个比如我只是随意的出去一个门,然后可以说开门,但是像东直门是一个地名,它是一个比较恢弘的城门,所以这个时候就不能加儿化音,只能说东直门。 Cheng: Yes, yes, because if you add a paired sound to something, it usually becomes smaller or less formal, so if you can add a paired sound to a door, for example, if it’s a door that I just casually go out of, then you can say “open door”, but like Dongzhimen is a place name, it’s a more grandiose gate, so you can’t add a paired sound to it, you can only say “Dong Zhimen”. You can only say “Dongzhimen”.

Xinqing: 我觉得北京话其实挺有意思的,我之前认识几个外国人,他们刚开始学中文的时候是跟北京的老师学,然后就学了一口子,我们叫京片是吧?北京话口音的中文,然后特别逗,就听到外国人说北京话还有儿化音的。 Xinqing: I think Beijing dialect is actually quite interesting. I’ve known a few foreigners before, and when they first started learning Chinese, they learned from a Beijing teacher, and then they learned a mouthful of Chinese with a Beijing accent, and then they learned Chinese with a Beijing accent, and then they learned Chinese with a Beijing accent. It’s very funny to hear foreigners speak Beijing dialect with a Beijing accent.

Cheng: 对,我觉得那样挺有趣的,还有一些比如说和东北的老师学中文,然后就会有东北口音,其实我觉得在整个说汉语的中国大中华地区就几种口音是最有特点的,一个就是东北口音,然后还有北京口音,然后还有南方口音,就是那种比较的温柔的那种口音。 Cheng: Yes, I think that’s quite funny, and there are some other things like learning Chinese with a teacher from the northeast, and then you get a northeastern accent, and I think in the whole Chinese-speaking region of Greater China, there are only a few kinds of accents that are the most distinctive, and one of them is the northeastern accent, and then there’s also the Beijing accent, and then there’s also the southern accent, which is kind of the gentler kind of accent.

Xinqing: 挺有意思的是每次我们去北京玩或者出差的时候,我老公其实他中文也学了挺久的,也基本上能听懂比较标准的普通话,但是每一次他在北京的时候都特别的 struggle,就是在全国各地,可能北京话特别欢迎你的北京话,他觉得很难听懂,基本上听不懂。特别是北京的司机。 Xinqing: What’s interesting is that every time we go to Beijing to play or go on business trips, my husband has actually studied Chinese for quite a long time, and basically understands standard Mandarin, but every time he’s in Beijing he has a particular struggle to understand the Beijing accent, which is the most welcoming Beijing accent in the country, and he finds it very difficult to understand, basically, not to understand it. Especially the drivers in Beijing.

Cheng: 北京的司机也是很有名的,就是会北京腔非常浓,但是又同时特别乐意跟你聊天和谈论政治的一一群人。 Cheng: Beijing drivers are also very famous for their strong Beijing accent, but at the same time they are very happy to chat with you and talk about politics.

Xinqing: 就说到回想一下我们因为刚才黄成也说起,我们其实是大学1个寝室的同学室友,我们在大学里面是4个人一间寝室,然后当时正好是两个北京人,两个上海人,然后但其实我不太会说上海话,所以咱们寝室基本上还是被北京话普通话统治的。 Xinqing: Speaking of which, I recall that we were actually roommates in a dormitory room in college, and we were four people in a dormitory room in college, and at that time there were two Beijingers and two Shanghainese, but I didn’t really speak much Shanghainese, so basically our dormitory room was still ruled by the Beijing dialect of Putonghua.

Cheng: 是的,对,但是我记得有一次对虽然你不会说上海话,但是你会带一些上海的美食,我记得有一次你带了一个醉蟹,你还有印象吗? Cheng: Yes, right, but I remember that there were

Xinqing: 对醉蟹可以给大家解释一下,就是螃蟹是中国的一种蟹,crab,然后醉蟹就是一个喝醉了的螃蟹,其实就是把螃蟹其实还挺残忍的这么一说,把活的螃蟹放到酒里面,一般它是不是白酒放到白酒里面,还是黄酒,可能把它直接就是生的螃蟹,然后螃蟹就会淹死,醉死在这个酒里,然后这样可以直接吃,我们管它叫醉蟹,很好吃的是一个上海南方的著名的菜。 Xinqing: Drunken crab can be explained to you, is that the crab is a kind of Chinese crab, crab, and then drunken crab is a drunken crab, in fact, is to put the crab is actually quite brutal so that, put the live crab into the wine, generally it is not white wine into white wine, or yellow wine, may be put it directly is the raw crab, and then the crab will drown, drunken death in the wine, and then this can be eaten directly, we call it drunken crab, very delicious is a famous dish in the southern part of Shanghai. The wine, then you can eat it directly, we call it drunken crab, it’s very delicious, it’s a famous dish in the southern part of Shanghai.

