SE 12 | 聊聊我的工作 What do I do for a living?

Xinqing Lu (Joanne)
15 min readAug 6, 2023


Xinqing: 大家好。
Xinqing: dà​jiā hǎo.
Xinqing: Hello everyone.

yì tīng zhè​ge kǒu​yīn jiù zhī​dào jīn​tiān de jiā​bīn shì wǒ de lǎo​gōng, wǒ​men de tè​shū jiā​bīn, duì.
As soon as I hear this accent, I know that today’s guest is my husband, our special guest, yes.

David: dà​jiā hǎo.
David: Hello everyone.

David: yòu shì tā de lǎo​gōng, yòu shì wǒ.
David: It’s her husband again, and it’s me again.

David:Hello hello大家。
David: Hello hello dà​jiā.
David: Hello hello everyone.

Xinqing: 我们这几个星期都挺忙的,所以有一段时间没有跟大家更新节目了,主要是忙什么?
Xinqing: wǒ​men zhè jǐ​ge xīng​qī dōu tǐng máng de, suǒ​yǐ yǒu yí duàn shí​jiān méi​yǒu gēn dà​jiā gēng​xīn jié​mù le, zhǔ​yào shì máng shén​me?
Xinqing: We have been very busy these few weeks, so we haven’t updated the program with you for a while. What are you mainly busy with?

David: wǒ​men máng hěn duō shì, wǒ​men dōu yǒu wǒ​men de shēng​rì, suǒ​yǐ wǒ​men yǒu liǎng gè shēng​rì, yě yǒu liǎng gè shēng​rì de pài​duì.
David: We are busy with many things, we all have our birthdays, so we have two birthdays and two birthday parties.

Xinqing: 我们两个生日其实挺近的,我的生日是在7月份,然后David生日其实是前天来我们录节目的两天前,8月初是他的生日,所以我们特别忙,因为每天我们也不是每一天都在庆祝生日,但是我们见了很多的朋友。
Xinqing: wǒ​men liǎng gè shēng​rì qí​shí tǐng jìn de, wǒ de shēng​rì shì zài 7 yuè​fèn, rán​hòu David shēng​rì qí​shí shì qián​tiān lái wǒ​men lù jié​mù de liǎng tiān qián, 8 yuè​chū shì tā de shēng​rì, suǒ​yǐ wǒ​men tè​bié máng, yīn​wèi měi​tiān wǒ​men yě bù​shì měi yì tiān dōu zài qìng​zhù shēng​rì, dàn​shì wǒ​men jiàn le hěn duō de péng​you.
Xinqing: Our two birthdays are actually very close. My birthday is in July, and David’s birthday is actually two days before the day before yesterday when we recorded the program. His birthday is in early August, so we are very busy, because every day we have Not every birthday is celebrated, but we meet a lot of friends.

David: rán​hòu qìng​zhù shēng​rì shì wǒ​men de hūn​lǐ de zěn​me shuō jì​niàn​rì, duì.
David: And celebrating the birthday is how to say the anniversary of our wedding, yes.

Xinqing: 因为我们去年也是8月份的时候结婚,所以今年现在这个时候是我们的结婚一周年纪念日。
Xinqing: yīn​wèi wǒ​men qù​nián yě shì 8 yuè​fèn de shí​hou jié​hūn, suǒ​yǐ jīn​nián xiàn​zài zhè​ge shí​hou shì wǒ​men de jié​hūn yī​zhōu nián jì​niàn​rì.
Xinqing: Because we got married in August last year, so this time this year is our first wedding anniversary.

David: yī​zhōu nián jì​niàn​rì.
David: One year anniversary.

Xinqing: 对,所以也挺忙的,但今天主要想跟大家聊什么?
Xinqing: duì, suǒ​yǐ yě tǐng máng de, dàn jīn​tiān zhǔ​yào xiǎng gēn dà​jiā liáo shén​me?
Xinqing: Yes, so I am quite busy, but what do you want to talk about with you today?

wǒ gāng​cái xiǎng le yì xiǎng, wǒ fā​xiàn wǒ cóng​lái méi​yǒu zài jié​mù lǐ hé dà​jiā liáo guò wǒ de gōng​zuò, duì zhī​qián gēn yǒu yì qī jié​mù gēn visual shāo​wēi liáo guò yī​xiē guān​yú kě chí​xù fā​zhǎn jiù​shì suǒ​wèi de sustainibility, dàn​shì qí​shí méi​yǒu rèn​zhēn de tǎo​lùn guò guān​yú huán​jìng guān​yú zì​rán de yì​tí, suǒ​yǐ jīn​tiān kě​yǐ gēn dà​jiā jiè​shào yī​xià wǒ de gōng​zuò.
I thought about it just now, and I realized that I have never talked about my work with you on the show. I had a little chat with Visual about sustainable development, which is the so-called sustainability, but there was no serious discussion. I have talked about the environment and nature, so today I can introduce my work to you.

