Episode 56 | Transcript
Xinqing : Hello,大家好。
Xinqing : Hello, dàjiā hǎo.
Xinqing: Hello, everyone.
xīnniánkuàilè, Chūnjié kuàilè.
Happy New Year and Happy Spring Festival.
jīntiān qǐng dào le yí wèi hǎo péngyou, zhīqián yě zài jiémù lǐmiàn chūxiàn guò.
Today I invited a good friend who has appeared on the show before.
Hello, Tihao。
Hello, T ihao.
Hello, Tihao.
Tihao: hello!
T ihao: hello!
Tihao: hello!
hěn gāoxìng, zàicì huídào zhège jiémù.
It’s great to be back on this show again.
xièxie XQ de yāoqǐng.
Thank you XQ for the invitation.
Xinqing: 刚才特别逗,我们两在这儿两个人录节目,还挥了一下手,跟这个虚拟的想象中的大家观众听众朋友们挥了挥手。
Xinqing: gāngcái tèbié dòu, wǒmen liǎng zài zhèr liǎng gè rén lù jiémù, hái huī le yīxià shǒu, gēn zhège xūnǐ de xiǎngxiàng zhōng de dàjiā guānzhòng tīngzhòng péngyou men huī le huīshǒu.
Xinqing: It was very funny just now. The two of us were recording the show here and we waved to the virtual audience and friends.
说到差个题就特别有趣的一件事情是最近你有用chat GPT吗?
shuō dào chà gè tí jiù tèbié yǒuqù de yí jiàn shìqing shì zuìjìn nǐ yǒuyòng chat GP T ma?
Speaking of missing questions, one thing that is particularly interesting is, have you used chat GPT recently?
Tihao: 我用过一下,尝试过一下。
T ihao: wǒ yòng guò yīxià, chángshì guò yīxià.
Tihao: I have used it and tried it.
Xinqing: 我发现我跟check GPT说话我都很有礼貌的,我不会我没有办法不说,”谢谢”和 could you please什么的,是你。
Xinqing: wǒ fāxiàn wǒ gēn check GP T shuōhuà wǒ dōu hěn yǒu lǐmào de, wǒ bùhuì wǒ méiyǒu bànfǎ bù shuō, “xièxie” hé could you please shénme de, shì nǐ.
Xinqing: I found that I was very polite when talking to check GPT. I can’t help but say, “Thank you” and “could you please”, it’s you.
Tihao: 我也会这样,我有尝试尽量简化我的语言,不要说这么多语气词,但是我还是不得不说请能不能这样的词,对。
T ihao: wǒ yě huì zhèyàng, wǒ yǒu chángshì jǐnliàng jiǎnhuà wǒ de yǔyán, bùyào shuō zhème duō yǔqìcí, dànshì wǒ háishi bùdébù shuō qǐng néng bùnéng zhèyàng de cí, duì.
Tihao: I am like this too. I try to simplify my language as much as possible and don’t use so many modal particles, but I still have to say please, yes.
Xinqing: 我觉得是 Ai真的很像一个人类跟你对话,我觉得我们都被训练的非常有礼貌,其实我可以很直截了当的跟AI说话,但是我还是每次都会说谢谢,对。
Xinqing: wǒ juéde shì A i zhēn de hěn xiàng yí gè rénlèi gēn nǐ duìhuà, wǒ juéde wǒmen dōu bèi xùnliàn de fēicháng yǒu lǐmào, qíshí wǒ kěyǐ hěn zhíjiéliǎodàng de gēn A I shuōhuà, dànshì wǒ háishi měicì dōu huì shuō xièxie, duì.
Xinqing: I think AI is really like a human being talking to you. I think we are all trained to be very polite. In fact, I can talk to AI very directly, but I still say thank you every time, yes.
hǎoxiàng shì zhèyàng de, tǐng yǒu lǐmào de, anyways jīntiān qíshí xiǎng gēn dàjiā liáo de huàtí shì guānyú Chūnjié, yīnwèi T ihao xiàgèxīngqī jiùyào huíguó le.
It seems like this, quite polite. Anyway, the topic I want to talk to you about today is about the Spring Festival, because Tihao will return to China next week.
Tihao: 回国过春节特别开心。
T ihao: huíguó guò Chūnjié tèbié kāixīn.
Tihao: I am very happy to go back to China for the Spring Festival.
Xinqing: 你回国要一个月是吗?
Xinqing: nǐ huíguó yào yí gè yuè shì ma?
Xinqing: Will it take you a month to return to China?
nǐ shuō duì.
You are right.
Tihao: 回去一个月不过会到处旅行。
T ihao: huíqu yí gè yuè bùguò huì dàochù lǚxíng.
Tihao: I’ll be back for a month, but I’ll be traveling around.
zài Tàiguó lǚxíng yīzhōu, Lǎowō lǚxíng yīzhōu, huí Yúnnán de jiāxiāng yīzhōu, qù Běijīng yīzhōu, ránhòu háiyǒu yīzhōu hái méi dìng.
I will travel to Thailand for a week, Laos for a week, return to my hometown in Yunnan for a week, go to Beijing for a week, and then there is another week that I haven’t decided yet.
Xinqing: 所以你在家就只待一个星期而已。
Xinqing: suǒyǐ nǐ zài jiā jiù zhǐ dài yí gè xīngqī éryǐ.
Xinqing: So you will only stay at home for a week.
Tihao: 目前来说是的,但是在泰国的一周我带我爸妈一起旅行。
T ihao: mùqián lái shuō shì de, dànshì zài Tàiguó de yīzhōu wǒ dài wǒ bàmā yīqǐ lǚxíng.
Tihao: For now, yes, but during the week in Thailand I took my parents on a trip.
Ok duì, wǒ bàmā yīnwèi Yúnnán lí Tàiguó qíshí fēicháng jìn, wǒ bàmā jiù dào Màngǔ, ránhòu wǒ zài Màngǔ jiù jiàn tāmen dài tāmen wán, tāmen dìyīcì chūguó.
Ok, yes, because Yunnan is actually very close to Thailand, my parents went to Bangkok, and then I met them in Bangkok and took them to play. It was their first time going abroad.
Xinqing: 他们第一次出国,所以他们也要办护照。
Xinqing: tāmen dìyīcì chūguó, suǒyǐ tāmen yě yào bàn hùzhào.
Xinqing: It’s their first time going abroad, so they also need to apply for a passport.
Tihao: 然后他们也以前办了护照。
T ihao: ránhòu tāmen yě yǐqián bàn le hùzhào.
Tihao: And they also applied for a passport before.
duì, yǐqián tāmen yǒu yīcì xiǎnglái Oūzhōu lǚxíng, dànshì qiānzhèng bèi jù le, kěnéng shì wǒ bāng tāmen shēnqǐng cáiliào méiyǒu zhǔnbèi de tài hǎo.
Yes, they wanted to travel to Europe once before, but their visa was rejected. Maybe I didn’t prepare the application materials for them well.
Xinqing: 对,太可惜了。
Xinqing: duì, tài kěxī le.
Xinqing: Yes, what a pity.
rúguǒ shēnqǐng Oūzhōu de qiānzhèng bèi jù le dehuà, huì yǐngxiǎng yǐhòu de shēnqǐng ma?
If my application for a European visa is rejected, will it affect my future applications?
Tihao: 好像是会有记录的,但是我自己认为我看了他的材料,认为是只要我之后材料还是准备充足了,应该也影响不大,不会有太大的影响。
T ihao: hǎoxiàng shì huì yǒu jìlù de, dànshì wǒ zìjǐ rènwéi wǒ kàn le tā de cáiliào, rènwéi shì zhǐyào wǒ zhīhòu cáiliào háishi zhǔnbèi chōngzú le, yīnggāi yě yǐngxiǎng bú dà, bùhuì yǒu tài dà de yǐngxiǎng.
Tihao: It seems that there will be records, but I personally think that after reading his materials, I think that as long as I prepare enough materials later, it should not have much impact, and it will not have a big impact.
Xinqing : k,所以我第一次出国去泰国,你爸妈兴奋吗?
Xinqing : k, suǒyǐ wǒ dìyīcì chūguó qù Tàiguó, nǐ bàmā xīngfèn ma?
Xinqing: k, so it’s my first time to go abroad to Thailand. Are your parents excited?
Tihao: 我感觉他们很开心,我感觉他们很开心,因为他们本来可能也想去泰国有海滩,然后尝试不同的食物,而且他们年纪也都挺大了,但没有出过国,然后这次要出国,我感觉他们是挺开心的。
T ihao: wǒ gǎnjué tāmen hěn kāixīn, wǒ gǎnjué tāmen hěn kāixīn, yīnwèi tāmen běnlái kěnéng yě xiǎng qù Tàiguó yǒu hǎitān, ránhòu chángshì bùtóng de shíwù, érqiě tāmen niánjì yě dōu tǐng dà le, dàn méiyǒu chū guò guó, ránhòu zhè cì yào chūguó, wǒ gǎnjué tāmen shì tǐng kāixīn de.
