Episode 58 | Vocabulary

Xinqing Lu (Joanne)
3 min readMar 2, 2024


同事 tóng​shì | colleague
职场 zhí​chǎng | workplace
大同小异 dà​tóng​xiǎo​yì | similar with slight differences
协调 xié​tiáo | coordination
生态 shēng​tài | ecology
国际组织 guó​jì zǔ​zhī | international organization
利益相关方 lì​yì xiāng​guān fāng | stakeholders
打交道 dǎ​jiāo​dào | interact or deal with
咨询 zī​xún | consulting
政府 zhèng​fǔ | government
领导 lǐng​dǎo | leadership
教授 jiào​shòu | professor
草根 cǎo​gēn | grassroots
擅长 shàn​cháng | skilled at, proficient in
学术界 xué​shù​jiè | academic circle
根据不同的角色 gēn​jù bù​tóng de jué​sè | based on different roles
不同文化 bù​tóng wén​huà | cultural differences
不同背景 bù​tóng bèi​jǐng | cultural diversity
不同视角 bù​tóng shì​jiǎo | different perspectives
欣赏 xīn​shǎng | appreciate, admire
尊重 zūn​zhòng | respect
绩效指标 jì​xiào zhǐ​biāo | performance indicators
好奇心 hào​qí​xīn | curiosity
倾听 qīng​tīng | listen attentively and sincerely
试图 shì​tú | attempt or try
销售 xiāo​shòu | sales
发扬 fā​yáng | promote and develop
大局观 dà​jú guān | big picture perspective
优势 yōu​shì | advantage
管得很细 guǎn de hěn xì | micromanage
微观管理 wēi​guān guǎn​lǐ | micromanagement
直截了当 zhí​jié​liǎo​dàng | straightforward, direct
表面上一套,背后一套 biǎo​miàn shàng yī​tào, bèi​hòu yī​tào | double standards
破事 pò shì | trivial matters
阴阳怪气 yīn​yáng​guài​qì | hypocritical or two-faced
很不舒服 hěn bù shū​fu | very uncomfortable
表扬 biǎo​yáng | praise
相亲相爱 undefined | undefined
拉踩 lā cǎi | praise and criticize
贬低 biǎn​dī | belittle or demean
狼性文化 láng xìng wén​huà | wolf culture
有害 yǒu​hài | harmful
抢了我的饭碗 qiǎng le wǒ de fàn​wǎn | took my job
季度 jì​dù | quarter
说白了 shuō​bái​le | in plain terms
末位淘汰 mò wèi táo​tài | last place elimination
考评 kǎo​píng | performance evaluation
惨 cǎn | miserable, unfortunate
触发 chù​fā | trigger
事无巨细 shì​wú​jù​xì | meticulous attention to detail
强加 qiáng​jiā | impose one’s ideas
八字不合 bā​zì bù​hé | incompatible personalities
掌控 zhǎng​kòng | control
气场 qì​cháng | aura or presence
冲突 chōng​tū | conflict
顺畅 shùn​chàng | smooth, fluent
朋友圈 Péng​you​quān | social media circle
承认 chéng​rèn | acknowledge, admit
加班 jiā​bān | work overtime
不太认可 bú tài rèn​kě | not fully approved
说好了 shuō​hǎo le | agreed upon
法定 fǎ​dìng | statutory
个人生活 gè​rén shēng​huó | personal life
干涉 gān​shè | interfere, meddle
夸张 kuā​zhāng | exaggerated
控制狂 kòng​zhì kuáng | control freak
强迫 qiǎng​pò | coerce or force
健身 jiàn​shēn | exercise or fitness
视角 shì​jiǎo | perspective
毫无意义 háo​wú yì​yì | meaningless
琐事 suǒ​shì | trivial matters
多样性 duō​yàng​xìng | diversity
做尝试 zuò cháng​shì | try
包容 bāo​róng | tolerance, acceptance
满分 mǎn​fēn | perfect score
初级的员工 chū​jí de yuán​gōng | entry-level employees
等级森严 děng​jí sēn​yán | strict hierarchy
自主创新 zì​zhǔ chuàng​xīn | independent innovation
政治体制 zhèng​zhì​tǐ​zhì | political system
鼓励个性化 gǔ​lì gè​xìng​huà | encourage individuality
长辈 zhǎng​bèi | elders
长幼有序 zhǎng​yòu yǒu​xù | hierarchy based on age
君君臣臣父子子 jūn jūn​chén chén fù​zǐ zi | hierarchy in family and society
谦卑 qiān​bēi | humble or modest
下属 xià​shǔ | subordinate
低微 dī​wēi | humble and insignificant
臣民 chén​mín | subjects or citizens
孝敬 xiào​jìng | filial piety
地位 dì​wèi | status or position
尊老爱幼 zūn​lǎo​’ài​yòu | respect for elders and love for the young
美德 Měi​Dé | virtue
有序 yǒu​xù | orderly
洗脑 xǐ​nǎo | brainwashing
资深 zī​shēn | experienced



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