Episode 56 | Vocabulary

Xinqing Lu (Joanne)
3 min readFeb 4, 2024


挥了一下手 huī le yī​xià shǒu | waved hand
逗 dòu | amuse or entertain
虚拟 xū​nǐ | virtual
有礼貌 yǒu lǐ​mào | polite
语气词 yǔ​qì​cí | particles used to express tone
简化 jiǎn​huà | simplify
直截了当 zhí​jié​liǎo​dàng | straightforward
训练 xùn​liàn | training
回国 huí​guó | return to one’s country
春节 Chūn​jié | Spring Festival
旅行 lǚ​xíng | travel
泰国 Tài​guó | Thailand
曼谷 Màn​gǔ | capital city of Thailand
办护照 bàn hù​zhào | obtain a passport
签证 qiān​zhèng | visa
申请材料 shēn​qǐng cái​liào | application materials
可惜 kě​xī | unfortunate
影响 yǐng​xiǎng | influence or affect
海滩 hǎi​tān | beach
报恩 bào​’ēn | repay kindness
地陪 dì​péi | local tour guide
导游 dǎo​yóu | tour guide
少数民族 shǎo​shù​mín​zú | ethnic minorities
习俗 xí​sú | customs or traditions
年夜饭 nián​yè​fàn | New Year’s Eve dinner
亲戚 qīn​qi | relatives
放鞭炮 fàng​biān​pào | set off firecrackers
汉族 Hàn​zú | Han ethnic group
春晚 Chūn​Wǎn | Spring Festival Gala
除夕 Chú​xī | New Year’s Eve
联欢 lián​huān | celebration or gathering
午夜 wǔ​yè | midnight
其乐融融 qí​lè​róng​róng | joyful and harmonious
倒数 dào​shǔ | countdown to New Year
倒计时 dào​jì​shí | countdown
中央电视台 Zhōng​yāng​Diàn​shì​tái | Central Television
媲美 pì​měi | comparable or on par
元旦 Yuán​dàn | New Year’s Day
昵称 nì​chēng | nickname
阳历 yáng​lì | Gregorian calendar
刷 shuā | brush
锻炼 duàn​liàn | exercise
小年夜 xiǎo nián​yè | New Year’s Eve
大年夜 dà nián​yè | New Year’s Eve
阴历 yīn​lì | Lunar calendar
红烧肉 hóng​shāo​ròu | braised pork
红三剁 hóng sān duò | red three chop
八宝饭 bā bǎo fàn | Eight treasure rice
糯米 nuò​mǐ | sticky rice dessert
核桃 hé​tao | walnut
南瓜子 nán​guā zi | pumpkin seeds
红枣 hóng​zǎo | dried red dates
豆沙 dòu​shā | sweet bean paste
彩色 cǎi​sè | colorful
压轴 yā zhóu | grand finale
赵本山 Zhào​Běn​shān | famous skit actor
东北 Dōng​běi | Northeast China
小品 xiǎo​pǐn | skit or sketch
字幕 zì​mù | subtitles
鞭炮 biān​pào | firecrackers
时差 shí​chā | time difference
嗑瓜子 kè guā​zǐ | eat melon seeds
初七 chū qī | seventh day of the lunar month
初一 chū​yī | New Year’s Day
走亲访友 zǒu​qīn​fǎng​yǒu | visit relatives and friends
串门 chuàn​mén | visit friends and relatives
财神 cái​shén | god of wealth
迎 yíng | welcome
管钱 guǎn qián | manage money
元宵节 Yuán​xiāo​jié | Lantern Festival
汤圆 tāng​yuán | glutinous rice dumplings
满月 mǎn​yuè | full moon
阴晴圆缺 yīn qíng yuán quē | lunar phases
团圆 tuán​yuán | reunion
月圆 yuè yuán | full moon
元宵 yuán​xiāo | sweet dumplings
馅儿 xiàn​r | filling or stuffing
差异 chā​yì | difference or distinction
南北方 nán​běi fāng | south and north regions
芝麻 zhī​ma | sesame seeds
争议 zhēng​yì | controversy or dispute
馅 xiàn | filling
薄 báo | thin
拖 tuō | drag or pull
压岁钱 yā​suì​qián | New Year’s money
红包 hóng​bāo | monetary gift during holidays
长辈 zhǎng​bèi | elders
小辈 xiǎo​bèi | younger generation
拜年 bài​nián | New Year greetings
万事如意 wàn​shì​rú​yì | good luck and prosperity
人民币 rén​mín​bì | Chinese currency
东南亚 Dōng​nán​yà | Southeast Asia
保管 bǎo​guǎn | keep in custody
替你 tì nǐ | on your behalf
基金 undefined | undefined
定义 dìng​yì | define
明确 míng​què | clear, definite
赚钱 zhuàn​qián | earn money
哪里冒出来 nǎ​lǐ mào chū​lái | suddenly appear or emerge
仪式感 undefined | undefined
联合国 Lián​hé​guó | United Nations
国际事务 guó​jì shì​wù | international affairs
咨询公司 zī​xún gōng​sī | consulting company



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