David: duì, wǒ kě​yǐ gěi nǐ cǎi​fǎng.
David: Yes, I can interview you.

采访我可以采访你,对,所以这是你第一次在你自己的 Pod cast被采访。
cǎi​fǎng wǒ kě​yǐ cǎi​fǎng nǐ, duì, suǒ​yǐ zhè shì nǐ dì​yī​cì zài nǐ zì​jǐ de P od cast bèi cǎi​fǎng.
Interview I can interview you, yes, so this is the first time you’ve been interviewed on your own pod cast.

Xinqing: 对,因为之前基本上都是我采访朋友问他们问题,对,但我其实也挺享受被人采访,然后可以聊一聊我的工作。
Xinqing: duì, yīn​wèi zhī​qián jī​běn​shang dōu shì wǒ cǎi​fǎng péng​you wèn tā​men wèn​tí, duì, dàn wǒ qí​shí yě tǐng xiǎng​shòu bèi rén cǎi​fǎng, rán​hòu kě​yǐ liáo yì liáo wǒ de gōng​zuò.
Xinqing: Yes, because I basically interviewed friends and asked them questions, yes, but I actually enjoy being interviewed, and then I can talk about my work.

David: suǒ​yǐ wǒ dì​yī gè wèn​tí shì nǐ de gōng​zuò shì shén​me?
David: So my first question is what is your job?

Xinqing: 是我负责做环境保护和生物多样性保护相关的工作?
Xinqing: shì wǒ fù​zé zuò huán​jìng​bǎo​hù hé shēng​wù duō​yàng​xìng bǎo​hù xiāng​guān de gōng​zuò?
Xinqing: I am in charge of doing work related to environmental protection and biodiversity conservation?

shēng​wù duō​yàng​xìng jiù​shì biodiversity.
Biodiversity is biodiversity.

David: duì duì zhè​ge duō​yàng​xìng, nǐ kě​yǐ zài bié​de shàng​xià​wén yòng ma?
David: Yes, this variety, can you use it in other contexts?

Xinqing: 对可以,比如说所有的diversity都是多样性,你可以有性别的多样性或者种族的多样性,都可以Dai versity,所以biodiversity是生物多样性,这个概念其实还挺怎么说technical的,我刚开始接触这个工作的时候也看了很多的定义,什么叫其实大家可能没有想过这个问题,什么是自然,大自然 nature是一个虽然感觉是挺直观的一个概念,但是你到底怎么定义自然。
Xinqing: duì kě​yǐ, bǐ​rú shuō suǒ​yǒu de diversity dōu shì duō​yàng​xìng, nǐ kě​yǐ yǒu xìng​bié de duō​yàng​xìng huò​zhě zhǒng​zú de duō​yàng​xìng, dōu kě​yǐ Dai versity, suǒ​yǐ biodiversity shì shēng​wù duō​yàng​xìng, zhè​ge gài​niàn qí​shí hái tǐng zěn​me shuō technical de, wǒ gāng kāi​shǐ jiē​chù zhè​ge gōng​zuò de shí​hou yě kàn le hěn duō de dìng​yì, shén​me jiào qí​shí dà​jiā kě​néng méi​yǒu xiǎng guò zhè​ge wèn​tí, shén​me shì zì​rán, dà​zì​rán nature shì yí gè suī​rán gǎn​jué shì tǐng zhí​guān de yí gè gài​niàn, dàn​shì nǐ dào​dǐ zěn​me dìng​yì zì​rán.
Xinqing: Yes, yes, for example, all diversity is diversity. You can have gender diversity or racial diversity, and you can use diversity, so biodiversity is biodiversity. This concept is actually quite technical. When I first came into contact with this work, I also read a lot of definitions. In fact, you may not have thought about this question. What is nature? Nature is a concept that is quite intuitive, but how do you define nature? .

我们我们有一个定义是自然,包括不同的生态系统、ecosystem、生态系统,所以里面有比如说海洋生态系统、森林生态系统、陆地,然后包括大气atmosphere,这些都是自然的一部分,然后自然当中又有生物活的东西,有生物 living room,然后这些生物的多样性,基因的多样性统称为生物多样性。
wǒ​men wǒ​men yǒu yí gè dìng​yì shì zì​rán, bāo​kuò bù​tóng de shēng​tài​xì​tǒng 、ecosystem、 shēng​tài​xì​tǒng, suǒ​yǐ lǐ​miàn yǒu bǐ​rú shuō hǎi​yáng shēng​tài​xì​tǒng 、 sēn​lín shēng​tài​xì​tǒng 、 lù​dì, rán​hòu bāo​kuò dà​qì atmosphere, zhè​xiē dōu shì zì​rán de yī​bù​fen, rán​hòu zì​rán dāng​zhōng yòu yǒu shēng​wù huó de dōng​xi, yǒu shēng​wù living room, rán​hòu zhè​xiē shēng​wù de duō​yàng​xìng, jī​yīn de duō​yàng​xìng tǒng​chēng wèi shēng​wù duō​yàng​xìng.
We have a definition of nature, including different ecosystems, ecosystems, and ecosystems, so there are, for example, marine ecosystems, forest ecosystems, land, and then the atmosphere, which are all part of nature, and then nature There are biological living things and biological living rooms, and the diversity of these organisms and the diversity of genes are collectively called biological diversity.