Tihao: I feel like they are very happy, because they might have wanted to go to Thailand to go to the beach and try different foods, and they are quite old, but have never been abroad, and this time they want to I feel like they are quite happy when they go abroad.
duì, ránhòu wǒ yě kāixīn, wǒ kěyǐ dài tāmen wán wán yīcì, duì, xīwàng yǐhòu huì yǒu gèng duō jīhuì, bùguò zhè cì wǒ shì hěn qīdài de.
Yes, then I am also happy, I can take them to play once, yes, I hope there will be more opportunities in the future, but I am looking forward to it this time.
Xinqing: 对,东南亚的话也不是很远,而且离云南很近,对泰国不用签证。
Xinqing: duì, Dōngnányà dehuà yě bùshì hěn yuǎn, érqiě lí Yúnnán hěn jìn, duì Tàiguó bùyòng qiānzhèng.
Xinqing: Yes, Southeast Asia is not very far, and it is very close to Yunnan. No visa is required for Thailand.
Tihao: 对泰国现在免签了,现在永远不用了。
T ihao: duì Tàiguó xiànzài miǎnqiān le, xiànzài yǒngyuǎn bùyòng le.
Tihao: Thailand is now visa-free, and it will never be needed again.
Xinqing: 对是挺好的,挺方便,挺适合带爸妈去的。
Xinqing: duì shì tǐng hǎo de, tǐng fāngbiàn, tǐng shìhé dài bàmā qù de.
Xinqing: Yes, it’s very good. It’s very convenient and suitable for bringing parents.
Tihao: 对。
T ihao: duì.
Tihao: Yes.
Xinqing: 我也是,我现在反正自从我出来出国读书了以后,就经常带爸妈做他们地陪,地陪就是当地的导游,然后带爸妈出来玩了好几次,觉得也是属于报恩的一种方式。
Xinqing: wǒ yě shì, wǒ xiànzài fǎnzhèng zìcóng wǒ chūlái chūguó dúshū le yǐhòu, jiù jīngcháng dài bàmā zuò tāmen dìpéi, dìpéi jiùshì dāngdì de dǎoyóu, ránhòu dài bàmā chūlái wán le hǎo jǐcì, juéde yě shì shǔyú bào’ēn de yīzhǒng fāngshì.
Xinqing: Me too. Anyway, since I went abroad to study, I often take my parents to be their companions. The companions are local tour guides. Then I take my parents out to play several times. I think it is a kind of repayment of kindness. Way.
Tihao: 我觉得是的,对。
T ihao: wǒ juéde shì de, duì.
Tihao: I think so, yes.
fùmǔ cóngxiǎo jiù bǎ zhīchí wǒ xuéxí chūguó dúshū, ránhòu zhōngyú zhǎngdà le, kěyǐ dài tāmen yě wán.
My parents have supported my study abroad since I was a child, and then when I finally grew up, I could take them to play too.
Xinqing: 对,你爸妈也不会说英语对不说。
Xinqing: duì, nǐ bàmā yě bùhuì shuō Yīngyǔ duì bù shuō.
Xinqing: Yes, your parents don’t speak English either.
Tihao: 我爸可能40年40多年前高考考了,去当时他说考得很好,但我觉得现在他其实忘得差不多了。
T ihao: wǒ bà kěnéng 40 nián 40 duō nián qián gāokǎo kǎo le, qù dāngshí tā shuō kǎo de hěn hǎo, dàn wǒ juéde xiànzài tā qíshí wàng de chàbuduō le.
Tihao: My dad probably took the college entrance examination more than 40 years ago. He said he did very well in the exam, but I think he has almost forgotten about it now.
Xinqing: 但是说回过春节的事儿,你是家乡是云南人,云南你们云南过春节有什么特别的习俗吗?
Xinqing: dànshì shuō huí guò Chūnjié de shìr, nǐ shì jiāxiāng shì Yúnnán rén, Yúnnán nǐmen Yúnnán guò Chūnjié yǒu shénme tèbié de xísú ma?
Xinqing: But talking about celebrating the Spring Festival, you are from Yunnan, where you are from. Do you have any special customs for celebrating the Spring Festival in Yunnan?
háishi nǐmen zěnme yībān qìngzhù?
Or how do you celebrate in general?
Tihao: 我觉得云南可能不同地区和民族有不同的习俗,因为云南有26个少数民族,不过我是汉族,所以是云南的普通人。
T ihao: wǒ juéde Yúnnán kěnéng bùtóng dìqū hé mínzú yǒu bùtóng de xísú, yīnwèi Yúnnán yǒu 26 gè shǎoshùmínzú, bùguò wǒ shì Hànzú, suǒyǐ shì Yúnnán de pǔtōngrén.
Tihao: I think different regions and ethnic groups in Yunnan may have different customs, because there are 26 ethnic minorities in Yunnan, but I am Han, so I am an ordinary person in Yunnan.
duì Yúnnán de zuìshǎo, duì, bùshì Yúnnán de shǎoshùmínzú zhōng de, shìbùshì 25 gè mínzú zhōng de, ránhòu Hànzú kěnéng tā méiyǒu yīxiē shǎoshùmínzú de xísú, bùguò wǒmen guò Chūnjié kěnéng jiùshì huì chī niányèfàn, zài Chúxī dāngwǎn yāoqǐng qítā de qīnqi, ránhòu zài jiālǐ zuò yí dà zhuō cài, kěnéng 10 duō gèrén, jǐ shí duō 20 gè cài chī niányèfàn, ránhòu dào le 0 diǎn de shíhou, dào le wǔyè de shíhou jiù fàngbiānpào.
The least about Yunnan is, yes, not among the ethnic minorities in Yunnan, but among the 25 ethnic groups. And the Han people may not have some customs of ethnic minorities, but when we celebrate the Spring Festival, we may have New Year’s Eve dinner and invite other people on New Year’s Eve. Relatives will cook a large table of dishes at home, maybe more than 10 people, dozens of dishes and more than 20 dishes for New Year’s Eve dinner, and then at 0 o’clock and at midnight, firecrackers will be set off.
Xinqing: 放鞭炮,你们会看春晚吗?
Xinqing: fàngbiānpào, nǐmen huì kàn ChūnWǎn ma?
Xinqing: Set off firecrackers, will you watch the Spring Festival Gala?
duì, huì kàn ChūnWǎn, wàng le wàng le, lái gěi dàjiā jiǎng yīxià ChūnWǎn shì shénme?
Yes, I know how to watch the Spring Festival Gala. I forgot. Let me tell you what the Spring Festival Gala is?
Tihao: 春晚就是春节联欢晚会,春节联欢晚会它是new year gala,它是在每年的除夕当晚,好像是从晚上8点好像是,对8点,一直放到12:30。
T ihao: ChūnWǎn jiùshì Chūnjié liánhuān wǎnhuì, Chūnjié liánhuān wǎnhuì tā shì new year gala, tā shì zài měinián de Chúxī dāngwǎn, hǎoxiàng shì cóng wǎnshang 8 diǎn hǎoxiàng shì, duì 8 diǎn, yīzhí fàng dào 12 :30.
Tihao: The Spring Festival Gala is the Spring Festival Gala. The Spring Festival Gala is the new year gala. It is held on New Year’s Eve every year. It seems to start at 8 p.m., or 8 p.m., until 12:30.
ránhòu 12 diǎn de shíhou jiùshì wǔyè de shíhou, suǒyǒu rén huì yīqǐ biān kàn ChūnWǎn, biān dàojìshí duì dàoshǔ xīnnián de dàolái duì yí gè shì yí gè fēicháng gǎnjué qílèróngróng, dàjiā suǒyǒu jiārén jùzàiyīqǐ xiāngchǔ de yí gè hěn měihǎo de shíguāng, duì.
Then at 12 o’clock it is midnight, and everyone will watch the Spring Festival Gala together while counting down to the arrival of the New Year. It is a very enjoyable time for everyone, and it is a wonderful time for all the family members to get together, yes.
Xinqing: 春晚是特指中央台我们中国的中央电视台放的这么一个节目,已经有可能30年40年的历史了。
Xinqing: ChūnWǎn shì tèzhǐ zhōngyāng tái wǒmen Zhōngguó de ZhōngyāngDiànshìtái fàng de zhème yí gè jiémù, yǐjīng yǒu kěnéng 30 nián 40 nián de lìshǐ le.
Xinqing: The Spring Festival Gala refers specifically to a program broadcast by CCTV, China Central Television, which may have a history of 30 or 40 years.
Tihao: 可能现在应该是有了吧。
T ihao: kěnéng xiànzài yīnggāi shì yǒu le ba.
Tihao: Maybe it should be available now.
Xinqing: 然后其实基本上就是以一些跳舞、唱歌,有的时候小品小品就是一些skit,然后也有变魔术之类的东西,但是现在有好多的其他地方台,就是我们说的地方的电视台也会竞争,他们也会放,就在春节的除夕那天晚上有节目,而且现在甚至网上比如说中国的哔哩哔自己也会出他们的春节晚会。
Xinqing: ránhòu qíshí jīběnshang jiùshì yǐ yīxiē tiàowǔ 、 chànggē, yǒu de shíhou xiǎopǐn xiǎopǐn jiùshì yīxiē skit, ránhòu yě yǒu biànmóshù zhīlèi de dōngxi, dànshì xiànzài yǒu hǎoduō de qítā dìfāng tái, jiùshì wǒmen shuō de dìfāng de diànshìtái yě huì jìngzhēng, tāmen yě huì fàng, jiù zài Chūnjié de Chúxī nàtiān wǎnshang yǒu jiémù, érqiě xiànzài shènzhì wǎngshàng bǐrú shuō Zhōngguó de bì li bì zìjǐ yě huì chū tāmen de Chūnjié wǎnhuì.