Cheng: 是我觉得上海好吃的还是比较多的,相比较北京其实只有烤鸭、炸酱面这种鲁菜系相比。 Cheng: Yes, I think there are a lot of good food in Shanghai, compared to Beijing where there is only roast duck and fried noodles.

Xinqing: 还有豆汁。 Xinqing: And bean juice.

Cheng: 一般大家也不吃,我感觉。 Cheng: People don’t usually eat it, I think.

Xinqing: 我其实我在北京工作过,然后也上了4年的学,我从来还没有吃过豆汁儿,这个是有儿化音的。 Xinqing: I actually worked in Beijing and went to school for 4 years, and I’ve never eaten bean juice, which has a phonetic sound.

Cheng: 对是的。 Cheng: Right.

Xinqing: 豆汁儿到底是什么发酵的黄豆。 Xinqing: What exactly is fermented soybeans?

Cheng: 是吗?别问我,我也不知道您也没吃过吗?我吃过,但是没怎么吃过,我觉得只有可能什么满族或者是在北京生活年特别长的土著北京人才会去吃豆汁儿。比如关晓彤她据说很爱吃豆汁儿。关晓彤是北京人。 Cheng: Is it? Cheng: Is it? Don’t ask me, I don’t know. Have you never had it? I’ve eaten it, but not a lot. I think only the Manchus or the indigenous Beijingers who have lived in Beijing for a long time would eat it. For example, Guan Xiaotong is said to be a big fan of bean juice. Guan Xiaotong is a Beijinger.

Xinqing: 关晓彤大家可能不知道,是最近在中国比较火的一个女明星,说到让我想起来,我每次去北京的时候,就这两年现在在国外住了蛮长时间的,每次回归北京居然会有一些culture shock,就有一些不习惯的地方。 Xinqing: Guan Xiaotong, who you may not know, is one of the more popular female celebrities in China these days. Speaking of which, it reminds me that every time I go to Beijing, and I’ve lived abroad for quite a long time now, I actually have some culture shock every time I return to Beijing, and there are a few things that I’m not used to.

然后最大的一个是就是北京真的太大了,我在北京看一个地图,然后看要走一个街区,或者走一就是走走一个街道 Block,我就想很近的应该,然后发现一走是一公里或者两公里,但是比如说在国外,我在日内瓦看一个地图,就是比例尺这个scale完全不一样,我在这个日内瓦一个block可能是200米,在北京看起来很近的距离地图上,然后一走就发现特别远。 Then the biggest one is that Beijing is really too big, I look at a map in Beijing, and then look to walk a block, or walk a is to walk a street Block, I would like to be very close to the should, and then found that a walk is a kilometer or two kilometers, but for example, in foreign countries, I look at a map in Geneva, that is, the scale of this scale is completely different, I am in the Geneva a block may be 200 meters, in the Geneva a block may be 200 meters, in the Geneva a block may be 200 meters, in the Geneva a block may be 200 meters. The block in Geneva may be 200 meters, and in Beijing it looks very close on the map, and then once I walk, I find that it’s especially far away.

Cheng: 我觉得在北京基本上你想出个门都可能得至少半小时以上,好像很少能有那种特别近就能到的地方,我记得尤其是在清华,我觉得感觉,是因为我们在清华的时候住在最北边,然后但是校门都在最南边,每次出校门就要至少10分钟对吧?骑车要走着不止半个小时。 Cheng: I think in Beijing basically you need at least half an hour to get out of the door, and it seems like there are very few places that you can get to very quickly, I remember especially in Tsinghua, I think it was because we lived in the northernmost part of Tsinghua, but the entrance was in the southernmost part of the city, and it would take at least 10 minutes to get out of the door every time, right? It’s more than a half hour walk by bike.