所以总而言之自然是一个环境保护当中的一个议题,因为我觉得大家可能会比较了解气候变化, climate change,大家很多人一想到环境环境议题,环境保护,现在立刻就会想到气候变化,但是气候变化其实只是环境议题当中的一个部分,不是全部,比如说像污染,像毁林就是砍伐树木,砍伐森林,这些其他的议题都是自然的一部分,不完全是气候变化,所以其他的那些像污染毁林这些自然的议题是我的工作范围。
suǒ​yǐ zǒng​’ér​yán​zhī zì​rán shì yí gè huán​jìng​bǎo​hù dāng​zhōng de yí gè yì​tí, yīn​wèi wǒ jué​de dà​jiā kě​néng huì bǐ​jiào liǎo​jiě qì​hòu​biàn​huà, climate change, dà​jiā hěn duō rén yì xiǎng​dào huán​jìng huán​jìng yì​tí, huán​jìng​bǎo​hù, xiàn​zài lì​kè jiù huì xiǎng​dào qì​hòu​biàn​huà, dàn​shì qì​hòu​biàn​huà qí​shí zhǐ​shì huán​jìng yì​tí dāng​zhōng de yí gè bù​fen, bù​shì quán​bù, bǐ​rú shuō xiàng wū​rǎn, xiàng huǐ lín jiù​shì kǎn​fá shù​mù, kǎn​fá sēn​lín, zhè​xiē qí​tā de yì​tí dōu shì zì​rán de yī​bù​fen, bù wán​quán shì qì​hòu​biàn​huà, suǒ​yǐ qí​tā de nà​xiē xiàng wū​rǎn huǐ lín zhè​xiē zì​rán de yì​tí shì wǒ de gōng​zuò fàn​wéi.
So all in all, it is naturally an issue of environmental protection, because I think everyone may have a better understanding of climate change, climate change, when many of you think of environmental issues, environmental protection, you will immediately think of climate change, but climate change is actually It is only a part of environmental issues, not all of them. For example, pollution, deforestation means cutting down trees, deforestation, these other issues are part of nature, not entirely climate change, so other issues like pollution and deforestation These natural issues are the scope of my work.

David: duì, suǒ​yǐ zài nǐ de gōng​zuò zhōng nǐ zhēn de zuò shén​me?
David: Right, so what do you actually do in your work?

nǐ de shí​jì​shàng gōng​zuò shì shén​me?
What is your actual job?

Xinqing: 就是因为世界经济论坛的主要的工作的话,我们会接触很多的公司,企业,对吧?
Xinqing: jiù​shì yīn​wèi shì​jiè jīng​jì lùn​tán de zhǔ​yào de gōng​zuò de​huà, wǒ​men huì jiē​chù hěn duō de gōng​sī, qǐ​yè, duì ba?
Xinqing: Because of the main work of the World Economic Forum, we will contact many companies and enterprises, right?

然后比如说像全世界比较大的企业,他们都对自然有影响,这些公司他们在他们的上下游,上游的供应链,下游,比如说在零售或者在消费者,包括他们的direct operation,他们的运营工厂制造,所有这一些生产的环节都会对自然产生影响。
rán​hòu bǐ​rú shuō xiàng quán​shì​jiè bǐ​jiào dà de qǐ​yè, tā​men dōu duì zì​rán yǒu yǐng​xiǎng, zhè​xiē gōng​sī tā​men zài tā​men de shàng​xià yóu, shàng​yóu de gōng​yīng​liàn, xià​yóu, bǐ​rú shuō zài líng​shòu huò​zhě zài xiāo​fèi​zhě, bāo​kuò tā​men de direct operation, tā​men de yùn​yíng gōng​chǎng zhì​zào, suǒ​yǒu zhè yī​xiē shēng​chǎn de huán​jié dōu huì duì zì​rán chǎn​shēng yǐng​xiǎng.
Then, for example, the relatively large companies in the world have an impact on nature. These companies have their upstream and downstream, upstream supply chain, and downstream, such as retail or consumers, including their direct operations. All of these production links will have an impact on nature.

