Episode 54 | Vocabulary
荣幸 róngxìng | honored
打个招呼 dǎ gè zhāohu | say hello
本科 běnkē | undergraduate degree
室友 shìyǒu | roommate
昵称 nìchēng | nickname
儿化音 érhuà yīn | rhotacization
馅饼 xiànbǐng | pie filling
闹出一些笑话 nào chū yīxiē xiàohuà | make some jokes
恢弘 huīhóng | grand, majestic
城门 chéngmén | city gate
北京腔 Běijīng qiāng | Beijing accent
乐意 undefined | undefined
寝室 qǐnshì | dormitory
统治 tǒngzhì | rule or govern
醉蟹 zuì xiè | drunken crab
残忍 cánrěn | cruel
这么一说 zhème yì shuō | so to speak
烤鸭 kǎoyā | roasted duck
炸酱面 zhájiàngmiàn | fried sauce noodles
豆汁 dòuzhī | soybean juice
发酵 fājiào | fermentation
土著 tǔzhù | indigenous people
满族 Mǎnzú | Manchu ethnic group
街区 jiēqū | block or neighborhood
比例尺 bǐlìchǐ | scale
清华 Qīnghuá | Tsinghua University
普及 pǔjí | popularize
鄙视 bǐshì | disdain or despise
骄傲 jiāo’ào | proud
北大 BěiDà | Peking University
牛津 Niújīn | Oxford University
旗鼓相当 qígǔxiāngdāng | evenly matched
剑桥 Jiànqiáo | Cambridge University
理工 lǐgōng | science and engineering
容纳 róngnà | accommodate, hold
意识到 yìshí dào | realize, become aware
招收 zhāoshōu | enroll students
主干道 zhǔgàn dào | main road
扩招 kuò zhāo | expand enrollment
堵车 dǔchē | traffic jam
高峰期 gāofēngqī | peak period
二手 èrshǒu | used, second-hand
入职 rù zhí | start working
低档 dīdàng | low-end
教职工 jiàozhígōng | faculty and staff
光 guāng | only, solely
宿舍楼 sùshèlóu | dormitory building
周转 zhōuzhuǎn | turnover or circulation
寒假 hánjià | winter vacation
紫荆 zǐjīng | Cercis tree
公共澡堂 gōnggòng zǎotáng | public bathhouse
模糊 móhu | unclear or fuzzy
军训 jūnxùn | military training
淋浴头 línyù tóu | showerhead
停水 tíng shuǐ | water outage
熄灯 xīdēng | turn off the lights
统一 tǒngyī | unify
督促 dūcù | urge or prompt
断电 duàndiàn | power outage
占一个 zhàn yí gè | occupy one
插着电 chā zhe diàn | plugged in
大四 dàsì | senior year
操场 cāochǎng | playground
纪念性 jìniàn xìng | commemorative
校友 xiàoyǒu | alumni
打一个广告 dǎ yí gè guǎnggào | advertise
闹矛盾 nàomáodùn | conflict or disagreement
回忆 huíyì | memories and friendships
处得好 chù de hǎo | handle well
处得不好 chù de bùhǎo | handle poorly