Xinqing: Actually, it’s basically dancing and singing. Sometimes the sketches are just skits, and there are also things like magic. But now there are many other local stations, even the local TV stations we are talking about will also compete. , they will also play, there will be a program on the night of New Year’s Eve during the Spring Festival, and now even on the Internet, such as China’s Bilibili, they will also put on their Spring Festival Gala.
Tihao: 地方指的是不同的省对吗?
T ihao: dìfāng zhǐ de shì bùtóng de shěng duì ma?
Tihao: Does locality refer to different provinces?
Xinqing: 比如说像湖南省、湖南、浙江省,他们的春节晚会做得很好,然后请到很多的明星可以跟春中央台的春节晚会媲美。
Xinqing: bǐrú shuō xiàng HúnánShěng 、 Húnán 、 ZhèjiāngShěng, tāmen de Chūnjié wǎnhuì zuò de hěn hǎo, ránhòu qǐng dào hěn duō de míngxīng kěyǐ gēn chūn zhōngyāng tái de Chūnjié wǎnhuì pìměi.
Xinqing: For example, Hunan, Hunan, and Zhejiang provinces have done very well in their Spring Festival gala, and they have invited a lot of celebrities to compete with the Spring Festival Gala held by Spring Central Station.
Tihao: 就要抢流量了,对抢流量。
T ihao: jiùyào qiǎng liúliàng le, duì qiǎng liúliàng.
Tihao: We have to grab traffic, grab traffic.
Xinqing: 前两天我看了元旦,阳历新年,元旦的,芒果台,就是湖南电视台的昵称。
Xinqing: qián liǎng tiān wǒ kàn le Yuándàn, yánglì xīnnián, Yuándàn de, mángguǒ tái, jiùshì Húnán diànshìtái de nìchēng.
Xinqing: Two days ago I watched New Year’s Day, the Gregorian New Year, New Year’s Day, Mango Channel, which is the nickname of Hunan TV.
tāmen de zuò de fēicháng hǎo hěn yǒuqù, suǒyǐ xiànzài zhōngyāng tái de ChūnWǎn kěnéng dōu méishénme rén kàn le.
What they did was very good and interesting, so maybe not many people watch CCTV’s Spring Festival Gala now.
Tihao: 是有可能对。
T ihao: shì yǒu kěnéng duì.
Tihao: It’s possible.
Xinqing: 你们家还看你爸妈还是会看。
Xinqing: nǐmen jiā hái kàn nǐ bàmā háishi huì kàn.
Xinqing: In your family, your parents still watch it.
Tihao: 其实他们好像我觉得也不太看,我记得我小时候和他们在一起的时候,他们经常看,现在好像他们可能宁愿刷电视剧或者去锻炼,对,因为现在我离开就人不多。
T ihao: qíshí tāmen hǎoxiàng wǒ juéde yě bú tài kàn, wǒ jìde wǒ xiǎoshíhou hé tāmen zài yīqǐ de shíhou, tāmen jīngcháng kàn, xiànzài hǎoxiàng tāmen kěnéng nìngyuàn shuā diànshìjù huòzhě qù duànliàn, duì, yīnwèi xiànzài wǒ líkāi jiù rén bù duō.
Tihao: Actually, I don’t think I watch them very much. I remember when I was with them when I was a child, they often watched them. Now it seems that they might rather watch TV series or go to exercise, right, because now there are not many people when I leave.
duì, tāmen kěnéng jiù méi zěnme kàn le.
Yes, they probably didn’t watch it that much.
Xinqing: 你来说一下年夜饭习俗。
Xinqing: nǐ lái shuō yīxià niányèfàn xísú.
Xinqing: Tell us about the New Year’s Eve dinner customs.
niányèfàn qíshí shì zài dà niányè nàtiān wǎnshang chī de fàn, dà niányè jiùshì Chúxī, duì ba?
New Year’s Eve dinner is actually a meal eaten on the night of New Year’s Eve, which is New Year’s Eve, right?
Chūnjié qián de wǎnshang duì duì.
Right the night before the Spring Festival.
xiǎo niányè shì shénme nǐ zhīdào ma?
Do you know what Little New Year’s Eve is?
Tihao: 小年夜我尝试一下,是不是初五,初四,初五,还是初六有一个小年夜,还是春节前的几天有一个小年夜。
T ihao: xiǎo niányè wǒ chángshì yīxià, shìbùshì chū wǔ, chū sì, chū wǔ, háishi chū liù yǒu yí gè xiǎo niányè, háishi Chūnjié qián de jǐtiān yǒu yí gè xiǎo niányè.
Tihao: I will try to see whether there is a Little New Year’s Eve on the fifth, fourth, fifth or sixth day of the Lunar New Year, or whether there is a Little New Year’s Eve a few days before the Spring Festival.
Xinqing: 我其实也具体也要查一查,但是我记得中国不同的地方有两个小年夜,一种是大年夜的前一个晚上就是小年夜,但是好像就是南北方的差异,另外一种说法是12月,阴历12月25号还是什么的,在过前两天是小年夜,所以有两个小年夜。
Xinqing: wǒ qíshí yě jùtǐ yě yào chá yì chá, dànshì wǒ jìde Zhōngguó bùtóng de dìfāng yǒu liǎng gè xiǎo niányè, yīzhǒng shì dà niányè de qián yí gè wǎnshang jiùshì xiǎo niányè, dànshì hǎoxiàng jiùshì nánběi fāng de chāyì, lìngwài yīzhǒng shuōfǎ shì 12 yuè, yīnlì 12 yuè 25 hào háishi shénme de, zài guò qián liǎng tiān shì xiǎo niányè, suǒyǐ yǒu liǎng gè xiǎo niányè.
Xinqing: I actually want to check the details, but I remember that there are two small New Year’s Eve in different places in China. One is that the night before the New Year’s Eve is the Small New Year’s Eve, but it seems to be the difference between the north and the south. Another saying is In December, December 25th of the lunar calendar is something else. Two days before it is Little New Year’s Eve, so there are two Little New Year’s Eve.
Tihao: 好的,我好像听说过,但是其实在我的知识库里面已经不知道它是什么了。
T ihao: hǎo de, wǒ hǎoxiàng tīngshuō guò, dànshì qíshí zài wǒ de zhīshikù lǐmiàn yǐjīng bù zhīdào tā shì shénme le.
Tihao: Okay, I think I’ve heard of it, but actually I don’t know what it is in my knowledge base.
Xinqing: 大年夜一般吃什么,有什么特别的吃的东西吗?
Xinqing: dà niányè yībān chī shénme, yǒu shénme tèbié de chī de dōngxi ma?
Xinqing: What do you usually eat on Chinese New Year? Is there anything special to eat?
Tihao: 在我们家好像没有特别一定要吃的东西,但是就会做很多的不同的菜,可能像红烧肉,可能像云南的一些菜红三剁,红三剁是什么?
T ihao: zài wǒmen jiā hǎoxiàng méiyǒu tèbié yīdìng yào chī de dōngxi, dànshì jiù huì zuò hěn duō de bùtóng de cài, kěnéng xiàng hóngshāoròu, kěnéng xiàng Yúnnán de yīxiē cài hóng sān duò, hóng sān duò shì shénme?
Tihao: There doesn’t seem to be anything in particular that we must eat at home, but we cook a lot of different dishes, maybe like braised pork, maybe some Yunnan dishes like red three chops. What is red three chops?
hóng sān duò tā shì sān gè hóngsè de cài chǎo zài yīqǐ, hóng ròu tā kěyǐ shì zhūròu, yě kěyǐ shì niúròu, hóngsè de fānqié, háiyǒu hónglàjiāo, zhè sān gè chǎo zài yīqǐ jiào hóng sān duò, tèbié hǎochī de yīdào Yúnnán cài.
Red three chops are three red vegetables stir-fried together. The red meat can be pork or beef, red tomatoes, and red peppers. These three stir-fried together are called red three chops. It is especially delicious. A Yunnan dish.
háiyǒu qítā de yǒu shénme zài wǒmen jiāxiāng?
What else is there in our hometown?
Xinqing: 一般会吃八宝饭你们吃吗?
Xinqing: yībān huì chī bā bǎo fàn nǐmen chī ma?
Xinqing: I usually eat eight-treasure rice, do you eat it?
Tihao: 我们吃的对,我好像是吃的南方的菜,对,我们也吃八宝饭的。
T ihao: wǒmen chī de duì, wǒ hǎoxiàng shì chī de nánfāng de cài, duì, wǒmen yě chī bā bǎo fàn de.
Tihao: We eat right. I think I eat southern food. Yes, we also eat eight-treasure rice.
Xinqing: 我都忘了八宝饭是怎么解释,就是一道糯米做的甜品。
Xinqing: wǒ dōu wàng le bā bǎo fàn shì zěnme jiěshì, jiùshì yīdào nuòmǐ zuò de tiánpǐn.