bǐ​rú shuō yǒu hěn duō de qǐ​yè yòng hěn duō de shuǐ, yǒu hěn duō Dàn​shuǐ de Zī​yuán, nà qǐ​yè yě yǒu kě​néng huì zài shēng​chǎn guò​chéng zhōng yǒu wū​rǎn, wǎng hǎi​yáng huò​zhě Dàn​shuǐ xì​tǒng lǐ​miàn zhí​jiē pái​wū shuǐ, rán​hòu yě bāo​kuò wǎng dà​qì lǐ​miàn, bǐ​rú shuō pái​fàng yī​xiē yǒu​dú de qì​tǐ, rán​hòu zuì​hòu bǐ​rú shuō xiàng sù​liào wū​rǎn yě shì wǒ​men jīng​cháng tīng​dào de, suǒ​yǐ zhè​xiē qǐ​yè dōu duì zì​rán yǒu hěn duō de fù​miàn yǐng​xiǎng, wǒ de gōng​zuò hé zhè​xiē qǐ​yè bāng​zhù zhè​xiē qǐ​yè qù kàn tā​men zěn​me​yàng kě​yǐ gǎi​biàn tā​men de shāng​yè​mó​shì, gǎi​biàn tā​men de shēng​chǎn mó​shì, jiǎn​shǎo tā​men duì zì​rán de fù​miàn yǐng​xiǎng, rán​hòu yě xī​wàng tā​men néng​gòu gèng duō de tóu​rù.
For example, many enterprises use a lot of water and have a lot of fresh water resources, so the enterprises may also pollute in the production process, directly discharge sewage into the ocean or freshwater system, and then also discharge into the atmosphere, for example, discharge some Toxic gas, and finally plastic pollution, for example, is what we often hear, so these companies have a lot of negative impacts on nature. My work and these companies help these companies see how they can change their business models , change their production mode, reduce their negative impact on nature, and hope they can invest more.

我们有一个词叫基于自然的解决方案,nature based solutions有点technical,但主要比如说像企业也可以帮助种树,可以帮助保护湿地,保护自比如说修复海洋系统等等,所以企业其实可以为保护自然做很多的事情。
wǒ​men yǒu yí gè cí jiào jī​yú zì​rán de jiě​jué fāng​’àn, nature based solutions yǒu​diǎn technical, dàn zhǔ​yào bǐ​rú shuō xiàng qǐ​yè yě kě​yǐ bāng​zhù zhòng​shù, kě​yǐ bāng​zhù bǎo​hù shī​dì, bǎo​hù zì bǐ​rú shuō xiū​fù hǎi​yáng xì​tǒng děng​děng, suǒ​yǐ qǐ​yè qí​shí kě​yǐ wèi bǎo​hù zì​rán zuò hěn duō de shì​qing.
We have a term called nature-based solutions. Nature-based solutions are a bit technical, but mainly for example, companies can also help plant trees, help protect wetlands, protect themselves, such as repairing marine systems, etc., so companies can actually help protect Nature does many things.

我觉得其实跟大家也知道climate change actions,climate actions也很像,很多的咨询公司现在会帮助企业制定零碳的减排计划,零碳就是 NetZero减排就是decarbonization。
wǒ jué​de qí​shí gēn dà​jiā yě zhī​dào climate change actions, climate actions yě hěn xiàng, hěn duō de zī​xún gōng​sī xiàn​zài huì bāng​zhù qǐ​yè zhì​dìng líng tàn de jiǎn​pái jì​huà, líng tàn jiù​shì NetZero jiǎn​pái jiù​shì decarbonization.
I think climate change actions are similar to what everyone knows about climate change actions. Many consulting companies now help companies formulate zero-carbon emission reduction plans. Zero carbon means NetZero emission reduction means decarbonization.

所以我们要做的在自然的方面也希望企业可以多做贡献,然后可以变成nature positive。
suǒ​yǐ wǒ​men yào zuò de zài zì​rán de fāng​miàn yě xī​wàng qǐ​yè kě​yǐ duō zuò gòng​xiàn, rán​hòu kě​yǐ biàn​chéng nature positive.
So what we want to do is also hope that enterprises can make more contributions in terms of nature, and then they can become nature positive.

David:对,所以nature positive是什么?
David: duì, suǒ​yǐ nature positive shì shén​me?
David: Right, so what is nature positive?

nǐ kě​yǐ zēng​jiā gèng duō zì​rán ma huò​zhě shén​me de.
Can you add more nature or something.