Xinqing: 骑车可能也得15分钟,这给大家也普及一下。我跟黄成我们大学同学,我们是在清华大学,清华是我们,是不是可以很骄傲的说,中国最好的大学,然后鄙视一下北大。 Xinqing: It might take 15 minutes by bike, so I’ll give you a quick overview. Huang Cheng and I went to college together, we were at Tsinghua University, and Tsinghua is the best university in China, so we can be very proud of it, and then despise Peking University.

Cheng: 我们一般说one of the Top two。 Cheng: We usually say one of the Top two.

Xinqing: 对,还有一所就是北京大学,这两个大学其实离得很近的。有一点我觉得像英国的牛津和剑桥这么个意思,就是这个国家最有名的旗鼓相当的两个最好的大学,如果比较起来,我觉得清华是比较像剑桥,比较偏理工的,比如说理科是 maths,然后physics,工科就是安吉尼尔工程师,然后北京大学比较有名的是怎么说,文史哲文学历史哲学。这么说准确吗? Xinqing: Yes, there is another one which is Peking University, these two universities are actually very close to each other. There is a point where I feel like Oxford and Cambridge in the UK, that is the two best universities in the country that are the most famous and comparable, and if you compare them, I feel that Tsinghua is more like Cambridge, and is more oriented towards science and technology, for example, the science is maths, and then physics, and the engineering is the Angenieux engineers, and then Peking is more famous for what it says, the literature, history, philosophy and literature, history, and philosophy. Is that accurate?

Cheng: 应该说北大的文科和理科比较强。 Cheng: I should say that Peking University is stronger in arts and sciences.

Xinqing: 然后清华的工清华是工科就更强一点。对。 Xinqing: And then Tsinghua is a little bit stronger in engineering. Xinqing: And then Tsinghua’s engineering is a little bit stronger.

Cheng: 或者有点像MIT和哈佛。 Cheng: Or a bit like MIT and Harvard.

Xinqing: 所以可能清华更像MIT,然后北大更像哈佛。是。对这两个学校之间又有竞争关系,但是又还是比较紧密的合作,然后包括刚才说地理位置也很近,比较有趣的是,因为这两个大学都很大,清华尤其的大,然后从我们的宿舍到清华的东门骑车可能要10~15分钟,但是从清华的东门骑车到北大的西门,就这两个最近的门其实只要5分钟7分钟可能,所以清华里面比外面距离更大。 Xinqing: So maybe Tsinghua is more like MIT and then Peking University is more like Harvard. Cheng: Or kind of like MIT and Harvard. Cheng: So there’s a rivalry between the two schools, but they’re still working closely together, and then they’re very close geographically as I said, and it’s interesting because both universities are very big, Tsinghua in particular is very big, and then it takes about 10–15 minutes to ride a bike from our dormitory to Tsinghua’s east gate, but from Tsinghua’s east gate to Peking University’s west gate, the closest of the two gates is only about 5 minutes, 7 minutes, maybe. Maybe, so the distance is bigger inside Tsinghua than outside.

Cheng: 但是现在北大也意识到它的校园太小了,不够容纳他的所有的这些学生,所以他建了很多分的校园,就是其他附属的校园。你知道现在学校里面清华也是,因为扩招的原因就是招收的学生越来越多,所以感觉也非常的不够用。现在我们当时上学的主干道上下学的时候都会自行车堵车,然后现在宿舍也全都不够用了,所以现在把我们学校外面的一个hongshan酒店,原来的一个酒店把它承包下来,改成了一个学生宿舍。 Cheng: But now Peking University also realized that its campus is too small to accommodate all of its students, so it built a lot of sub-campuses, which are other affiliated campuses. You know, Tsinghua also, because of the expansion, it’s recruiting more and more students, so it feels like it’s not enough. Now we went to school at that time

Xinqing: 现在扩招的这么厉害吗? Xinqing: Is the enrollment expansion that big now?

Cheng: 因为现在研究生会很多,研究生大概是本科生的2~3倍的人数。 Cheng: Because there will be a lot of graduate students now, and the number of graduate students is about 2–3 times the number of undergraduates.

Xinqing: 清华其实已经很大了,但像你说的就我们上学的时候在上下课的高峰时间,因为所有的人都骑自行车,你不可能在课间15分钟走路到另外一个教学楼,所以我们都骑车,然后我还记得我手机里还有一段视频,就是某一天早上的高峰期的巨大的自行车堵车。 Xinqing: Tsinghua is actually quite big, but like you said when we went to school during rush hour, because all the people were on bicycles, you couldn’t walk to another building in 15 minutes between classes, so we all rode bicycles, and I remember a video on my phone of a huge bicycle traffic jam during rush hour one morning.