Xinqing: I have forgotten how to explain eight-treasure rice. It is a dessert made of glutinous rice.
Tihao: 对,糯米、糯米、甜糯米饭。
T ihao: duì, nuòmǐ 、 nuòmǐ 、 tián nuòmǐ fàn.
Tihao: Yes, glutinous rice, glutinous rice, sweet glutinous rice.
Xinqing: 对,但是里面一定要有8种食材,所以叫八宝8种宝贝,宝藏的饭,所以有一些什么?
Xinqing: duì, dànshì lǐmiàn yīdìng yào yǒu 8 zhǒng shí cái, suǒyǐ jiào bā bǎo 8 zhǒng bǎobèi, bǎozàng de fàn, suǒyǐ yǒu yīxiē shénme?
Xinqing: Yes, but there must be 8 kinds of ingredients in it, so it is called eight kinds of treasures, treasure rice, so what are some of them?
hétao 、 hóngzǎo 、 dòushā duì, shénme nánguā zi zhīlèi de, duì.
Walnuts, red dates, bean paste, yes, pumpkin seeds and the like, yes.
Tihao: 然后还有那种彩色的糖一样的甜,对彩色的糖。
T ihao: ránhòu háiyǒu nàzhǒng cǎisè de táng yīyàng de tián, duì cǎisè de táng.
Tihao: And then there’s the kind of sweetness that’s as sweet as colored candies. Colored candies.
Xinqing: 对,我刚才也想说我不知道为什么,但是八宝饭一定要放彩色的糖的条为什么要吃八宝饭?
Xinqing: duì, wǒ gāngcái yě xiǎng shuō wǒ bù zhīdào wèishénme, dànshì bā bǎo fàn yīdìng yào fàng cǎisè de táng de tiáo wèishénme yào chī bā bǎo fàn?
Xinqing: Yes, I wanted to say just now that I don’t know why, but rice pudding must contain colorful candy strips. Why eat rice pudding?
yīnwèi tā de xíngzhuàng shì yuán de, wǒ de lǐjiě tā bǐjiào jíxiáng.
Because its shape is round, I understand it to be more auspicious.
Tihao: 是吗?
T ihao: shì ma?
Tihao: Really?
Xinqing: 大概因为它也有很多不同的宝藏,宝贝在里面,可能是。
Xinqing: dàgài yīnwèi tā yě yǒu hěn duō bùtóng de bǎozàng, bǎobèi zài lǐmiàn, kěnéng shì.
Xinqing: Probably because it also has many different treasures, treasures inside, maybe.
nǐmen nàr xiànzài huán fàngbiānpào yǔnxǔ fàngbiānpào ma?
Is it still allowed to set off firecrackers there now?
fàng yānhuǒ.
Set off fireworks.
Tihao: 好像除夕夜是允许的,其他时候不允许。
T ihao: hǎoxiàng Chúxī yè shì yǔnxǔ de, qítā shíhou bù yǔnxǔ.
Tihao: It seems like it’s allowed on New Year’s Eve, but not on other days.
wǒ yìnxiàng zhōng hǎoxiàng Chúxī yè shì yǔnxǔ.
I was under the impression that it was allowed on New Year’s Eve.
Xinqing: 好像现在上海都不允许放鞭炮了。
Xinqing: hǎoxiàng xiànzài Shànghǎi dōu bù yǔnxǔ fàngbiānpào le.
Xinqing: It seems that firecrackers are not allowed in Shanghai now.
Tihao: 也有可能我也不允许了,我也不确定,对,可能不允许。
T ihao: yě yǒu kěnéng wǒ yě bù yǔnxǔ le, wǒ yě bú quèdìng, duì, kěnéng bù yǔnxǔ.
Tihao: It’s possible that I won’t allow it either. I’m not sure. Yes, it may not be allowed.
Xinqing: 小时候记得每家人都会自己出去放烟火。
Xinqing: xiǎoshíhou jìde měi jiā rén dōu huì zìjǐ chūqù fàng yānhuǒ.
Xinqing: When I was a child, I remember that every family would go out and set off fireworks by themselves.
Tihao: 是对我也是小时候放很多。
T ihao: shì duì wǒ yě shì xiǎoshíhou fàng hěn duō.
Tihao: Yes, I used it a lot when I was a kid.
Xinqing: 我不知道你有没有记忆每一年的至少几年前的每一年的春节晚会,最后一个节目都是赵本山的小品,你记得吗?
Xinqing: wǒ bù zhīdào nǐ yǒuméiyǒu jìyì měi yì nián de zhìshǎo jǐnián qián de měi yì nián de Chūnjié wǎnhuì, zuìhòu yí gè jiémù dōu shì ZhàoBěnshān de xiǎopǐn, nǐ jìde ma?
Xinqing: I don’t know if you remember the Spring Festival Gala every year at least a few years ago. The last program was a sketch by Zhao Benshan. Do you remember it?
dōu shì ZhàoBěnshān měinián de zuìhòu yí gè.
It’s Zhao Benshan’s last one every year.
Tihao: 我记得看了很多小压轴的。
T ihao: wǒ jìde kàn le hěn duō xiǎo yā zhóu de.
Tihao: I remember watching a lot of mini-finale ones.
Xinqing: 就是最后一个,赵本山是一个非常有名的小品演员,他是东北人对吧?
Xinqing: jiùshì zuìhòu yí gè, ZhàoBěnshān shì yí gè fēicháng yǒumíng de xiǎopǐn yǎnyuán, tā shì Dōngběi rén duì ba?
Xinqing: That’s the last one. Zhao Benshan is a very famous sketch actor. He is from Northeast China, right?
yǐqián hěn huǒ de, xiànzài kěnéng tài lǎo le, tā yǐjīng bù yǎn le, duì.
He used to be very popular, but now he may be too old and he doesn’t act anymore, yes.
Tihao: 现在可能六七十岁了。
T ihao: xiànzài kěnéng liù qīshí suì le.
Tihao: I’m probably 60 or 70 years old now.
Xinqing: 但是anyway,每一年最后那个节目就是从11:45左右开始放赵本山的小品,但是每一年我都听不见,因为鞭炮的声音太响了,然后第一次放的时候又没有字幕,所以我每次都觉得很难受,因为赵本山的小品是最好笑的。
Xinqing: dànshì anyway, měi yì nián zuìhòu nàge jiémù jiù shì cóng 11 :45 zuǒyòu kāishǐ fàng ZhàoBěnshān de xiǎopǐn, dànshì měi yì nián wǒ dōu tīngbujiàn, yīnwèi biānpào de shēngyīn tài xiǎng le, ránhòu dìyīcì fàng de shíhou yòu méiyǒu zìmù, suǒyǐ wǒ měicì dōu juéde hěn nánshòu, yīnwèi ZhàoBěnshān de xiǎopǐn shì zuìhǎo xiào de.
Xinqing: But anyway, the last program every year starts around 11:45 with Zhao Benshan’s skit, but every year I can’t hear it because the sound of the firecrackers is too loud, and there are no subtitles when it’s played for the first time. , so I feel uncomfortable every time, because Zhao Benshan’s sketches are the funniest.
Tihao: 看对。
T ihao: kàn duì.
Tihao: That’s right.
Xinqing: 不得不回看看字幕,然后每一年鞭炮,所以我印象特别深,鞭炮的声音特别响。
Xinqing: bùdébù huí kànkan zìmù, ránhòu měi yì nián biānpào, suǒyǐ wǒ yìnxiàng tèbié shēn, biānpào de shēngyīn tèbié xiǎng.
Xinqing: I had to go back and read the subtitles and watch the firecrackers every year, so I was particularly impressed by the sound of the firecrackers being so loud.
Tihao: 这样。
T ihao: zhèyàng.
Tihao: Like this.
dàn xiànzài yě méiyǒu ZhàoBěnshān le, yě méiyǒu biānpào shēng le.
But now there is no Zhao Benshan, and there is no sound of firecrackers.
Xinqing: 对,我也不记得最后一个节目是什么了。
Xinqing: duì, wǒ yě bú jìde zuìhòu yí gè jiémù shì shénme le.
Xinqing: Yes, I don’t remember what the last program was.
zuìjìn yīnwèi wǒ hǎoduō nián dōu zài guówài, ránhòu yīnwèi yǒushí chà, suǒyǐ jiù méishénme kàn ChūnWǎn de yìyì, yīnwèi méiyǒu dàoshǔ, nǐ zài guówài de shíhou hái kàn ChūnWǎn ma?
Recently, I have been abroad for many years, and because of the jet lag, there is no point in watching the Spring Festival Gala because there is no countdown. Do you still watch the Spring Festival Gala when you are abroad?
Tihao: 没看,其实很少看。
T ihao: méi kàn, qíshí hěn shǎo kàn.
Tihao: I haven’t watched it, actually I rarely watch it.
duì, méiyǒu kàn le.
Yes, I haven’t watched it.
Xinqing: 对,我在日内瓦第一年的时候还叫了几个朋友,我们下午请了假的。
Xinqing: duì, wǒ zài Rìnèiwǎ dìyī nián de shíhou hái jiào le jǐge péngyou, wǒmen xiàwǔ qǐng le jiǎ de.