Xinqing: 对,其实这个概念和net zero挺像的,我们知道气候变化net zero,它最终的目的是排放净零,比如说企业都会排放碳排放温室气体,然后你也首先要减少你的温室气体排放,然后你再offset对吧?
Xinqing: duì, qí​shí zhè​ge gài​niàn hé net zero tǐng xiàng de, wǒ​men zhī​dào qì​hòu​biàn​huà net zero, tā zuì​zhōng de mù​dì shì pái​fàng jìng líng, bǐ​rú shuō qǐ​yè dōu huì pái​fàng tàn pái​fàng wēn​shì qì​tǐ, rán​hòu nǐ yě shǒu​xiān yào jiǎn​shǎo nǐ de wēn​shì qì​tǐ pái​fàng, rán​hòu nǐ zài offset duì ba?
Xinqing: Yes, in fact, the concept is quite similar to net zero. We know net zero for climate change. Its ultimate goal is to emit net zero emissions. For example, companies will emit carbon emissions and greenhouse gases, and then you must first reduce your greenhouse gases Emission, and then you offset, right?

Offset dāng​rán shì yí gè dǐ​xiāo, shì yí gè fēi​cháng yǒu zhēng​yì de huà​tí, dàn​shì zuì​hòu fǎn​zhèng nǐ de mù​biāo shì xī​wàng wǒ​men zhěng​gè quán​qiú de pái​fàng quán​bù dǐ​xiāo diào biàn​chéng 0, rán​hòu jiù zài​yě bù​huì zēng​jiā wēn​shì qì​tǐ le.
Offset is of course an offset, and it is a very controversial topic, but in the end, anyway, your goal is to hope that our entire global emissions will be offset to zero, and then there will be no increase in greenhouse gases.

nà​me zài wǒ​men zì​rán de lǐng​yù, dà​jiā yě zhī​dào, zài guò​qù de 30 nián 40 nián, wǒ​men de jīng​jì fā​zhǎn hé rén​lèi de hěn duō huó​dòng dōu dǎo​zhì zì​rán de sǔn​huài hé shēng​wù duō​yàng​xìng xià​jiàng.
Well, in our natural field, we all know that in the past 30 or 40 years, our economic development and many human activities have resulted in the damage of nature and the decline of biodiversity.

有一个数据是现在可能全世界有100万个物种 Species, 是因为人类的活动现在有灭绝的危险,这个是一个国际组织iucn他会列每年他都会列遭受有灭绝危险的物种的名单,所以有100万个物种现在都遭受面临灭绝的危险。
yǒu yí gè shù​jù shì xiàn​zài kě​néng quán​shì​jiè yǒu 100 wàn gè wù​zhǒng Species, shì yīn​wèi rén​lèi de huó​dòng xiàn​zài yǒu miè​jué de wēi​xiǎn, zhè​ge shì yí gè guó​jì zǔ​zhī iucn tā huì liè měi​nián tā dōu huì liè zāo​shòu yǒu miè​jué wēi​xiǎn de wù​zhǒng de míng​dān, suǒ​yǐ yǒu 100 wàn gè wù​zhǒng xiàn​zài dōu zāo​shòu miàn​lín miè​jué de wēi​xiǎn.
There is a data that there may be 1 million Species in the world now, because human activities are now in danger of extinction. This is an international organization iucn, which will list the species that are in danger of extinction every year, so there are One million species are now threatened with extinction.

rán​hòu wǒ​men yě zhī​dào quán​qiú bǐ​rú shuō shuǐ Zī​yuán 、 dà​qì​wū​rǎn 、 sù​liào wū​rǎn dōu shì hěn yán​zhòng de wèn​tí, duì ba?
Then we also know that water resources, air pollution, and plastic pollution are all serious problems in the world, right?

所以我们希望首先以2020年为基础,以2020年作为一个baseline,我们希望到2030年的时候可以扭转生物多样性下降和自然下降的趋势,也就是说我们希望全球的生物多样性,减少社会多样性的损失,然后到2030年恢复到2020年的水平,然后你可以想象有一条曲线,到2050年完全恢复到自然,这个就for a coffee自然完全恢复的一个状态。
suǒ​yǐ wǒ​men xī​wàng shǒu​xiān yǐ 2020 nián wèi jī​chǔ, yǐ 2020 nián zuò​wéi yí gè baseline, wǒ​men xī​wàng dào 2030 nián de shí​hou kě​yǐ niǔ​zhuǎn shēng​wù duō​yàng​xìng xià​jiàng hé zì​rán xià​jiàng de qū​shì, yě​jiù​shì​shuō wǒ​men xī​wàng quán​qiú de shēng​wù duō​yàng​xìng, jiǎn​shǎo shè​huì duō​yàng​xìng de sǔn​shī, rán​hòu dào 2030 nián huī​fù dào 2020 nián de shuǐ​píng, rán​hòu nǐ kě​yǐ xiǎng​xiàng yǒu yì tiáo qū​xiàn, dào 2050 nián wán​quán huī​fù dào zì​rán, zhè​ge jiù for a coffee zì​rán wán​quán huī​fù de yí gè zhuàng​tài.
Therefore, we hope to take 2020 as the basis and use 2020 as a baseline. We hope that by 2030, the decline in biodiversity and natural decline can be reversed. That is to say, we hope that global biodiversity will reduce social diversity. Sexual loss, and then return to the level of 2020 by 2030, and then you can imagine a curve that will completely return to nature by 2050. This is a state where for a coffee is fully restored naturally.