Cheng: 我记得那个时候咱们宿舍的小芳同学他刚来还不会骑自行车,然后还买了一个专门的折叠自行车,这样尺寸会小一点。你还记得吗?是一辆粉色的小自行车,所以在清华学会自行骑自行车是每个人的第一课。 Cheng: I remember that Xiaofang, a student in our dormitory, didn’t know how to ride a bike when he first came here, and then he bought a special folding bike so that it would be smaller in size. Do you remember? It was a little pink bike, so learning to ride a bike on your own is the first lesson for everyone at Tsinghua.

Xinqing: 我还记得我在清华的那辆自行车,一辆蓝色的,而且是辆二手的自行车,我还记得我当时买这辆自行车可能只花了三十几块钱人民币,可能就会特别便宜,反正就特别便宜。然后因为大一的时候买的,那个时候是202010年,后来我去出国学留学,就是在清华以后我去了牛津念念研究生,当时我被自行车的价格完全的 Shock到了,我当时在牛津也买了一辆二手的,好像是100多磅还是150磅,就差不多1000多人民币可以在中国买一辆特别好的新车。 Xinqing: I remember the bike I had at Tsinghua, a blue one, and it was a second-hand bike, and I remember that I bought it for maybe thirty-something RMB, so it was probably extra cheap, anyway. Then I bought it in my freshman year of college, which was 202010, and then I went to study abroad, that is, after Tsinghua I went to Oxford to study for graduate school, and I was totally shocked by the price of the bike, and I bought a second-hand bike in Oxford at that time, which seemed to be more than 100 pounds or 150 pounds, which would be more than 1,000 RMB to buy a new bike that was very nice in China. Cheng: But now I’m getting a new car in 2020.

Cheng: 但是现在我2020年入职的时候,我又买了一辆自行车,但是是一手的,但是最低档的要200多块钱,我当时就觉得特别贵,因为我的印象也停留在2010年,你们买车的时候觉得应该100多块钱就能买一辆挺好的。 Cheng: But now when I start my career in 2020, I bought another bike, but it was a first hand one, but the lowest grade one cost more than 200 RMB, which I thought was very expensive, because my impression was also stuck in 2010, when you guys bought the bike, you thought you should be able to buy a good one for more than 100 RMB.

Xinqing: 200多块钱一辆新车,才三十几美金在国外就根本买不到二手都得要100多美金。玩自行车也是我比较少的,在出国以后发现价格怎么这么贵的一个事情。刚才说到扩招的事情,我记得当年有这么一个数据,是不是说咱们清华校园里面住了7万人,包括学生和老师和工作人员。 Xinqing: A new bike costs over $200, which is only about $30, but you can’t even get a used one for over $100 abroad. Playing with bicycles is one of the things that I rarely do, and after going abroad I realized how expensive they are. When I talked about the enrollment expansion just now, I remember that there was a statistic that there were 70,000 people living on Tsinghua’s campus, including students, teachers, and staff.

Cheng: 我得查一下,现在应该会更多。 Cheng: I’d have to look it up, but it should be more than that now.

Xinqing: 现在不止7万人。 Xinqing: There are more than 70,000 people now.

Cheng: 是的。 Cheng: Yes.

Xinqing: 我每次跟外国的一些朋友来描述中国的人口的时候,就会有的时候在比如说一个国外的城市,一整个城市都没有7万人,然后我就说我在大学的校园里都住了7万人。 Xinqing: Whenever I describe China’s population to my foreign friends, sometimes in, say, a foreign city, there are not even 70,000 people in the whole city, and then I say that I have 70,000 people living on the university campus.

Cheng: 是的,现在的数量是教职工总数是16,000,然后学生总数是将近6万。 Cheng: Yes, the number is 16,000 faculty and staff, and then almost 60,000 students.

Xinqing: 对,差不多得8万现在。对。 Xinqing: Yeah, almost 80,000 now. Xinqing: Yeah, almost 80,000 now.

Cheng: 但这些还不算住在周边的居民什么的,光全校师生应该差不多8万。有6万学生。 Cheng: But that’s not counting the people who live in the neighborhood and stuff, so it would be almost 80,000 students and faculty alone. There are 60,000 students.