Xinqing: Yes, during my first year in Geneva, I called a few friends and we took the afternoon off.
Zhōngguó de 12 diǎn shì Rìnèiwǎ de xiàwǔ 5 diǎn, ránhòu wǒmen xiàwǔ méi shàngbān, zài jiālǐ yīqǐ kè guāzǐ, kàn ChūnWǎn, kàn wǎngshàng de zhíbō.
12 o’clock in China is 5 pm in Geneva. Then we didn’t go to work in the afternoon. We ate melon seeds together at home, watched the Spring Festival Gala, and watched the live broadcast on the Internet.
Tihao: 听起来很棒。
T ihao: tīng qǐlai hěn bàng.
Tihao: That sounds great.
Xinqing: 但是要请半天的假,所以后来就没有继续了。
Xinqing: dànshì yào qǐng bàntiān de jiǎ, suǒyǐ hòulái jiù méiyǒu jìxù le.
Xinqing: But I had to take half a day off, so I didn’t continue.
nà Chūnjié lǐmiàn, chūyī dào chū chū qī yībān huì zuò shénme?
What do you usually do during the Spring Festival from the first to the seventh day of the Lunar New Year?
Tihao: 睡到初七,我记得是会走亲访友,具体忘了是初一到初几,但是过年之后的几天就会去不同的亲戚家和很好的朋友家,但当时都是我父母的很好的朋友家去别人家串门,就给他们送礼物问好,这样就感觉是一个走亲访友的事情。
T ihao: shuì dào chū qī, wǒ jìde shì huì zǒuqīnfǎngyǒu, jùtǐ wàng le shì chūyī dào chū jǐ, dànshì guònián zhīhòu de jǐtiān jiù huì qù bùtóng de qīnqi jiā hé hěn hǎo de péngyou jiā, dàn dāngshí dōu shì wǒ fùmǔ de hěn hǎo de péngyou jiā qù biéren jiā chuànmén, jiù gěi tāmen sònglǐ wù wènhǎo, zhèyàng jiù gǎnjué shì yí gè zǒuqīnfǎngyǒu de shìqing.
Tihao: I slept until the seventh day of the Lunar New Year. I remember visiting relatives and friends. I forgot exactly which day it was from the first to the seventh day of the Lunar New Year. But a few days after the Chinese New Year, I would go to different relatives’ houses and good friends’ houses, but at that time it was A very good friend of my parents visits other people’s homes and gives them gifts to say hello. This feels like a visit to relatives and friends.
Xinqing: 初五你知道是什么特别的日子吗?
Xinqing: chū wǔ nǐ zhīdào shì shénme tèbié de rìzi ma?
Xinqing: Do you know what the special day is on the fifth day of the Lunar New Year?
Xinqing: 感觉我在quiz tihao
Xinqing: gǎnjué wǒ zài quiz tihao
Xinqing: I feel like I’m quiz tihao
Tihao: 初五是龙抬头吗?
T ihao: chū wǔ shì lóng táitóu ma?
Tihao: Is the dragon raising its head on the fifth day of the Lunar New Year?
shénme bùshì hǎoxiàng bù zhīdào le.
I don’t seem to know what it is.
Xinqing: 初五在春节的7天里面是比较重要的一天就第五天。
Xinqing: chū wǔ zài Chūnjié de 7 tiān lǐmiàn shì bǐjiào zhòngyào de yì tiān jiù dìwǔ tiān.
Xinqing: The fifth day is the most important day among the seven days of the Spring Festival. It is the fifth day.
yīnwèi tā shì yíng cáishén de nà yì tiān.
Because it is the day when he welcomes the God of Wealth.
Tihao: 我好像知道了迎财神
T ihao: wǒ hǎoxiàng zhīdào le yíng cáishén
Tihao: I think I know about welcoming the God of Wealth
Xinqing: 我也不知道为什么是初五,但就是初五是财神,就是在中国神话里面,管钱的财富神。
Xinqing: wǒ yě bù zhīdào wèishénme shì chū wǔ, dàn jiùshì chū wǔ shì cáishén, jiùshì zài Zhōngguó shénhuà lǐmiàn, guǎn qián de cáifù shén.
Xinqing: I don’t know why it is the fifth day of the lunar month, but the fifth day of the lunar month is the God of Wealth. In Chinese mythology, the God of Wealth is in charge of money.
Tihao: 那么是不是在好多地方有初五会有什么习俗?
T ihao: nàme shìbùshì zài hǎoduō dìfāng yǒu chū wǔ huì yǒu shénme xísú?
Tihao: So are there any customs in many places on the fifth day of the lunar month?
Xinqing: 放鞭炮。
Xinqing: fàngbiānpào.
Xinqing: Set off firecrackers.
Tihao: 对,初五可能放的鞭炮比春节还要多,对比除夕当晚还要响,对,就是这个意思是的。
T ihao: duì, chū wǔ kěnéng fàng de biānpào bǐ Chūnjié hái yào duō, duìbǐ Chúxī dāngwǎn hái yào xiǎng, duì, jiùshì zhège yìsi shì de.
Tihao: Yes, there may be more firecrackers set off on the fifth day of the lunar month than during the Spring Festival, and even louder than on New Year’s Eve. Yes, that’s what it means.
Xinqing: 因为大家都比较迎想想迎财神。
Xinqing: yīnwèi dàjiā dōu bǐjiào yíng xiǎng xiǎng yíng cáishén.
Xinqing: Because everyone prefers to welcome the God of Wealth.
wǒ jìde yīnwèi zài Zhōngguó dehuà, Chūnjié yībān shì fàng 7 tiān jiǎ, suǒyǐ jiù fàng dào chū qī shì duì, dàn yuánxiāo yě shì yí gè hěn zhòngyào de rìzi.
I remember that in China, there is usually a seven-day holiday during the Spring Festival, so it is right to put it on the seventh day of the Lunar New Year, but the Lantern Festival is also a very important day.
yuánxiāo shì nǐ gěi dàjiā jiěshì yīxià.
Lantern Festival is for you to explain to everyone.
Tihao: 元宵节首先我记得要吃汤圆。
T ihao: Yuánxiāojié shǒuxiān wǒ jìde yào chī tāngyuán.
Tihao: The first thing I remember to eat during the Lantern Festival is glutinous rice balls.
Xinqing: 元宵首先是第十五天,对吧?
Xinqing: yuánxiāo shǒuxiān shì dì shíwǔ tiān, duì ba?
Xinqing: The Lantern Festival is the fifteenth day first, right?
shì ma?
bùshì ma?
Isn’t it?
Tihao: 元宵节正月十五,正月十五,对,所以的确就是春节后的第十五天,对。
T ihao: Yuánxiāojié Zhēngyuè shíwǔ, Zhēngyuè shíwǔ, duì, suǒyǐ díquè jiùshì Chūnjié hòu de dì shíwǔ tiān, duì.
Tihao: The Lantern Festival falls on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, yes, so it is indeed the fifteenth day after the Spring Festival, yes.
Xinqing: 因为春节是按照阴历来的,阴历是按照月亮的阴晴圆缺,所以说应该是说正月十五,就是春节以后的第十五天一定是一个满月,他是阴历新年的以后的第一个满月,所以是元宵节。
Xinqing: yīnwèi Chūnjié shì ànzhào yīnlì lái de, yīnlì shì ànzhào yuèliang de yīn qíng yuán quē, suǒyǐ shuō yīnggāi shì shuō Zhēngyuè shíwǔ, jiùshì Chūnjié yǐhòu de dì shíwǔ tiān yīdìng shì yí gè mǎnyuè, tā shì yīnlì xīnnián de yǐhòu de dìyī gè mǎnyuè, suǒyǐ shì Yuánxiāojié.
Xinqing: Because the Spring Festival is based on the lunar calendar, and the lunar calendar is based on the waxing and waning of the moon, so it should be the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, that is, the fifteenth day after the Spring Festival must be a full moon. It is the third day after the New Year in the lunar calendar. It’s a full moon, so it’s the Lantern Festival.
Tihao: 所以元宵节它其实意味着团圆,对。
T ihao: suǒyǐ Yuánxiāojié tā qíshí yìwèizhe tuányuán, duì.
Tihao: So the Lantern Festival actually means reunion, yes.
wǒ yìnxiàng zhōng yīnwèi tā yuèliang yuè yuán le, yuè yuán le rén jiù jùzàiyīqǐ.
In my impression, because the moon is full, people gather together when the moon is full.
Xinqing: 所以要吃汤圆,你刚才说。
Xinqing: suǒyǐ yào chī tāngyuán, nǐ gāngcái shuō.
Xinqing: So I want to eat glutinous rice balls, as you just said.
Tihao: 汤圆或者也叫元宵对吧?
T ihao: tāngyuán huòzhě yě jiào yuánxiāo duì ba?
Tihao: Tangyuan is also called Yuanxiao, right?
Xinqing: 这又是一个南北方差异,这是南北方的差异,你们一边吃你们吃元宵是什么馅儿的?
Xinqing: zhè yòu shì yí gè nánběi fāng chāyì, zhè shì nánběi fāng de chāyì, nǐmen yībiān chī nǐmen chī yuánxiāo shì shénme xiànr de?