David: nǐ méi​yǒu hěn duō shí​jiān.
David: You don’t have a lot of time.

Xinqing: 对2030年只有现在还有7年的时间吗?
Xinqing: duì 2030 nián zhī yǒu xiàn​zài hái​yǒu 7 nián de shí​jiān ma?
Xinqing: Is there only 7 years left for 2030?

dàn wǒ​men xiǎng zuò de shì shǒu​xiān yào niǔ​zhuǎn qū​shì, yīn​wèi xiàn​zài zhěng​gè qū​shì hái​shi zài xià​jiàng, wǒ​men měi​nián dōu zài wǒ​men dōu zài jiǎn​shǎo, zì​rán wǒ​men dōu zài shī​qù, bǐ​rú shuō wǒ​men zhī​dào hěn duō de sēn​lín, xiàng Yà​mǎ​xùn de sēn​lín dōu bèi kǎn​fá, rán​hòu měi​nián dōu yǒu wù​zhǒng bù​tíng de zài miè​jué, suǒ​yǐ shǒu​xiān yào niǔ​zhuǎn zhè​ge qū​shì.
But what we want to do is to reverse the trend first, because now the whole trend is still declining, we are reducing every year, and naturally we are all losing, for example, we know that many forests, such as Amazon forests, have been cut down, Then there are species that keep going extinct every year, so we must first reverse this trend.

rán​hòu wǒ​men huì xī​wàng gèng duō de Shù​lín, gèng duō de shēng​huó duō​yàng​xìng huī​fù, rán​hòu 2030 nián zhì​shǎo xī​wàng kě​yǐ huī​fù dào 2020 nián de jī​xiàn.
And then we’ll hope for more forests, more biodiversity recovery, and then hopefully in 2030 at least back to the 2020 baseline.

David: suǒ​yǐ wǒ huì shǒu​xiān wèn nǐ, nǐ gōng​zuò zhōng de zuì tǎo​yàn de dì​fāng shì shén​me?
David: So I’ll start by asking you, what’s the most annoying thing about your job?

rán​hòu wǒ​men kě​yǐ tǎo​lùn nǐ zuì xǐ​huan de yí gè dì​fāng.
Then we can discuss one of your favorite places.

Xinqing: 好问题,工作中最讨厌的地方是什么?
Xinqing: hǎo wèn​tí, gōng​zuò zhōng zuì tǎo​yàn de dì​fāng shì shén​me?
Xinqing: Good question, what is the most annoying part of work?

我觉得我觉得最大的阻碍或者最讨厌的地方是我觉得现在很多的公司和企业还没有保护自然,或者说保护自然是他们的不是他们最关心的东西,所以对我来说工作比较难以展开,因为我每天都会跟企业的负责可持续发展的人去劝说他们,去convince他们自然是一个很重要的话题,但是因为现在所有的精力都放在了减排零碳,放在decarbonization,所以几乎所有的公司它都会有natural strategy,对吧?
wǒ jué​de wǒ jué​de zuì dà de zǔ​’ài huò​zhě zuì tǎo​yàn de dì​fāng shì wǒ jué​de xiàn​zài hěn duō de gōng​sī hé qǐ​yè hái méi​yǒu bǎo​hù zì​rán, huò​zhě shuō bǎo​hù zì​rán shì tā​men de bù​shì tā​men zuì guān​xīn de dōng​xi, suǒ​yǐ duì wǒ lái shuō gōng​zuò bǐ​jiào nán​yǐ zhǎn​kāi, yīn​wèi wǒ měi​tiān dōu huì gēn qǐ​yè de fù​zé kě chí​xù fā​zhǎn de rén qù quàn​shuō tā​men, qù convince tā​men zì​rán shì yí gè hěn zhòng​yào de huà​tí, dàn​shì yīn​wèi xiàn​zài suǒ​yǒu de jīng​lì dōu fàng zài le jiǎn​pái líng tàn, fàng zài decarbonization, suǒ​yǐ jī​hū suǒ​yǒu de gōng​sī tā dōu huì yǒu natural strategy, duì ba?
I think the biggest obstacle or the most annoying thing is that I think many companies and enterprises have not protected nature, or that protecting nature is not what they care about most, so it is difficult for me to work. Because I talk to the person in charge of sustainable development of the company every day to persuade them, and it is naturally a very important topic to convince them, but because all the energy is now focused on reducing carbon emissions and decarbonization, almost all Any company will have a natural strategy, right?

jìng líng pái​fàng de yí gè zhàn​lüè, rán​hòu tā​men dōu huì yǒu zhuān​mén de rén zhuān​mén de yuán​gōng bù​mén qù zuò yī​xiē shù​jù de shōu​jí, rán​hòu měi​nián de fā​bù yī​xiē bào​gào děng​děng.
A strategy for net zero emissions, and then they will have dedicated people and dedicated staff departments to collect some data, and then release some reports every year and so on.