Xinqing: 现在的宿舍楼还跟以前一样吗?还是4个人一间吗? Xinqing: Are the dormitory buildings still the same as before? Is it still four to a room?

Cheng: 4个人一间,但是紫荆应该咱们住进去的时候是还算比较新的,应该才运行了三四年还是四五年,但是现在已经10多年过去了,所以现在紫荆特别的旧,好像在考虑要重新整个修紫荆这一片的宿舍楼,但是因为实在是没有地方周转,所以不知道该怎么去修,因为现在所有的房间都是住满了,学生没有任何可以周转的空间,可能只能等寒假。 Cheng: 4 people to a room, but Bauhinia should we live in the time is still relatively new, should only be running for three or four years or four or five years, but now it has been more than 10 years, so now Bauhinia especially old, seems to be considering to re-repair Bauhinia this area of the dormitory, but because there is no place to turn around, so I do not know how to go to repair, because all the rooms are full, students do not have any room. It seems like they’re thinking about rebuilding the whole Bauhinia dormitory, but there’s no room to do it, so they don’t know how to do it, because all the rooms are full, and the students don’t have any space to turn around.

Xinqing: 对紫荆就是那个时候我们学生宿舍楼的名字叫紫荆,紫荆其实是一种花,清华不知道为什么当时所有的校校园里的宿舍楼和餐厅都是以花的名字命名的,所以那个时候有丁香、紫荆、桃李这些都是花的名字。然后对其实我也想正好可以聊一聊关于我们的宿舍,因为国外很少有4个人一间的宿舍,基本上都是一人一间的,然后有的时候会跟他们就描述我们的宿舍。你可以跟大家解释一下,比如说我们有公共澡堂什么的。 Xinqing: Yes, Bauhinia is the name of our student dormitory building at that time, Bauhinia is actually a kind of flower, and Tsinghua didn’t know why all the dormitory buildings and dining halls on the campus were named after flowers, so there were lilacs, bauhinia, peach and plums, which are all names of flowers at that time. And then to the fact that I also want to be able to talk about our dormitory, because there are very few dormitories abroad 4 people a room, basically one person a room, and then sometimes will be with them on the description of our dormitory. You can explain to people that we have a communal bathhouse and so on.

Cheng: 我们的宿舍是总共5个单元,1个特别长的楼,然后6层,然后每一个单元的话,大概一栋里就是一一组是2两间共用1个厅,然后每1间里面会住4个人,然后每1个人有1个上下铺的床,上铺睡觉,下铺是桌椅,然后这4个床头脚这么并在一起,然后我们共用一个公共的卫生间,淋浴间在一个单元里面共用一组,我觉得还挺有意思的确实。 Cheng: Our dormitory is a total of 5 units, a particularly long building, and then 6 floors, and then each unit, about a building is a group of 2 two rooms share a hall, and then each room will live in 4 people, and each person has a bunk bed, the top bunk to sleep on, and the bottom bunk is a table and chairs, and then the head and foot of these 4 beds are so together, and then we share a common bathroom.

Xinqing: 能提醒我一下吗?我现在记忆有些模糊,咱们在楼里面是有洗澡间的,但为什么那时候我们有时候要出去去另外一幢楼洗澡,因为我有记忆,好像去另外一个楼里洗澡。 Xinqing: Can you remind me? My memory is a little fuzzy now, we had a shower room inside the building, but why at that time we sometimes had to go out and take a shower in another building, because I have a memory of going to take a shower in another building.

Cheng: 我们应该只去过一两次,是不是?那个时候突然有什么停水还是怎么样的。但是我们应该只很少的去过一次,因为澡堂原来在现在苏世民书院的位置你还记得吗?对,远的。 Cheng: I think we only went there once or twice, didn’t we? There was some kind of sudden water outage or something at that time. But I think we only went there once very rarely because the bathhouse was located where the Schwarzman College is now, do you remember? Yes, far away.

Xinqing: 对我记得。 Xinqing: Yes I remember.

Cheng: 或者就是人很多。军训的时候,军训的时候排不上队,所以咱们是一整层楼共用一一间澡堂。是一一个单元一层共用一间在楼梯上来的位置,然后外面是洗手池,然后里面是有三个淋浴头,你记得吗? Cheng: Or it was just very crowded. During the military training, we couldn’t get in line during the military training, so we shared a whole floor with one bathhouse. It’s a shared room on the first floor of a unit where the stairs come up, and then there’s a sink outside, and then there’s three showers inside, do you remember that?