Xinqing: This is another difference between the north and the south. This is the difference between the north and the south. What kind of stuffing do you eat when you eat Yuanxiao?
Tihao: 我记得好像有豆沙,芝麻,芝麻馅,好像主要是甜的,对甜的。
T ihao: wǒ jìde hǎoxiàng yǒu dòushā, zhīma, zhīma xiàn, hǎoxiàng zhǔyào shì tián de, duì tián de.
Tihao: I remember there seemed to be bean paste, sesame, and sesame filling. It seemed to be mainly sweet, not sweet.
Xinqing: 对,因为南方有吃,不是南方北方的人,他们吃肉馅的,你吃过吗?
Xinqing: duì, yīnwèi nánfāng yǒu chī, bùshì nánfāng běifāng de rén, tāmen chī ròuxiàn de, nǐ chī guò ma?
Xinqing: Yes, because people in the south eat it. People in the south and the north eat meat stuffing. Have you ever eaten it?
hǎoxiàng méiyǒu xián de ròuxiàn de, méi chī guò, zhège shì yí gè tèbié dà de zhēngyì, jiùshì nánfāng rén tèbié shòubùliǎo.
It seems that there is no salty meat filling. I have never tried it. This is a particularly big controversy, because southerners can’t stand it.
Tihao: 北方人吃肉馅汤圆咸的,听起来感觉挺恶心的,无法忍受。
T ihao: běifāng rén chī ròuxiàn tāngyuán xián de, tīng qǐlai gǎnjué tǐng ěxīn de, wúfǎrěnshòu.
Tihao: Northerners eat meat-filled glutinous rice balls because they are salty. It sounds disgusting and unbearable.
Xinqing: 对,而且是有两种做法,汤圆一种是你用面粉做出一个小碗,然后把馅放进去,另外一种是你把馅放在面粉里面滚,然后让它沾上面粉,所以那样的话它的皮特别的薄。
Xinqing: duì, érqiě shì yǒu liǎng zhǒng zuòfǎ, tāngyuán yīzhǒng shì nǐ yòng miànfěn zuòchū yí gè xiǎo wǎn, ránhòu bǎ xiàn fàngjìn qù, lìngwài yīzhǒng shì nǐ bǎ xiàn fàng zài miànfěn lǐmiàn gǔn, ránhòu ràng tā zhān shàng miànfěn, suǒyǐ nàyàng dehuà tā de pí tèbié de báo.
Xinqing: Yes, and there are two ways to make glutinous rice balls. One is to make a small bowl with flour and put the filling in it. The other is to roll the filling in the flour and then let it coat with flour. So in that case its skin is very thin.
Tihao: 太薄了,就像吃肉一样了。
T ihao: tài báo le, jiù xiàng chī ròu yīyàng le.
Tihao: It’s too thin, like eating meat.
Xinqing: 里面的馅可能是放一块芝麻馅或者放一块豆沙馅这样,所以一种叫汤圆,一种叫元宵。
Xinqing: lǐmiàn de xiàn kěnéng shì fàng yīkuài zhīma xiàn huòzhě fàng yīkuài dòushā xiàn zhèyàng, suǒyǐ yīzhǒng jiào tāngyuán, yīzhǒng jiào yuánxiāo.
Xinqing: The filling inside may be a piece of sesame filling or a piece of bean paste filling, so one is called glutinous rice balls and the other is called yuanxiao.
Tihao: 不一样的,元宵是皮薄,皮儿薄的那种吗?
T ihao: bù yīyàng de, yuánxiāo shì pí báo, pír báo de nàzhǒng ma?
Tihao: It’s different. Is Yuanxiao the thin-skinned kind?
Xinqing: 应该是回头可以查一查,我们两个在这儿说说其实也不是很清楚,但确实是有两种。
Xinqing: yīnggāi shì huítóu kěyǐ chá yì chá, wǒmen liǎng gè zài zhèr shuō shuō qíshí yě bùshì hěn qīngchu, dàn quèshí shì yǒu liǎng zhǒng.
Xinqing: I should check it out later. The two of us talking about it here are actually not very clear, but there are indeed two types.
Tihao: 滚一下,皮很薄的,听起来很有意思。
T ihao: gǔn yīxià, pí hěn báo de, tīng qǐlai hěn yǒuyìsi.
Tihao: Roll it, it’s very thin, it sounds interesting.
Xinqing: 对,去了解,找一找回去再给大家核实一下。
Xinqing: duì, qù liǎojiě, zhǎo yì zhǎohuí qù zài gěi dàjiā héshí yīxià.
Xinqing: Yes, let’s find out more about it, look it up and verify it for everyone.
nǐ zài wèn yí gè wèntí, Chūnjié dāngzhōng zuì bù xǐhuan de shì shénme?
Let me ask you another question, what do you dislike most about the Spring Festival?
Tihao: 最不喜欢的。
T ihao: zuì bù xǐhuan de.
Tihao: Least favorite.
Xinqing: 有什么特别不喜欢的事情吗?
Xinqing: yǒu shénme tèbié bù xǐhuan de shìqing ma?
Xinqing: Is there anything you particularly dislike?
Tihao: 我好像没有特别喜欢走亲访友,当时小时候我比较喜欢打游戏,我更想在家里自己玩,没有太想走亲访友。
T ihao: wǒ hǎoxiàng méiyǒu tèbié xǐhuan zǒuqīnfǎngyǒu, dāngshí xiǎoshíhou wǒ bǐjiào xǐhuan dǎ yóuxì, wǒ gèng xiǎng zài jiālǐ zìjǐ wán, méiyǒu tài xiǎng zǒuqīnfǎngyǒu.
Tihao: I don’t seem to particularly like visiting relatives and friends. When I was a child, I preferred playing games. I wanted to play by myself at home, and I didn’t really want to visit relatives and friends.
Xinqing: 就是被爸妈拖着,去人家家里。
Xinqing: jiùshì bèi bàmā tuō zhe, qù rénjiā jiālǐ.
Xinqing: Being dragged by my parents to other people’s homes.
Tihao: 对被爸妈拖着去别人家去。
T ihao: duì bèi bàmā tuō zhe qù biéren jiā qù.
Tihao: Yes, being dragged to someone else’s house by your parents.
Xinqing: 别人家里其实挺无聊的。
Xinqing: biéren jiālǐ qíshí tǐng wúliáo de.
Xinqing: Other people’s homes are actually quite boring.
duì shūshu āyí jiālǐ duì.
Right at home, uncle and aunt.
Tihao: 又不能打自己的游戏,只能坐在那儿,没有什么可以做的。
T ihao: yòu bùnéng dǎ zìjǐ de yóuxì, zhǐnéng zuò zài nàr, méiyǒu shénme kěyǐ zuò de.
Tihao: I can’t play my own game, I can only sit there, there is nothing to do.
Xinqing: 对,然后他们聊天大人聊天,对。
Xinqing: duì, ránhòu tāmen liáotiān dàren liáotiān, duì.
Xinqing: Yes, and then they chat with adults, yes.
Tihao: 是当时好像是这样,但最开心的是拿压岁钱。
T ihao: shì dāngshí hǎoxiàng shì zhèyàng, dàn zuì kāixīn de shì ná yāsuìqián.
Tihao: It seemed like this at the time, but the happiest thing was getting the lucky money.
Xinqing: 对忘记说这个了,来说一下我们这个习俗。
Xinqing: duì wàngjì shuō zhège le, lái shuō yīxià wǒmen zhège xísú.
Xinqing: For those who forgot to mention this, let’s talk about our custom.
ná hóngbāo.
Get the red envelope.
Tihao: 应该是除夕当晚,见到了亲戚都不止,除夕当晚就整个春节期间走亲访友的时候,只要见到了亲戚或者朋友,然后作为小辈就给长辈拜年拜年,就是祝他们新的一年万事如意,祝福他们美好的愿望。
T ihao: yīnggāi shì Chúxī dāngwǎn, jiàndào le qīnqi dōu bùzhǐ, Chúxī dāngwǎn jiù zhěnggè Chūnjié qījiān zǒuqīnfǎngyǒu de shíhou, zhǐyào jiàndào le qīnqi huòzhě péngyou, ránhòu zuòwéi xiǎobèi jiù gěi zhǎngbèi bàinián bàinián, jiùshì zhù tāmen xīn de yì nián wànshìrúyì, zhùfú tāmen měihǎo de yuànwàng.
Tihao: It should be the night of New Year’s Eve, when I see more than just relatives. On New Year’s Eve, I visit relatives and friends throughout the Spring Festival. As long as I see relatives or friends, as a junior, I will pay New Year greetings to my elders, wishing them all the best in the new year. May you wish them well and wish them well.
ránhòu tāmen jiù huì gěi wǒ yí gè hóngbāo, lǐmiàn zhuāng zhe qián.
Then they would give me a red envelope with money in it.
Xinqing: 红包 Literally就是一个红色的小信封。
Xinqing: hóngbāo Literally jiùshì yí gè hóngsè de xiǎo xìnfēng.
Xinqing: A red envelope is literally a small red envelope.
Tihao: 对红色的信封,然后一般都是春节期间用来装钱装人民币。
T ihao: duì hóngsè de xìnfēng, ránhòu yībān dōu shì Chūnjié qījiān yònglái zhuāng qián zhuāng rénmínbì.