但所以他们现在感觉很多公司都没有时间没有精力去想另外的话题,所以我觉得保护自然就变成了一个second issue。
dàn suǒ​yǐ tā​men xiàn​zài gǎn​jué hěn duō gōng​sī dōu méi​yǒu shí​jiān méi​yǒu jīng​lì qù xiǎng lìng​wài de huà​tí, suǒ​yǐ wǒ jué​de bǎo​hù zì​rán jiù biàn​chéng le yí gè second issue.
But now they feel that many companies have no time or energy to think about other topics, so I think protection has naturally become a second issue.

David: duì wǒ kě​yǐ míng​bai.
David: I can understand.

Xinqing: 所以我每次跟他们聊,跟公司聊天就会觉得推广我们的议题非常困难,对。
Xinqing: suǒ​yǐ wǒ měi​cì gēn tā​men liáo, gēn gōng​sī liáo​tiān jiù huì jué​de tuī​guǎng wǒ​men de yì​tí fēi​cháng kùn​nan, duì.
Xinqing: So every time I chat with them or the company, I find it very difficult to promote our issues, yes.

David: suǒ​yǐ nǐ zuì xǐ​huan de yí gè dì​fāng shì shén​me?
David: So what is one of your favorite places?

Xinqing: 最喜欢的是当然我觉得就是因为这个议题现在还是比较前沿,所以我还是可以学到很多东西,然后我觉得它也在一个上升的趋势当中,比较比如说我们觉得非常inspiring的一件事情是去年12月份在全球在蒙特利尔,加拿大的蒙特利尔达成了一项全球的公约,叫做生物多样性公约。
Xinqing: zuì xǐ​huan de shì dāng​rán wǒ jué​de jiù​shì yīn​wèi zhè​ge yì​tí xiàn​zài hái​shi bǐ​jiào qián​yán, suǒ​yǐ wǒ hái​shi kě​yǐ xué dào hěn duō dōng​xi, rán​hòu wǒ jué​de tā yě zài yí gè shàng​shēng de qū​shì dāng​zhōng, bǐ​jiào bǐ​rú shuō wǒ​men jué​de fēi​cháng inspiring de yí jiàn shì​qing shì qù​nián 12 yuè​fèn zài quán​qiú zài Méng​tè​lì​’ěr, Jiā​ná​dà de Méng​tè​lì​’ěr dá​chéng le yí xiàng quán​qiú de gōng​yuē, jiào​zuò shēng​wù duō​yàng​xìng gōng​yuē.
Xinqing: What I like most is, of course, I think it is because this topic is still relatively cutting-edge, so I can still learn a lot, and then I think it is also in an upward trend. For example, we think it is a very inspiring thing It was last December that a global convention was reached in Montreal, Canada, called the Convention on Biological Diversity.

其实大家都可能听说过巴黎公约关于气候变化的 Paris agreement,这个是我们在生物多样性一样的公约。
qí​shí dà​jiā dōu kě​néng tīng​shuō guò Bā​lí gōng​yuē guān​yú qì​hòu​biàn​huà de P aris agreement, zhè​ge shì wǒ​men zài shēng​wù duō​yàng​xìng yī​yàng de gōng​yuē.
In fact, everyone may have heard of the Paris agreement on climate change, which is the same convention we have in biodiversity.