Xinqing: 所以是多少人共用三个位置你记得吗? Xinqing: So how many people shared the three places do you remember?

Cheng: 大概是4×8。32个人。 Cheng: It was about 4 x 8. 32 people.

Xinqing: 32个人共用3个,其实还是挺少的,对。 Xinqing: 32 people sharing three, that’s actually quite a small number, yeah.

Cheng: 所以对对,所以11点停水对吧?还是10点停水,11点停水,你每次10:30去洗澡的时候就会人特别多。 Cheng: So yeah, yeah, so the water stops at 11:00, right? Cheng: So right, so the water stops at 10:00, and then at 11:00, when you go to take a shower at 10:30, it’s going to be very crowded.

Xinqing: 对,因为我们那个时候还有我都有点忘了,对有停水,还有停电是吧?我们是几点钟就停电,我们管它叫熄灯,熄灯就是把灯熄灭就是关灯的意思。然后因为宿舍里管的比较严,然后基本上到了11点还几点? Xinqing: Yeah, because we had a water shutdown at that time and I kind of forgot, right, and a power shutdown, right? What time did we turn off the electricity, we called it lights out, lights out means to turn off the lights, and then because of the strict control in the dormitory, we had to turn off the lights. And then because the dormitory was more strict, basically at 11 o’clock or what time?

Cheng: 11点对。 Cheng: 11 o’clock, right.

Xinqing: 就说这个时候你应该睡觉了。对。 Xinqing: That’s when you’re supposed to go to bed. Xinqing: That’s when you’re supposed to go to bed.

Cheng: 然后意思就是说对,因为好像政策的来源是寝室里面同学们睡觉的时间不一致,会互相打扰休息,所以就说11点的时候统一断电,然后就督促大家都休息,但是我们每个人都会买那种充电的充电的那种台灯,就是白天充好电,晚上还能再亮两个小时,然后就可以在台灯之下再学习一会儿或者怎么样的。然后我记得当时基本上也是除了熄灯也会断电,但是公用的洗衣机房是不断电的,所以考试周的时候我们就会跑到洗衣机房,每个人占一个洗衣机,然后当桌子,然后插着电复习。 Cheng: And then it means yes, because it seems like the policy came from the fact that students in the dormitory didn’t go to bed at the same time and would disturb each other’s rest, so the power was cut off at 11 o’clock, and then we were all urged to rest, but we would all buy rechargeable desk lamps that were charged during the day and would stay on for two hours at night, so that we could study for a little while under the lamp or something like that. And then we could study under the lamp for a while or whatever. And I remember at that time, basically, the power would be off except when the lights were out, but there was no power in the communal laundry room, so during exam week we would go to the laundry room, each of us would take a washing machine and use it as a table, and then we would plug in and study.

Xinqing: 挺有意思,对我是有记忆,经常11点以后咱们还是要学习,然后复习或者做一些别的事情,所以就拿自己充电的台灯, Xinqing: It’s funny, I have a memory of that. Often after 11:00 we would still have to study, and then we would review or do something else, so we would just take our own rechargeable lamps, and then we would go to the laundry room, and then we would go to the laundry room and we would go to the laundry room.

Cheng: 但是我记得好像是夏天是不熄灯的,你记得吗?夏天不熄灯不断电,我有一些。 Cheng: But I seem to remember that the lights were kept on in the summer, do you remember that? I have some in the summer when the lights don’t go out and the power doesn’t go out.

Xinqing: 我的问题是因为我高中也是住宿的,然后高中我们也有熄灯,所以我有一些记忆的混淆,我不记得我记得是高中还是因为高中,我们是两也是4个人一间,然后但是共用1个卫生间和洗澡间,卫生间和洗澡间在高中的时候是不断电的,所以我的记忆都是咱们我们会在里对,躲在厕所和洗澡间里面复习。 Xinqing: My question is because my high school was also a dormitory, and then in high school we also had lights out, so I have some memory confusion, I don’t remember whether I remember it was high school or because in high school we were two or four people in a room, and then we shared a bathroom and a shower, and the bathroom and the shower in high school were not electrically powered, so my memory is that we would be in the bathroom and the shower, and we would be studying in the bathroom and the shower, so my memory is that we would be in the bathroom and the shower. So my memories are that we would study in the bathroom and the shower.