Tihao: Red envelopes are usually used to contain money and RMB during the Spring Festival.
Xinqing: 你记得一般大家会给多少钱吗?
Xinqing: nǐ jìde yībān dàjiā huì gěi duōshǎo qián ma?
Xinqing: Do you remember how much money people usually give?
Tihao: 我记得小一点的时候好像可能一一百块钱,100块钱200块钱很多了,后来好像。
T ihao: wǒ jìde xiǎo yīdiǎn de shíhou hǎoxiàng kěnéng yì yì bǎi kuài qián, 100 kuài qián 200 kuài qián hěn duō le, hòulái hǎoxiàng.
Tihao: I remember when I was younger, it seemed like one hundred yuan, 100 yuan, and 200 yuan were a lot, but it seemed like it later.
Xinqing: 后来好像都是800块钱。
Xinqing: hòulái hǎoxiàng dōu shì 800 kuài qián.
Xinqing: Later it seemed like it was all 800 yuan.
Tihao: 10年又会给800 1000,对800,1000,2000。
T ihao: 10 nián yòu huì gěi 800 1000, duì 800, 1000, 2000.
Tihao: In 10 years, it will be 800, 1,000, 800, 1,000, 2,000.
Xinqing : 000有点多,我记得好像就600, 800人民币这样子。
Xinqing : 000 yǒudiǎn duō, wǒ jìde hǎoxiàng jiù 600, 800 rénmínbì zhè yàngzi.
Xinqing: 000 is a bit much. I remember it was only 600 or 800 RMB.
duì, xiǎoshíhou nǐ néng shōudào duōshǎo qián nǐ jìde ma?
Yeah, do you remember how much money you received as a kid?
Tihao: 我记得的是我14岁那年收14还是15岁那年收到了4000块钱。
T ihao: wǒ jìde de shì wǒ 14 suì nà nián shōu 14 háishi 15 suì nà nián shōudào le 4000 kuài qián.
Tihao: What I remember is that I received 4,000 yuan when I was 14 or 15 years old.
Xinqing: 你记得很清楚4000。
Xinqing: nǐ jìde hěn qīngchu 4000.
Xinqing: You remember 4000 clearly.
Tihao: 块钱4000块钱我就拿去旅行,我就一个人出去旅行了一个月。
T ihao: kuài qián 4000 kuài qián wǒ jiù ná qù lǚxíng, wǒ jiù yí gè rén chūqù lǚxíng le yí gè yuè.
Tihao: I used the 4,000 yuan to travel, and I traveled alone for a month.
Xinqing: 你一个你几岁15岁15岁,你爸妈就让你拿4000块钱。
Xinqing: nǐ yí gè nǐ jǐsuì 15 suì 15 suì, nǐ bàmā jiù ràng nǐ ná 4000 kuài qián.
Xinqing: How old are you? 15 years old. Your parents will let you get 4,000 yuan.
Tihao: 他们不让,但是我想去玩,然后我自己把钱拿着了,我就出去旅游了,我去东南亚,去了泰国、新加坡、香港。
T ihao: tāmen bú ràng, dànshì wǒ xiǎng qù wán, ránhòu wǒ zìjǐ bǎ qián ná zhe le, wǒ jiù chūqù lǚyóu le, wǒ qù Dōngnányà, qù le Tàiguó 、 Xīnjiāpō 、 Xiānggǎng.
Tihao: They didn’t let me, but I wanted to play. Then I took the money and went out to travel. I went to Southeast Asia, Thailand, Singapore, and Hong Kong.
Xinqing: 所以你爸妈不会把这个钱就是替你保管。
Xinqing: suǒyǐ nǐ bàmā bùhuì bǎ zhège qián jiùshì tì nǐ bǎoguǎn.
Xinqing: So your parents won’t just keep this money for you.
Tihao: 从我15岁开始就不替我保管了。
T ihao: cóng wǒ 15 suì kāishǐ jiù bú tì wǒ bǎoguǎn le.
Tihao: I haven’t taken care of it since I was 15 years old.
dàn zhīqián de qián wǒ wèn tāmen qù nǎ le, tāmen shuō mǎi mǎi jījīn, wǒ shuō jījīn de qián tāmen shuō jījīn kuī le, zuìhòu wǒ 10 duō nián de qián gěi le wǒ 4000 kuài qián.
But I asked them where the money went, and they said they were buying funds. When I asked them about the fund money, they said the fund had lost money. In the end, they gave me 4,000 yuan, which I had earned for more than 10 years.
Xinqing: 对基金股票就是一个风险低的,对。
Xinqing: duì jījīn gǔpiào jiùshì yí gè fēngxiǎn dī de, duì.
Xinqing: Fund stocks are low-risk, yes.
yīnwèi xiǎoshíhou dōu shì zhè yàngzi, dōu shì bàmā tì nǐ bǎoguǎn.
Because it was always like this when you were a child, your parents took care of it for you.
shì duì, dànshì tāmen yě yào gěi rénjiā hóngbāo, duì.
Yes, but they also want to give people red envelopes, yes.
Tihao: 其实给出去多少要回来,收到多少,给出去多少,对。
T ihao: qíshí gěi chūqù duōshǎo yào huílai, shōudào duōshǎo, gěi chūqù duōshǎo, duì.
Tihao: In fact, you will get back as much as you give out, and you will receive back as much as you give out, yes.
Xinqing: 因为你每次都要给小辈,他们的什么侄女什么的都要给钱。
Xinqing: yīnwèi nǐ měicì dōu yào gěi xiǎobèi, tāmen de shénme zhínǚ shénme de dōu yào gěi qián.
Xinqing: Because every time you have to give money to the juniors, their nieces and so on.
Tihao: 对对,可能等我长大了。
T ihao: duì duì, kěnéng děng wǒ zhǎngdà le.
Tihao: Yes, maybe when I grow up.
duì, shuōbudìng xiànzài wǒ huíqu guònián, jiù yǒu yīxiē xiǎopéngyǒu xiàng wǒ bàinián, wǒ jiù kěnéng de ná qián le.
Yes, maybe now that I go back to celebrate the New Year, some children will wish me New Year greetings, and I may have to take money.
Xinqing: 所以我刚才还想问你说一般红包给到几岁?
Xinqing: suǒyǐ wǒ gāngcái hái xiǎng wèn nǐ shuō yībān hóngbāo gěi dào jǐsuì?
Xinqing: So I just wanted to ask you how old are you usually given red envelopes?
Tihao: 好像也没有明确的定义,可能有人有的人说给到18岁。
T ihao: hǎoxiàng yě méiyǒu míngquè de dìngyì, kěnéng yǒurén yǒu de rén shuō gěi dào 18 suì.
Tihao: There seems to be no clear definition. Some people may say that it is given until the age of 18.
Xinqing: 给到18岁成人。
Xinqing: gěi dào 18 suì chéngrén.
Xinqing: Available to adults over 18 years of age.
Tihao: 相当于18岁成人,但有的人又说能给到大学毕业。
T ihao: xiāngdāngyú 18 suì chéngrén, dàn yǒu de rén yòu shuō néng gěi dào Dàxué bìyè.
Tihao: It’s equivalent to an 18-year-old adult, but some people say it can last until you graduate from college.
Xinqing: 我的理解是给到大学毕业,就是给到你自己赚钱为止,但如果我一直像我。
Xinqing: wǒ de lǐjiě shì gěi dào Dàxué bìyè, jiùshì gěi dào nǐ zìjǐ zhuànqián wéizhǐ, dàn rúguǒ wǒ yīzhí xiàng wǒ.
Xinqing: My understanding is that it will be given until you graduate from college, that is, until you make money on your own. But if I am always like me.
Tihao: 现在还是读博士还没毕业,对。
T ihao: xiànzài háishi dú bóshì hái méi bìyè, duì.
Tihao: I’m still studying for a Ph.D. and haven’t graduated yet, right.
Xinqing: 所以你还可以继续拿红包吗?
Xinqing: suǒyǐ nǐ hái kěyǐ jìxù ná hóngbāo ma?
Xinqing: So you can still get red envelopes?
Tihao: 应该可以,对这次回去尝试一下,我也好多年都没有回去过春节了。
T ihao: yīnggāi kěyǐ, duì zhè cì huíqu chángshì yīxià, wǒ yě hǎoduō nián dōu méiyǒu huíqu guò Chūnjié le.
Tihao: It should be possible. I’ll give it a try this time. I haven’t been back for the Spring Festival in many years.
duì, zhè cì wǒ juéde méiyǒu rén huì gěi nǐ hóngbāo de, tāmen shuō “jǐnián dōu méi gěi, tā yòu cóng nǎlǐ mào chūlái”, duì.
Yes, I don’t think anyone will give you a red envelope this time. They said, “If you haven’t given it for several years, he will come out of nowhere.” Yes.
Xinqing : 8岁可能大家还是对现在我们要开始给红包了,而且到了某一个年龄,比如说我开始赚钱了以后,就变成了我给我爷爷奶奶红包。
Xinqing : 8 suì kěnéng dàjiā háishi duì xiànzài wǒmen yào kāishǐ gěi hóngbāo le, érqiě dào le mǒu yí gè niánlíng, bǐrú shuō wǒ kāishǐ zhuànqián le yǐhòu, jiù biànchéng le wǒ gěi wǒ yéye nǎinai hóngbāo.