全球有196个政府,他们都同意说我们要扭转生物多样性的损失,我们要每一个政府都要制定生物多样性保护的策略,所以其实跟巴黎协定 Paris agreement是很像的,所以去年达成了历史性的公约以后,我觉得很多企业开始慢慢重视这个话题,然后很多政府也开始重视,有很多新的一些发展,比如说像政策制定,然后像一些强制性披露的要求,包括像美国证监会,像欧盟的 Eu的这个披露的 taxonomy,绿色分类,我中文也不知道怎么叫,反正有很多新的一些发展,所以我觉得还是,挺乐观的 promising。
quán​qiú yǒu 196 gè zhèng​fǔ, tā​men dōu tóng​yì shuō wǒ​men yào niǔ​zhuǎn shēng​wù duō​yàng​xìng de sǔn​shī, wǒ​men yào měi yí gè zhèng​fǔ dōu yào zhì​dìng shēng​wù duō​yàng​xìng bǎo​hù de cè​lüè, suǒ​yǐ qí​shí gēn Bā​lí xié​dìng P aris agreement shì hěn xiàng de, suǒ​yǐ qù​nián dá​chéng le lì​shǐ​xìng de gōng​yuē yǐ​hòu, wǒ jué​de hěn duō qǐ​yè kāi​shǐ màn​màn zhòng​shì zhè​ge huà​tí, rán​hòu hěn duō zhèng​fǔ yě kāi​shǐ zhòng​shì, yǒu hěn duō xīn de yī​xiē fā​zhǎn, bǐ​rú shuō xiàng zhèng​cè zhì​dìng, rán​hòu xiàng yī​xiē qiáng​zhì xìng pī​lù de yāo​qiú, bāo​kuò xiàng Měi​guó Zhèng​jiān​huì, xiàng Oū​méng de Eu de zhè​ge pī​lù de taxonomy, lǜ​sè fēn​lèi, wǒ Zhōng​wén yě bù zhī​dào zěn​me jiào, fǎn​zhèng yǒu hěn duō xīn de yī​xiē fā​zhǎn, suǒ​yǐ wǒ jué​de hái​shi, tǐng lè​guān de promising.
There are 196 governments around the world, and they all agree that we want to reverse the loss of biodiversity, and we need every government to formulate strategies for biodiversity protection, so it is actually very similar to the Paris agreement, so it was reached last year After the historic convention, I think many companies began to pay attention to this topic, and then many governments also began to pay attention to it. There are many new developments, such as policy formulation, and then some mandatory disclosure requirements, including the US Securities Regulatory Commission. Yes, like the taxonomy disclosed by the European Union, the green classification, I don’t know how to call it in Chinese, anyway, there are many new developments, so I think it is still very optimistic promising.

David:所以这样的很大的会议跟很多的国家很多的这样的the system makers,让你很高兴。
David: suǒ​yǐ zhè​yàng de hěn dà de huì​yì gēn hěn duō de guó​jiā hěn duō de zhè​yàng de the system makers, ràng nǐ hěn gāo​xìng.
David: So you are very happy to have such a big meeting with many of the system makers in many countries.

Xinqing: 对我觉得有看到进步,觉得慢慢的这个话题现在在 rising on the agenda,慢慢的我觉得一说到我感觉我今天语速特别快,说到我的专业领域就说得很快,希望听众们可以听懂,如果听不懂的话可以看我们的transcript和vocabulary,也希望如果有这个听众对这个话题感兴趣的话,我们可以再做一期节目,专门讨论关于生物多样性和自然的话题。
Xinqing: duì wǒ jué​de yǒu kàn dào jìn​bù, jué​de màn​màn de zhè​ge huà​tí xiàn​zài zài rising on the agenda, màn​màn de wǒ jué​de yī​shuō dào wǒ gǎn​jué wǒ jīn​tiān yǔ sù tè​bié kuài, shuō dào wǒ de zhuān​yè lǐng​yù jiù shuō de hěn kuài, xī​wàng tīng​zhòng men kě​yǐ tīng​dǒng, rú​guǒ tīng​bu​dǒng de​huà kě​yǐ kàn wǒ​men de transcript hé vocabulary, yě xī​wàng rú​guǒ yǒu zhè​ge tīng​zhòng duì zhè​ge huà​tí gǎn​xìng​qù de​huà, wǒ​men kě​yǐ zài zuò yì qī jié​mù, zhuān​mén tǎo​lùn guān​yú shēng​wù duō​yàng​xìng hé zì​rán de huà​tí.
Xinqing: For me, I have seen progress. I feel that this topic is slowly rising on the agenda. Slowly, I feel that when it comes to me, I feel that I speak very fast today. When it comes to my professional field, I speak very fast. Hurry up, I hope the audience can understand. If you don’t understand, you can read our transcript and vocabulary. I also hope that if there is an audience who is interested in this topic, we can do another program dedicated to discussing biodiversity and natural topic.

David: duì, wǒ jué​de suǒ​yǒu de dà​jiā dōu jué​de zhè​ge huà​tí tè​bié yǒu​yì​si.
David: Yes, I think everyone finds this topic very interesting.

Xinqing: 你不要讽刺我,好讽刺,讨厌。
Xinqing: nǐ bù​yào fěng​cì wǒ, hǎo fěng​cì, tǎo​yàn.
Xinqing: Don’t be sarcastic, it’s so sarcastic and annoying.

hǎo ba, wǒ​men jīn​tiān jiù liáo dào zhè​lǐ.
Well, we’ll stop here today.

David: duì, xiè​xie dà​jiā.
David: Yes, thank you all.

Xinqing: 拜拜。
Xinqing: bái​bái.
Xinqing: Goodbye.

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