Cheng: 我记得好像我们夏天是不断电的,因为夏天是要开空调的,所以它不能断电,然后就会导致大四的时候,大家快毕业的时候会有一次最后一次熄灯,你有印象吗?然后我们就会一起在子操看,因为它是最后一次熄灯,然后再往后就不熄灯了,大家会去怀念一下熄灯的这一个时刻。然后我记得我们那一年最后一次熄灯的时候,在南区那边的楼上面还打了一个THU。就是有的房间亮,有的房间不亮,然后组合起来就是清华的首字母,THU。反正就还有一些纪念性的仪式,然后大家就一起来子操,看最后一次熄灯,那时候已经是毕业可能不到100天还是什么的时间。 Cheng: I remember we didn’t have power in the summer because we had to turn on the air conditioner in the summer, so it couldn’t be cut off, and that would lead to the last lights out in the senior year, when we were about to graduate, do you remember that? And then we would watch it together at the sub drill because it was the last time the lights went out, and then after that it didn’t go out anymore, and everyone would go and reminisce about this one moment when the lights went out. And I remember that when the lights went out for the last time that year, there was a THU on the building above the south wing, which meant that some rooms were lit up and some were not, and the combination was the initials of Tsinghua, THU, and there was some kind of commemorative ceremony, and then we all came to the sub-drill to watch the lights go out for the last time, which was probably less than 100 days after we graduated or something.

Xinqing: 我不记得了,但是听着还挺有趣的。 Xinqing: I don’t remember, but it sounds interesting.

Cheng: 因为我刚刚今年是毕业10周年,我们4月份会有活动的,但是你应该回不来了。是吗? Cheng: Because I just graduated on my 10th anniversary this year, and we’re having an event in April, but you won’t be able to make it back. But you won’t be able to come back.

Xinqing: 今年会有纪念活动,会有我们班比如说我们年级的校友活动吗? Xinqing: There will be commemorative events this year, will there be alumni events for our class or our grade?

Cheng: 会有的,应该是会有的。然后我们整个年级会有一个大会,因为它好我们算作毕业10年,20年30年就是整数个10年,是叫做值年校友,所以校友会会组织活动在4月。 Cheng: There will be, there should be. And then our whole grade will have a conference because it’s good that we count 10 years as graduation, 20 years and 30 years is a whole number of 10 years, it’s called the value of the year alumni, so the alumni association will organize activities in April.

Xinqing: 回不来,今年因为5月份正好我们在国内办婚礼,如果是5月份就可以正好连在一起了。 Xinqing: I can’t come back this year because we’re having a wedding in China in May, so if it’s in May, we’ll be able to get together.

Cheng: 是4月底,你5月什么时候回来? Cheng: It’s the end of April, when will you be back in May?

Xinqing: 5月可能第二周回国。 Xinqing: I’ll probably be back in the second week of May.

Cheng: 应该赶不上了。 Cheng: I don’t think I’ll be able to make it.

Xinqing: 我想到其实咱们时间也差不多了,但是聊起大学的事,感觉还有好多可以聊的,有好多的回忆忽然之间。而且挺有意思的,说实话跟国外的大学很不一样,在中国特别是在清华念大学的体验。 Xinqing: I think it’s almost time for us to go back, but when we talk about college, I feel like there’s still so much to talk about, so many memories all of a sudden. And it’s quite interesting, to be honest, it’s very different from foreign universities, the experience of going to university in China, especially in Tsinghua.

Cheng: 欢迎大家来清华大学交换学习,打一个广告。 Cheng: We welcome you to come to Tsinghua University for an exchange program.

Xinqing: 有机会我们可以再聊一聊,或者跟其他的我们当时的室友在一起,我们室友几个关系都特别好。其实我觉得就请示有的时候如果处得不好可能会闹矛盾,但处得好的话,说实话4年下来确实是积累了很多的回忆和友谊,下次我们再聊,谢谢成儿! Xinqing: If you have a chance, we can talk to each other again, or we can get together with other roommates at that time, a few of our roommates are very close to each other. In fact, I think there are times when we may have conflicts if we don’t get along well, but if we get along well, honestly 4 years down the line, we did accumulate a lot of memories and friendships, let’s talk about it next time, thank you, Cheng’er!



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