Xinqing: Maybe everyone still thinks that we should start giving red envelopes when I am 8 years old. And when I reach a certain age, for example, after I start making money, I will give red envelopes to my grandparents.
Tihao: 对吧?
T ihao: duì ba?
Tihao: Right?
shì duì kěnéng yě.
Yes, it’s possible.
Xinqing: 给爸妈红包,给小辈红包对。
Xinqing: gěi bàmā hóngbāo, gěi xiǎobèi hóngbāo duì.
Xinqing: Give red envelopes to parents, and give red envelopes to juniors.
xiànzài dàjiā dōu bùyòng xiànjīn le, suǒyǐ huì yǒurén gěi wēi xìn hóngbāo ma?
Now that everyone doesn’t use cash, will anyone give WeChat red envelopes?
Tihao: 也会,但我感觉大家还是努力给纸质的红包给现金,因为这样更有仪式感。
T ihao: yě huì, dàn wǒ gǎnjué dàjiā háishi nǔlì gěi zhǐzhì de hóngbāo gěi xiànjīn, yīnwèi zhèyàng gèng yǒu yíshì gǎn.
Tihao: Yes, but I feel like everyone still tries to give paper red envelopes in cash, because it has a more ceremonial feel.
gèng yǒu yíshì gǎn, duì, néng ná zài shǒu shàng nàzhǒng xǐ ná hóngbāo shí háishi tǐng kāixīn de.
It has a more ceremonial feel, and yes, I am quite happy to be able to hold it in my hand like when I receive a red envelope.
Xinqing: 还挺传统的。
Xinqing: hái tǐng chuántǒng de.
Xinqing: It’s quite traditional.
xiàng měinián Chūnjié guò le yǐhòu, měi gè rén jiālǐ xiànjīn dōu yǒu 1 wàn kuài qián xiànjīn.
For example, after the Spring Festival every year, everyone has 10,000 yuan in cash at home.
Tihao: 这时候就要去银行存,对是。
T ihao: zhèshí hòu jiùyào qù yínháng cún, duì shì.
Tihao: It’s time to go to the bank to deposit money, right.
Xinqing: 对我真的好多年没回国了,我都没拿红包好多年了,现在也拿不到了,现在要给红包。
Xinqing: duì wǒ zhēn de hǎoduō nián méi huíguó le, wǒ dōu méi ná hóngbāo hǎoduō nián le, xiànzài yě ná bùdào le, xiànzài yào gěi hóngbāo.
Xinqing: It’s been many years since I returned to China. I haven’t received red envelopes for many years, and I can’t get them now. Now I have to give red envelopes.
Tihao: 说不定能拿到,可以下一次准备一下。
T ihao: shuōbudìng néng ná dào, kěyǐ xià yīcì zhǔnbèi yīxià.
Tihao: Maybe I can get it, so I can prepare it next time.
Xinqing: 好想回国过年我也说的我想回国,但是我最不喜欢的事情是被爸妈问,结婚和生小孩的事,每次春节就是会变味。
Xinqing: hǎo xiǎng huíguó guònián wǒ yě shuō de wǒ xiǎng huíguó, dànshì wǒ zuì bù xǐhuan de shìqing shì bèi bàmā wèn, jiéhūn hé shēng xiǎohái de shì, měicì Chūnjié jiùshì huì biàn wèi.
Xinqing: I really want to go back to China for the New Year. I also said that I want to go back to China, but the thing I don’t like the most is being asked by my parents about getting married and having children. It always changes during the Spring Festival.
dàn xiànzài háihǎo, xiànzài wǒ jiéhūn le, suǒyǐ zhìshǎo yǒu yí gè dá’àn shì yàobùrán jiù huì bèi wèn nǐ zài nǎlǐ gōngzuò, zhège shíhou wǒ jiù huì shuō, wǒ jiù méiyǒu bànfǎ gēn wǒ de qīnqi péngyou jiěshì wǒ zài nǎlǐ gōngzuò, wǒ jiù huì shuō, chàbuduō jiùshì gēn Liánhéguó yīyàng, dàn wǒ qíshí gēnběn jiù bú zài Liánhéguó gōngzuò.
But it’s okay now. Now I’m married, so at least one answer is that otherwise I will be asked where you work. At this time, I will say, I have no way to explain to my relatives and friends where I work. They would say that it is almost the same as the United Nations, but I actually don’t work in the United Nations at all.
Tihao: 是因为可能比较难解释非常难解释。
T ihao: shì yīnwèi kěnéng bǐjiào nán jiěshì fēicháng nán jiěshì.
Tihao: Because it may be difficult to explain, very difficult to explain.
dàn kěnéng nǐ shuō dào nǐmen de jùdà de huìyì niándù huìyì de shíhou, dàjiā jiù huì zhīdào yǒu yīxiē rén zhīdào.
But maybe when you talk about your huge annual conference, everyone will know that some people know.
Xinqing: 但我的家乡是一个非常小的农村,所以大家也不知道把联合国大家还是知道的,就说国际组织。
Xinqing: dàn wǒ de jiāxiāng shì yí gè fēicháng xiǎo de nóngcūn, suǒyǐ dàjiā yě bù zhīdào bǎ Liánhéguó dàjiā háishi zhīdào de, jiù shuō guójì zǔzhī.
Xinqing: But my hometown is a very small rural area, so people don’t know about the United Nations, but everyone knows about international organizations.
Tihao: 对,但我也遇到过说联合国,大家问我”联合国是什么”的情况?
T ihao: duì, dàn wǒ yě yùdào guò shuō Liánhéguó, dàjiā wèn wǒ “Liánhéguó shì shénme” de qíngkuàng?
Tihao: Yes, but I have also encountered situations where people asked me “What is the United Nations” when talking about the United Nations?
Xinqing: 在云南也没有人知道吗?
Xinqing: zài Yúnnán yě méiyǒu rén zhīdào ma?
Xinqing: Doesn’t anyone in Yunnan know about it?
Tihao: 也不是在云南,我忘了是在哪里,但可能对方他不太关注就是国际事务,他学的专业也是其他方面,然后他就问我联合国是什么,我说有点像个像个政府又是一个大型公司,是一个组织。
T ihao: yě bùshì zài Yúnnán, wǒ wàng le shì zài nǎlǐ, dàn kěnéng duìfāng tā bú tài guānzhù jiùshì guójì shìwù, tā xué de zhuānyè yě shì qítā fāngmiàn, ránhòu tā jiù wèn wǒ Liánhéguó shì shénme, wǒ shuō yǒudiǎn xiàng gè xiàng gè zhèngfǔ yòu shì yí gè dàxíng gōngsī, shì yí gè zǔzhī.
Tihao: It’s not in Yunnan. I forgot where it is, but maybe the other person doesn’t pay much attention to international affairs, and his major is other aspects. Then he asked me what the United Nations is, and I said it’s a bit like a government. Another large company, another organization.
Xinqing: 对,你要解释联合国其实还挺难的,我以前我第一份工作在咨询公司,但我也没有办法解释我在咨询公司,后来我很长一段时间都说我在银行工作。
Xinqing: duì, nǐ yào jiěshì Liánhéguó qíshí hái tǐng nán de, wǒ yǐqián wǒ dìyī fèn gōngzuò zài zīxún gōngsī, dàn wǒ yě méiyǒu bànfǎ jiěshì wǒ zài zīxún gōngsī, hòulái wǒ hěn cháng yí duàn shíjiān dōu shuō wǒ zài yínháng gōngzuò.
Xinqing: Yes, it is actually quite difficult for you to explain the United Nations. My first job was in a consulting company, but I couldn’t explain that I was in a consulting company. Later, I said for a long time that I worked in a bank.
Tihao: 这样。
T ihao: zhèyàng.
Tihao: Like this.
Xinqing: 完全没关系。
Xinqing: wánquán méiguānxi.
Xinqing: It doesn’t matter at all.
Tihao: 随便说说是对,大家想听到一个答案。
T ihao: suíbiàn shuōshuo shì duì, dàjiā xiǎng tīngdào yí gè dá’àn.
Tihao: You can say whatever you want, everyone wants to hear an answer.
Xinqing: 对。
Xinqing: duì.
Xinqing: Yes.
tǐng hǎo, jīntiān gēn wǒmen liáo Chūnjié de shì.
Very good, let’s talk about the Spring Festival with us today.
Tihao: 谢谢星Xinqing的邀请。
T ihao: xièxie xīng Xinqing de yāoqǐng.
Tihao: Thank you Xing Xinqing for the invitation.
Xinqing: 好,也祝大家无论是不是中国人在这边说一句春节快乐。
Xinqing: hǎo, yě zhù dàjiā wúlùn shìbùshì Zhōngguó rén zài zhèbiān shuō yījù Chūnjié kuàilè.
Xinqing: Okay, I also wish everyone here, whether they are Chinese or not, a happy Spring Festival.
Tihao: 春节快乐。
T ihao: Chūnjié kuàilè.
Tihao: Happy Chinese New Year.
Xinqing: 好拜拜。
Xinqing: hǎo báibái.
Xinqing: Goodbye.